You found 26 newsreels for query "anvil"

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"anvil" newsreels and historical clips

Master № 2 1000 degrees Celsius. 2002

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:09, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... different blanks, tools - CU.

Hands take out red-hot tongs billet from the furnace to the forge - CU.

Spinning drive wheel hammer - CU.

PNRM. Hammer on the anvil - CU.

The wall with the battery in the forge - MS.

A horse's hoof beats - MS., PNRM.

Foot on the arm of a blacksmith's hammer - CU.

Face blacksmith ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... the forge - CU.

Hang tools in the forge is a blacksmith - CU.

Smith fit the anvil - LS.

Blacksmiths banging hammers on preparation - CU.

Journeyman Andrew Lichman for forging - CU.

The hand with the hammer strikes the anvil - CU.

Horse shakes his head - CU.

Cyril Nevzorov in the smithy at work - CU. ...


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... on the anvil flies' cap »- CU.

Andrei's face Lichman - CU.

Hammer - CU., PNRM. blacksmiths

Sparks - CU.

The red-hot billet on the anvil, the beginning of forging - CU.

A hammer on preparation - CU., PNRM.

Cyril for forging - CU.

Billet pull out of the oven - CU.

Cyril puts a piece on the anvil - LS.

The ...

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... the hoof of a horse - CU.

The hammer has a blank on the anvil - CU.

Hand horse shoe nails - CU.

A hammer on preparation - CU.

The face of a blacksmith - CU.

Hammer blows on the workpiece - CU.

Cyril face - CU.

Attempts on the workpiece on the anvil - CU.

Fire in the furnace, the blank face of a blacksmith ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... blacksmith - CU.

Attempts on the workpiece, the hand puts the hammer on the anvil - CU.

Hang tools in the forge - CU.

Cyril at work in the forge - CU.

Bring a hot preform is placed in the oven - CU.

Andrew prevents coals in a furnace - MS.

Poker hand prevents the coals in the oven - MS., CU.

Work on the metal ...


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Tools in the forge - CU.

Hammer on the anvil - CU.

Blacksmith forges - CU.

Nail on the anvil, blacksmith pounding a nail - CU.

Punches smith - CU.

Andrew forges - CU.

Strikes a nail smiths, forging - CU.

Smiths - MS., Photographed from

Strikes the nail on the anvil - CU.

Cyril works - CU.

Andrew works ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... works - CU.

The fire in the stove, Andrew gets hot nail - CU.

Strikes the nail on the anvil - CU.

Smiths - CU., MS., Photographed from

Andrei's face - CU.

Cyril face - CU.

Andrew forges - CU.

Nail on the anvil, hammer blows - CU.

Struck with a hammer in his hands - CU.

Smiths - CU., MS.

Andrew at work - CU ...

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... CU.

The nail is made in the oven - CU.

Cyril at work - CU.

Strikes the nail on the anvil - CU.

Cyril face - CU.

Hand throws powder on the nail head - CU.

Cyril face - CU.

Cyril has a nail, hammer puts, departs with a nail in his hand - CU.

The hand holds a red-hot pliers and nail down the barrel of water ...


Festival "rook field" 2014-2015

Footage, 23 footages, duration: 0:10:26, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №18

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Anvil, hammer, blacksmith forges.

Scene №20

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Blacksmith forges on the anvil, the audience watching it.

Caring for horses 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:21:40, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Caring for horses

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Blacksmiths in the oven.



Horse in the stable.

Shoeing horses.

Horses in paddocks.

Caring for horses.

Distribute hay to horses.

On a horse wearing a bridle.

Passing horse-drawn carts.

Scene №1 Children in the museum-workshop of the ethnographic complex " Blacksmithing"

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... are considering the exposition of traditional Russian crafts.

Blacksmith shop.

Racks with blacksmithing equipment.

Children are hammering on an anvil.

Turn the foot workbench.

Scene №2 Work in the blacksmith shop on the territory of the ethnographic complex

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Shows examples of metal processing using hand tools and equipment.

The forge is in the forge.

Manual air supply technology to the furnace.

The anvil.

Science and technology № 8 1984

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:29, published: 12/5/2017

Reel №1

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... launched.

Lifting the lighter onto the ship.

Navigation equipment on the ship.

2. "In the diamond anvils".

Laboratory of the Institute of Crystallography of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The diamond anvil.

An experiment in the laboratory.

3. "A unique experiment".

A herd of cows in a pasture.

Laboratory ...


The experience of waiting. 2007

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:00, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... skeleton of the boat - LS.

Old Building.

PNRM. the monastic forge.

Monk goes to the anvil.

Fire - MS.


Monk forging billet.

PNRM. on the details of the forge - CU.


PNRM. the sky and the tree - CU.


Forges a monk.

Hands with a hammer - CU.

Hand down into the water harvesting - ...


Blacksmiths 2002

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:18:57, published: 11/22/2022

Scene №1 Blacksmiths

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The forge.

Large:faces of working blacksmiths.

Close-up: a hammer and a red-hot rod on an anvil.


Blacksmith's tools.

The general plan of the forge.

Close-up: burning coals.

Blacksmiths work in pairs.

The work of the press.

A blacksmith cleans a horse's hoof before shod.

A blacksmith is shoeing ...

Science and technology № 24 1987

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:43, published: 12/8/2017


"Flying Anvil" On the new method of stamping.

4. "The Stones Tell" about the architect Petrosian, who deciphers the language of the rock carvings.

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The Azerbaijani village of Lahij 1987

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:10:36, published: 6/21/2019

Scene №4

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The man at the table.

Forge, interior details, dishes on the walls.

The tongs on the anvil.

The blacksmith blows the fur.

In the oven fire burns, blacksmith tongs pulls out of the oven workpiece.


Making horseshoes for horses (forging, cooling in a bucket of water).

Master working on a copper ...

Porcelain Peter Leonov. 1977

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:31, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1

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... in Yaroslavl, frescoes of the cathedral, a tea set.

Work in the shop porcelain factory, landscape with churches in Suzdal.

Lattice forged on the anvil in the smithy.

Sculpture horse on a background of St.

Isaac's Cathedral in St.


Neva embankment.

Lattice fence.

Exchange building ...

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