You found 943 newsreels for query "Indian male"

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"Indian male" newsreels and historical clips

Picnic 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:50, published: 5/23/2013

Scene №1 Picnic

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... tablecloth.

Kebab on the grill.

A man makes a toast.

A woman holding a little kid.

Participants picnic drink wine, eat, talk, among them a male Indians.

Male Indians are on the road of birches.

The Maldives. 1978

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:43, published: 11/14/2012


Indian Ocean.

Maldivian archipelago.

Coral atolls.

Tourists on the beach.



Parliament building.

Streets male.

Repair of the street.

Dealer tissues.

Products from cane, copra, shell, coral, shark's jaws.


Floating turtle.




On the tenth anniversary of the Maldives Republic.

A report around the streets of the capital - the city of Male, life and way of live of the Maldives inhabitants.

Reel №1

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... ashore.

A panorama of a skin-diver going into the water; a motor boat drives by.

Male city (the capital of the Maldives Republic), embankment.

The Maldives Republic flag.

The Parliament building.

Reporting from the Male streets.

A panorama of trade on embankment at a market-day: draper, man examine a ...

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... panorama of tourists walking down the Male street.

A panorama of small cart with fish dries-by, fish; boat floats, fisherman; fish in the water.

A panorama of tourists walking along the coast, sunbathing.

A panorama of the Male embankment, the main square of Male, reporting from street of the city.

A ...


Film-travel almanac № 148 1979

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:36, published: 2/27/2015


1. "The capital of the virgin land."

2. "On the river Omolon".

3. "Treasures of Ancient Colchis."

4. "On the Indians' land."

Reel №2


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The gardens on the slopes.

4. On Indian land.

Indian totem pole.

Natural scenery of Canada.

Totem pole.

Motorway in the mountains.



People are on the suspension bridge.

Indian hit the tambourine.

Alternation: tourists on excursions in the Indian settlement, a wooden sculpture from ...

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... from the lodges.

The car in the parking lot.


Indians working at the fair for the tourists.

Pictures of Indian artists.

Woman photographed at the lodge.

Male fish fry.

Tourists on the street.

On the wall of the house lit a lantern.

Man beats a tambourine.

The wooden mask on a pole.

Mountain views ...

Male Zadonsk Monastery 2012

Footage, 17 footages, duration: 0:02:39, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №1 Male Zadonsk Monastery

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Scene №17

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Nativity of the Virgin Cathedral of Zadonsk Monastery male.

The Story about Penguins. 1958

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:36, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


The habitat of emperor penguins in Antarctica.

Icebergs in the Indian Ocean, the floating ice.

Snowy space, icy rock barriers.

Colony of Emperor penguins move to a place of nesting.

Penguin couples (male and female) are incubated egg, keeping it on the feet, the penguins on the snow with an egg,

Reel №1

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Sunrise over the Indian Ocean.

Frozen Sea.

Ice barrier - a narrow edge of the coast of Antarctica.

A colony of Emperor penguins.

Penguins pairs.

Two-male penguins fight for females.

A pair of penguins with eggs.

An egg laid on the legs, covering his mother's warm fur coat.

Mother stands, walks, crawls ...


Secrets of Nature № 23 1995

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:43, published: 6/15/2014


Bonazos; Winged workers; Siamese males.

Reel №1


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... part.

2nd story.


Betta fish swim in an aquarium.

The male builds a nest foam on the water surface (macro).

Female at the bottom of the aquarium.

Ritual dance of male and female spawning.

Male gathers the eggs and put them in the slot.

Third plot.


Oka-Terrace ...


Laboratory - Ocean 1986

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:47:20, published: 8/18/2014

Reel №2

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Indian Ocean

Reel №5

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Indian Ocean

Amazon Indians 1920-1929

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:12:38, black-white, published: 1/14/2020

Reel №1

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... transplanted with motor boats on rowboats.

Boats float down the Amazon.

The first Indian village.

Indians unload luggage expedition.

Indians go out of the total home / Maloqs /.

The expedition members are greeted with the Indians


Women harvested roots mandioki-edible plants.

The roots were washed ...


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Cooking tortillas


Indians at dinner.

Lunch women and children.

The Indians eat a dessert of live ants


The conductor talks with the Indians in the language Tucano.

Member of the expedition doctor is receiving Makkobern Indians


Indian woman with a child.

A group of ...


Germany, the expedition, the Indians, water transport

Germany, woman, plant, fishermen, shipping, river

Germany, woman, craft, fishermen, fishing

Germany, woman, plants, food,

Germany, women, children, food, insects

Germany, the Indians, medicine, personality

Germany, river, children, women

Small wonders of big nature № 7 1973

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:03, published: 10/3/2013

Reel №2

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"500 twins."

Figure: the jungles of South America.

Akara blue aquarium.

Male finds and cleans the place for spawning.

The female lays eggs in neat rows.

The male fertilizes the eggs.

Parents in turn protect the eggs and chase fins water.

Catfish tries unsuccessfully to attack the eggs.

Akara removes ...

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... into larvae.

Akari change their place of residence.

The male builds a nest in the sand spare.

Larvae crawl along the bottom.

Parents carry the larvae in the mouth to a new location.

Fry on roaming.

Catfish fry tries to attack.

Akari catfish male drives away.

Grown fry among aquarium plants.

The Routes of the Young People's Friendship. 1987

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, published: 4/17/2014

Reel №1

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... towers.

Indian arch at Cathedral Square.

Go Mikhail Gorbachev and Rajiv Gandhi spouses.

In Cathedral Square Rajiv Gandhi presented with bread and salt.

Girls in national costumes convey Mikhail Gorbachev and Raisa gifts from India.

PNRM. construct Indians in traditional dress.

A Soviet-Indian friendship ...


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Dancing Soviet and Indian youth.

A group of Indian musicians playing folk instruments.

Secretary of the Komsomol Sergei Rogozhkin says (synchronous and behind the scenes) about the youth program of the Festival of Soviet-Indian friendship.

View from riding the train: forests, mountains.

Indian young people ...

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... conversations over tea.

Meeting the Indian delegation on the station platform.

Girls in national costumes presented bread and salt guests.

Pioneers presented with flowers Indians.

Dancing Soviet and Indian youth.

Indian playing with a ball.

Foreign visitors in the summer camp.

Indians on the deck of a ship sailing ...

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... rock, photographed against the backdrop of Lake Baikal.

Train rides, the Indian girl looking out the window.

View of the Leningrad across the Neva.

Peter and Paul Fortress.

Delegation of Indian guests at hotel "Leningrad".

Indians dancing in the air, watching them crowd the Soviet people.

Train rides. ...

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... balcony of the house.

Dancing in the air Indian and Uzbek youth.

Buses enter the city of Samarkand.

Musicians playing folk wind instruments, the boys banging the drum.

Locals and Indian guests in the square in front of an ancient palace dance in a circle.

Indians get acquainted with the life, visit Uzbek ...

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... Uzbek family.

Performances of rope on the square.

On the platform was escorted train with the Indian delegation.

The train departs.


Gorbachev MS - The first President of the USSR.

R. Gandhi - Indian politician, Prime Minister of India.

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