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"The shaman in a Yurt holds a ritual rite of passage" newsreels and historical clips

The upper world 1992

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:58, published: 2/28/2014


Video about the peoples inhabiting Chukotka from the immemorial time, its way of life, the ancient rites, crafts.

Reel №1 The upper world

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... scenes: ancient wedding ceremony, mention, shaman ritual, making the national drink - araki.

V following filming the movie:

Part 1. Altai mountains landscape view of the village in the mountains, a shepherd tending a flock of sheep, the shaman prepares funeral rite, men sawing wood, fighting two boys, woman ...

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... woman milks a mare, the villagers at the funeral, the shaman performs his ritual.

Preparing a wedding ceremony.

Part 2. Women prepare the bride, the shaman performs his ritual in the tent, the view of the burning fire, making the national drink - Araki, a general view of a wedding feast, dancing men ...

Batozhabay in flashback 1991

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:48:31, published: 7/24/2014

Reel №1

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Photo of a baby.


A Buddhist holiday.

A big bonfire is burning.

A ceremony is held, the shaman beats a tambourine, and so on.

Large - the flame of the fire.

Photo of Batozhabai B. O. - Buryat novelist and playwright.

Buryatia, the village of Dogoy.

Celebration of the New Year according to the ...

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... room is playing, dancing, a group of boys are playing board games.

Says Dashitsyren Dashibymbrylov.

Mountain landscape.

Steppe, snow, there is a Buryat yurt.

Horses tied to a post.

View of mountains, forests, hills.

In the frame is Lhamasu Batozhabai, the writer's widow.

Panorama of the steppe.

Lhamasu Batozhabai ...



Writer, yurt, shaman, ritual, airplane, steppe, mountains

The origin of religion 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:48, black-white, published: 2/20/2015

Reel №1


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... bones.

Sculptural portraits of pithecanthropus and sinanthropus, reconstructed from their skulls.

Neanderthal sculpture.

A drawing depicting the burial rite of a Neanderthal.

Archaeologists during excavations.

Release of the Cro-Magnon skull bones from the sand and earth.

Photographing finds.

Remains from ...

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... Polynesia on the river near the boat.

Ritual dances in the tribes living in Polynesia and the Amazon Valley.

Masks for religious ceremonies.

Totems of various tribes of North America and Australia.

Wax figures of Indians in totem masks and ornaments.

Performance of ritual dances by the Papuans of New Guinea ...

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... festival of the Ude people.

Performing rituals of eating bear meat and sacrificing to the spirits in the form of a piece of meat.

Bear skull on a tree.

A wax figure of an Indian shaman.

The "Death Bone" wand, common in Australia.

Photos of rituals and rites held before the hunt.

Reel №2


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... performance of ritual dances among Buddhists.

Llamas blow long trumpets.

Performing one of the Lamaist rites with elements of magic.

The ritual of self-torture "shahsei-vakhsei" among Shiite Muslims.

Service and rituals in the Orthodox church.

The bishop fumigates the congregation with a censer.

The rite of infant ...


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Masks and figures in the museum's window.

A wax figure of a shaman during the ritual of summoning spirits-kamlaniya.

Newsreel of the 1920s: a shaman of one of the peoples of the North is holding a kamlaniye, the face of a shaman.

Performing a ritual dance.

The peasant makes the sign of the cross.

The procession ...


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... Grain in human hands.

Photos of people of different professions and representatives of different peoples.

The painting is an allegory depicting a man holding the sun in his hands.

The Russians № 4 1994

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:59, published: 8/10/2018


About shamanism - one of the oldest religions based on the communication of a shaman with spirits in a trance state.

The film uses fragments of the performance of the Tuvan theater "Kuzel".

Reel №1

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M. B. Kenin-Lopsan (synchronously) about shamans..

Shaman Kuzhuget B. L. kamlaet in a forest clearing (synchronously).

Children pass each other a bowl with a drink.

M. Kenin-Lopsan about the human soul (synchronously).

Fragment of the play " Shaman "of the Kuzel Theater (Honored Artist of the Republic ...

