You found 1193 newsreels for query "the roof"

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"the roof" newsreels and historical clips

Landing Troops to the Roof of the World 1968

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:49, published: 7/12/2018

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Stars of Russia № 4 IrrelevantWikiPage. 1998

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:53, published: 11/14/2012


in concert, go behind the curtain of the stage.

Composer V. Shainskij sings his song (sinhr.) at home.

Alla Pugacheva is sitting on the roof of the house is the roof.

Reel №1

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Sings music V. Shainskij (synchronous) - MS.

Figure artist Beardsley - CU., Hitting

On the roof of the house music school student says Alla Pugacheva (synchronously) - MS., PNRM. on the roof

Alla Pugacheva sings in the underpass (synchronous) - MS.

Girls feet and a box of money - CU.

Upgrade people go ...


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... sits on the roof of the house - CU., PNRM.

The concert in Kalac announces number of Alla Pugacheva (synchronously) - MS., Filmed with a video

Alla on stage - MS., Departure, PNRM. children with flowers (removed from the video)

Alla after concerts at Kalac - MS., Filmed with a video

Alla on the roof - CU ...

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... CU.

Photo AB Pugacheva - CU.

Alla on the roof - CU.

Photo AB Pugacheva - CU.

Alla on the roof - CU.

Photo AB Pugacheva - CU., PNRM.

Alla in a phone booth - MS., CU.

Alla in the classroom with a teacher at the School of Music (synchronous) - CU., PNRM.

Figure Beardsley - CU., PNRM.

PNRM. a chandelier in ...


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... (synchronously) - MS.

PNRM. on the wall of China-town - CU.

The roof of the house - LS., PNRM. sitting on Alla - LS.

Photo: Moon over the houses - CU.

Wall of the house, overgrown with dry twigs wild grapes - MS.

Alla face - CU.

Photo Alla - CU.

Allah is on the roof of the house - CU.

Soviet Sport № 9 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:43, black-white, published: 3/25/2014


in Tallinn, talking with participants Olympics (synchronously).

Moments competition Olympics: chimney sweeps pull the rope, lift weights, walk on the roof of the building.

Competitor chimney plays guitar (synchronously).

Reel №1


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... competition "Friendship Cup" - different plans.

Athletes are shooting on plates.

3.Tallinn - view on the roofs of houses.

The streets are chimney sweeps.

Chimney on the roof clean tube.

Hakob Hakobyan on the roof talking to a chimney sweep - chimney Olympics participants Tallinn (synchronously).

Camp participants ...

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... Screaming fans.

Hakob Hakobyan among fans.

Competition for the throw - participants throw boots.

Chimney sweep on the roof singing a song with a guitar (simultaneously in Estonian).

Panorama on the roofs of Tallinn.

Hakob Hakobyan bike rides on the highway.

Fire in the building of the American Embassy in Moscow 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:09:14, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 The fire at the American Embassy

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Building "Moscow News".

Signs on the building.

"The Union of theatrical figures of the RSFSR", "Central House of Actors AA Yablochkina. "

From the roof of the water flows.

Fire trucks, ambulances.


The editors of the newspaper "Moscow News".

The sign "Head. department.

International Division ...


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... Embassy.

The smoke from the roof.

Firefighters climb the stairs to the roof.

The crowd on the street, people observe the work of firefighters.

Fire trucks, hoses.

A fireman (many shots).

Burning building.

Firefighters run.

The flames from the windows.

Strong smoke.

Firefighters on the roof, large.

Firefighters ...

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... Firefighters extinguish a fire.

A lot of extreme training.

American flag.

Foam pouring from the roof.

The City Of Peace 1970-1979

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:54, published: 6/10/2019

Scene №1

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... scientists.

At the entrance there are people, an all-terrain vehicle pulls up.

Equipment on the roof.

Two-storey residential building on supports, view from below.

Virgin snow around the station, view from the roof.

The flag of the USSR flutters in the wind.

Transcarpathia 1975

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:21, published: 8/15/2022

Scene №1 Transcarpathia

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The roofs of the village.

Street of the city.

Wooden church.

Highway Patrol issue from 14.03-15.03 1999

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:08:32, published: 8/4/2023

Reel №1

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... building on Sukharevskaya Square.

A fire escape is attached to the house.

Smoke on the roof.

Fire trucks parked near the house.

The tenant of the house (synchronously).

Open fire on the roof of the house.

Firefighters on the roof of the house.

Fireman (synchronously).

A fire on Mikhailova Street.

An open flame ...


The Hunting of Doves 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:46, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1


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... clouds - LS.

Pigeon of all ages come out of dovecotes, go down the stairs, run around the yard - LS.

Pigeon loft are - LS.

Crows on the roof - LS.

A dove flies, sits on the roof of pigeon - LS., PNRM., MS.

Pigeon on the phone - CU.

Hands - CU.

The pigeon is sitting on the table next to the meat grinder - ...

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... (synchronous) - LS., CU.

The boys caught a pigeon on the roof - LS.

Doves in the sky - LS.

Anishin pigeon loft on the stairs whistling, clapping, playing harmonica Nope, sings (synchronously).

Newsreel of the 1950's.:

Boys with pigeons on the roof, in the poultry market.

Bird market.

Vorobyov said pigeon ...

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... street - LS., PNRM.

Broken bird on the pavement - MS.

Crows on the wires, they fight on the sidewalk - LS., CU.

The guys on the roof fly pigeons - LS., MS.

Pigeons sit on the roof - LS., PNRM.

Master № 6 Trumpet calls. 2002

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:55, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1

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St. - Petersburg - LS., PNRM., Shot from above

Roofs - LS.

Chimney sweeps Zakharov roof - LS., MS.

Chimney sweeps Grigoriev - CU.

A man drilling a wall - MS.

Worms - CU.

Bird in a cage - CU.

Worms in hand - CU.

Grigoriev at the cage - CU., PNRM.

Bird in a cage - CU.

Grigoriev at the cage - LS.

Bird in ...


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... (synchronously) - LS.


Petersburg - LS.

Workers dump snow from the roof - LS.

Grigoriev climbs to the roof - CU.

Grigoriev is on the roof - LS., PNRM.

A man gets out on the roof - CU.

Grigoriev with workers on the roof (synchronously) - MS.

Hands with a rope - CU.

Grigoriev with a man (synchronously) ...

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... the stairs (synchronous) - LS.

Grigoriev gets off the roof - LS.

A man drilling a wall - CU.

Powered Drill - CU.

Man - CU.

Grigoriev - CU.

Male - MS.

Grigoriev - CU.

Male - MS.

PNRM. upside Grigorieva - CU.

Hand with a rag - CU.

Rag in hand - CU.

The roof is Zakharov - LS., PNRM.

The shadow on the house ...


Medvezhye….What Next?. 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:10, published: 11/10/2012


technology in pile driving, which can create emergency situations on gazopromysle.

Town gas producers Pangody.

Motorhomes homes barracks children play on the roof hut.

Villagers say (synchronously) on the deplorable village, poor housing conditions, poor food supply.

Reel №1


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... Impact.

AI Ivannikov office - MS., Departure.

Barracks - different.

Slogans on the barracks - MS.

Locked door - CU., PNRM.

Children play on the roof of the hut - MS.

Resident of the village said Mamedov (synchronously) - CU.

PNRM. the apartment in the barracks - CU.

The people in the barracks ...


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