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"the Indian medicine man" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 2097 1969

News, 9 footages, duration: 0:10:25, published: 1/22/2014

Scene №6

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... Dalselhet Mobutu presents his painting.

Mobutu receives a delegation of the Plenary Assembly of Bishops of Congo.

Indian Ambassador presents Mobutu gift Indira Gandhi.

Mobutu receives Doctor of Medicine, University of Paris and a Ph.D. Pierre Diomi.

Phillips visit to Mobutu.

Philips radio shows.

Banquet in honor ...

Amazon Indians 1920-1929

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:12:38, black-white, published: 1/14/2020

Reel №1

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... down the Amazon.

The first Indian village.

Indians unload luggage expedition.

Indians go out of the total home / Maloqs /.

The expedition members are greeted with the Indians


Women harvested roots mandioki-edible plants.

The roots were washed in water.

Men go fishing.

The fishermen are ...

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... are engaged in fishing.

Marine expeditions in the ducts of the Amazon


Women for homework.

Pletelschitsy baskets.

Men engaged in domestic work.

Wicker baskets.


The women at the loom.

Fishermen in a boat.

Fishing at the rapids.

Fishermen ploy.

Fishing spear and bow

Germany ...

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Cooking tortillas


Indians at dinner.

Lunch women and children.

The Indians eat a dessert of live ants


The conductor talks with the Indians in the language Tucano.

Member of the expedition doctor is receiving Makkobern Indians


Indian woman with a child.

A group of ...


Germany, the expedition, the Indians, water transport

Germany, woman, plant, fishermen, shipping, river

Germany, woman, craft, fishermen, fishing

Germany, woman, plants, food,

Germany, women, children, food, insects

Germany, the Indians, medicine, personality

Germany, river, children, women

Medicine 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:27:45, published: 5/16/2013

Scene №1 Medicine

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Medicine 1988-1991

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:10:34, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Medicine

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Alternative Medicine

Picnic 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:50, published: 5/23/2013

Scene №1 Picnic

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... picnic.

Men cook barbecue, the food is spread on the ground lying on the tablecloth.

The wine, vegetables and other food on the tablecloth.

Kebab on the grill.

A man makes a toast.

A woman holding a little kid.

Participants picnic drink wine, eat, talk, among them a male Indians.

Male Indians are on the ...

Foreign newsreels № 2989 1972

News, 8 footages, duration: 0:11:28, published: 9/14/2016

Scene №4

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Mexico - Landscapes.


Man jumping from a high cliff.

The Indians, amouage.

Awakening the golden goddess. 1990

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:38, published: 4/15/2014


Joint TSSDF film, the "Man and Time" and VET "Russian video.

The film is dedicated to the Indian religious teaching Sahaja Yoga.

Reel №1

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... country road, views of the road and the surrounding area.

The mountainous terrain.

Indians are on the road.

A man rides an elephant.

On the road, pedestrians, cyclists, carts.

Street trade.

There is a group of children.

The old man sits reading a book.

Portrait of Nicholas Roerich.

The painting depicts a woman ...

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... Ancient Indian temple, PNRM. with his strolling tourists.

Religious buildings, sculptures of animals: tigers, bulls.

Architectural decorations inside and outside the church.

Image Indian deity with three faces and six arms.

Goddess of Hindu religion on the temple walls.

The crowd of Indians, followers ...

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... followers of the teachings of Sahaja Yoga, stand on the beach waiting for the blessings of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

The crowd was dancing Indians and clapping to the music.

Founder of Sahaja Yoga exercises Nirmala Devi speaking to his disciples.

Figure showing the layout of the energy centers - chakras in ...

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... human body.

Sculpture of the gods Ganesha, Brahma, Saraswati, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Shiva.

Companion portrait gods spouse Krishna and Radha.

Portrait of an Indian god Maha-Vishnu, who is identified with Christ.

The sacred Hindu symbol: Sri Yantra.

Reel №2


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... applause.

Indian guests from the scene says (synchronously) on his teachings.

In the hall of people listen.

Shri Mataji teaches participants the art of meditation.

People in the audience do the exercises.

After the session, people gathered at the scene.

The room talking group of Indians, supporters ...

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... Shri Mataji, which is used for meditation.

According to the Indian Ocean rides convoy of buses.

In India came teachings of Shri Mataji fans from around the world.

Camp of Sahaja Yoga, a dining room.

People talk, pray, meditate, read books.

The man in the jacket badge with the portrait of Shri Mataji.

Reel №3


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... ancient Indian wedding ceremony, which is attended by Sahaja Yoga different nationalities.

Brides and grooms sitting around the campfire.

Joint meditation.

Shri Mataji at the microphone, direct meditation.

On the ocean a few people sitting in pose "Lotus".

Coastal waves.

Paintings of Indian landscapes: ...