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... pens.

Shaman kamlaet.

Actors of the theater "Kuzel" perform a fragment from the play "Shaman".

Director of the theater "Kuzel" Meloyan V. Sh.

The shaman Kuular Makur-ool Seveenovich performs some kind of ritual near the stalls with sheep.

The building of the society of shamans of Dungur.

A shaman performs ...

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... performs a ritual over the body of a man.

People are sitting on the street, waiting for a reception at the shaman.

Shaman Elena Chembievna Mongush.



Fragments of d/f " Opium" 1929

Footage, 7 footages, duration: 0:01:14, published: 11/17/2020

Scene №1 Fragments of d/f " Opium"

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A film with anti-religious and propaganda content about the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and religious prejudice.

Shamans perform rituals.

Raging people.

Legged dwarf 1990

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:59, published: 8/20/2014

Reel №1


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... Settlements (villages, towns) on the banks of the Amur River.

Cave paintings.

Amulets shaman.

Cemetery and Ulchs Nivkhs.

The old shaman gives interviews (synchronously).

Tamed boy and bear with dogs.

People rite "Bear's holiday."

Newsreel: The life and experiences Ulchs, holiday hunter.

Tales and were Yugorski ball 1990

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:38, published: 4/24/2023

Reel №1 Tales and were Yugorski ball


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... the taiga.

Mansi sacred stone; gifts at its foot.

Old folk festival on the sacred mountain Mansi: women make about pagan rites stuffed bear, ritual dances and games, dancing shaman folk masters are made of birch bark boxes, jewelry, embroidery, performance musicians playing traditional folk instruments ...


Reel №2


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... taiga.

The sacred stone of Mansi; gifts at its foot.

An ancient folk festival on the sacred mount Mansi: women perform pagan rituals near a stuffed bear, ritual dances and games, shaman dance, folk craftswomen make birch bark boxes, jewelry, embroider, musicians playing national musical instruments.

A.M.Konkova ...


Autumn on Even 1991

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:34, published: 10/13/2013


Ethnographic picture of Evens - their life, rituals, traditions and problems of their conservation.

Reel №1 Autumn on Even

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... herd on the shore of the lake, the views of one of the Even towns, high school students in the classroom during the lesson, a shaman with a tambourine at a fire performs the rite, Even distilled herd of deer in the new pasture, herders' way of life, the general form of leather products made ​​by the Even ...

Frozen melodies Chukotka. 1990

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:45, published: 5/29/2014

Reel №1 Frozen melodies Chukotka.


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... of special devices.

The shaman performs an ancient ritual, dances and beats a tambourine.

Ritual on the background of a burning fire.

A figurine of a Chukchi deity.

Holding an ancient thanksgiving ceremony with the smearing of faces with fresh deer blood.

Preparation of ritual food for spirits.

Hunters ...

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... Hunters arrange bowls with ritual food for the beast.

Ritual miniatures made of bone from the late 19th century.

Master carver at work, figures carved from bone.

Patterns and engravings on walrus bone products.

The process of creating drawings on the bone, the face of the craftswoman.

Genre scenes from Chukchi ...


Voices of ancestors 1994

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:54, published: 7/18/2014

Reel №1


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... Tuvan ancient ritual spoon "nine-eyed" (different types).

Close-up - a panorama of the spoon "nine-eyed".

Tuvan women tie ribbons to a tree - a ritual of tree worship.

In the frame - a shaman - performs a ritual, beats a tambourine, sings a ritual song.

Tuvans are squatting around the shaman, praying.

The ...

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The shaman beats a tambourine.

Shagaa (Tuvan New Year) - folk festivals, a dance group performs - dancing Tuvan folk dances.

A bonfire is burning in the square.

Dancers on stage in ritual national masks.

Decorative figurines in the national style, carved from agalmatolite stone (bulls, dragons, deer ...



Petroglyphs, rock carvings, runic writing, idol, steppe, shaman

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