Film-travel almanac № 148 1979

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:36, published: 2/27/2015


1. "The capital of the virgin land."

2. "On the river Omolon".

3. "Treasures of Ancient Colchis."

4. "On the Indians' land."

Reel №2


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The gardens on the slopes.

4. On Indian land.

Indian totem pole.

Natural scenery of Canada.

Totem pole.

Motorway in the mountains.



People are on the suspension bridge.

Indian hit the tambourine.

Alternation: tourists on excursions in the Indian settlement, a wooden sculpture from ...

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... from the lodges.

The car in the parking lot.


Indians working at the fair for the tourists.

Pictures of Indian artists.

Woman photographed at the lodge.

Male fish fry.

Tourists on the street.

On the wall of the house lit a lantern.

Man beats a tambourine.

The wooden mask on a pole.

Mountain views ...

Man, Sports, Science. 1978

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:04, published: 11/29/2015







The film tells about the scientific work on the study of man in sport, demonstrates the achievements in the field of biomechanics sports medicine.

Reel №1

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... chess player.

The operator watches the robot workers, the process of degeneration of man for robotics (animation).

Writer Alexander Kazantsev said about the unrealized possibilities of the human body (synchronously).

The man with the child in tow, swims in the water diver.

A baby swims underwater, rests on ...

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... Scientists examine images taken by the research instrument.

Data entry into the computer.

The machine makes a drawing of a motion mechanism running man.

Attaching sensors to the body of the athlete, connect electric apparatus to study the operation of the muscular-skeletal system.

The effect of the impulse ...


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... during the test in a special pool.

The astronauts in the gym are engaged in various simulators, the launch of the spacecraft.

The spacecraft in flight.

A man swims with a baby on her back.

The USSR-India: Holidays and Weekdays. 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:09, published: 4/15/2014


Trading in the stores in Moscow Indian goods.

The restaurant "Delhi" in Moscow.

Preparation of Indian national dishes at the restaurant.

Gandhi monument in Moscow.

Learning the language "Hindi" in the cultural heart of the Embassy of India (synchronous), yoga, study of Indian national dances.

EducationFriendship of Peoples.

Patrice Lumumba.

Filming "Black Prince" - working together Indian and Soviet filmmakers.

Types of Tashkent.

Construction of 14-storey hotel in the town square, carried Indian firm.

The work of Indian scientists in the laboratories of the Institute of Catalysis of the Siberian Branch

Reel №1


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... anniversary of the Soviet-Indian treaty: the Presidency, are the Soviet and Indian speakers, participants listen, applaud.

Newsreel, 1971: Delhi.

The visiting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR AA Gromyko down the plane, greeted with occurring, together with the Indian representative to sign the ...


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... Gandhi takes part in the Soviet-Indian talks.

Map of India.

Metallurgical Plant in India: look and shop.

Dam power plant (all built with Soviet assistance).

Memorial plaque with the inscription in English and Hindi.

Installation works on oil.

Talk, Soviet and Indian workers.

Moscow: building, sign ...

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... Krasnaya Presnya in Moscow.

Exhibition samples of Indian products in the Center; Indian representatives say.

Conveyor shoe factory "Paris Commune".

Shop factory.

Work at work.

Woman packs shoes.

Shop "Ganga": plate, Showcases.

Shopping Facilities: Indian goods (statuettes and other) on the shelves.

Buyers ...

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... Buyers and sellers in the store.

The first joint Soviet-Indian venture - a restaurant "Delhi" (appearance).

Indian chef at work.

Hands wrapped pancakes.

Ready meals in the kitchen.

The restaurant hall, visitors - Russian and Indians - at the tables.

Moscow River.

Monument to Mahatma Gandhi on the Lenin ...

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... the USSR (in Hindi).

A man walks down the stairs inside the building.

Lesson Hindi.

Yoga instructor demonstrates an exercise; girls gymnastics.


Indian dancing, learning Russian girls.

Dancing girl.

Soviet and Indian women are held in the park.

Soviet and Indian young man talking on the street ...

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... №19 Masha Shashkova dancing Indian dance.

Pupil of the boarding school speak Hindi.

Film set at the studio.

Directed by Gennady Vasilyev and Shashi Kapoor (India), actor George Darchiashvili, Indian actors Avrik Puri hyun Sanam, Rishi Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan (star of Indian cinema) on the set of joint ...

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... joint film "Black Prince".

Report on the streets of Tashkent, and fountains.

The building of the Indian company "Tata Limited ..." Open the gates of the construction site of the company, drives a truck.

Construction site, where the company "Tata ..." builds hotel.

Builders of India for work.

The building ...

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... Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Akademgorodok.

Scientists are on the ladder.

Laboratory Institute.

Indian and Soviet scientists at work.

Moscow: Soviet and Indian youth passes through the park.

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