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"the valley between the beautiful Caucasus mountains" newsreels and historical clips

Mountain scenery 1970-1979

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:07:00, published: 9/7/2019

Scene №1 Mountain scenery

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Cliffs, mountain sheep up the trail.

Donkeys graze on the slopes.

Mountain vegetation, river in the valley.

Snowy mountain range, shooting with motion.

Mountain river in the gorge.

The snow on the peaks, cabin at the forest's edge.

Gorge frozen waterfall.

Hanging over the water, the rocks, shooting with ...

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... the tops of the rocks, edges of cliffs, rare woods.

Mountain river, snow-covered coast.

The branches of the trees against the sky.

The snow areas of the thawing earth, dry last year's grass.

Mountain scenery near the roads.

Snow in the rocks.

Mountain, shooting with the camera movement from top to bottom ...

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... bottom.

Top view of the river in the gorge.

Mountain range panorama.

Traces of a landslide.

Panorama of mountains from a helicopter.

Views across the valley, clouds in the sky.

A snowstorm in the mountains.

The Elbrus region.

The fog over the mountains.

Valley, breaks through the clouds the sunlight.

The ...

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... the gorge, next to mountain road, in the air the mist.

Fog in the mountains.

Alpine meadows.


On a mountain trail, the rider rides.

Trees and shrubs on the slopes.

Panorama of mountain peaks from a helicopter.

Snow caps on the tops of mountains, view of the river in the valley, the transition chamber ...

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... chamber of the mountain range and clouds.

Snow-covered slopes.


Geography and Nature

Caucasus and Transcaucasia (the nature and geography)

Towns and countries

Geography and Nature

Movies about the Caucasus and Transcaucasia

Soviet Sport № 4 1967

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:10, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


meeting between the teams on the hockey field Gorky and Moscow.

Relay Championships.

On the Road: A. Portyankin, Surovtsev, V. Mamatov and others.

Figure skating.

Speakers: G. Grzhibovskaya, L. Smirnova, A. Suraykin and others.


Speech by skaters in 1928, Mountain landscape of the Caucasus.

CompetitionsCompetitions masters skiing.

Downhill mountain Cheget. A. Termosin finish.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Science and technology № 2 1965

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:16, published: 12/4/2017


"Unusual traveler" Transportation of drilling rigs.

4. "From the past Colchis" On archaeological excavations in the valley of the Rioni River in the Caucasus.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Film-travel almanac № 18 1966

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:54, published: 8/11/2016


1. "In the mountains of the direct road (Caucasus)".

2. "Holland - Moscow".

3. "Edge to edge".

4. "Columbo".

Reel №1

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1. There are straight roads in the mountains (Caucasus).

Mountain river.

Fog in the mountains.

Flowering herbs.

View of the riverbed.

Panorama of the city.

A young man looks down from the cableway.

View of Tbilisi.

Movement of the cabins.

The cab stops, and the attendant opens the door.

Boarding ...

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View from the cable car to the city.

An elderly man.

View from the cliff.

A man with a donkey on a mountain trail.

A donkey carries firewood.

Oxen pull carts up the hill.

Cars drive on mountain roads.

Snow that covered the trees.

Truck stops in the snow, top view.

A skidding wheel.

The bus skids ...


Reel №2

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... Airport.

A car pulls away from the entrance (reflected in the glass wall of the building).

Panorama of the airfield, planes in the parking lot, between them go maintenance cars.

The plane rides on the track, a truck passes by.

The plane takes off, in the foreground of the planes in the parking lot ...


Valley 1985

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:18, published: 5/29/2014


The film tells about the unique nature and beauty of the Charskaya Valley, located in the BAM zone.

Reel №1 Valley

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Panorama and views of the Charskaya Valley (from above).

Panorama of the Udokan and Kalar mountain ranges, enclosing the Charskaya Valley.

View of one of the summer ice on the Chare River.

View of a part of the valley under the snow.

Snow on the branches of trees, a panorama of the taiga woodlands.

Part ...

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... landscape, a local resident rides a deer between dwarf birches.

Panorama of the cedar stlannik.

Taiga flora.

Panorama of a green wasteland over permafrost.

View of a part of a swamp swamp, grass on swamp hummocks.

Panorama of mosses and lichens growing in the valley.

Yagel, growing on the ground and bare ...

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... shepherd is sitting by the fire, smoking a pipe, a grazing deer.

Panorama of the Charskaya Valley (from above), smoke from a fire is spreading along the valley.

The freight train goes through the Charskaya Valley along the paved section of the Baikal-Amur mainline.

View of a single-track railway track ...

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... ore leaves the mine tunnel located under the Udokan mountains.

Ore in trolleys.

Helicopter landing near the geologists ' camp.

The geologist conducts surveys.

A tent of geologists on the bank of a mountain river.

Panorama of the plain and mountains lying in the distance (from above).

The face of the ...

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... the helicopter pilot.

The helicopter is flying over the mountain ranges.

Mountain landscapes (from above).

Flying helicopter, views of Udokan (from above).

The cameraman is shooting through the window of the helicopter.

View of the lake formed in the sinkhole as a result of an earthquake (from above).

A ...


Reel №2

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The landscape of the Charskaya Valley, people at the landed helicopter.

The faces of the helicopter crew members.

The pilots are talking to geologists.

Panorama of the lake on the edge of the forest.

Log zaimka on the edge of the forest.

Hot springs gushing from the bottom of the stream.

People are swimming ...

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... swimming in the lake.

Panorama of a part of the plain.

View of the mountain gorge, mountain landscapes of Udokan (from above).

Panorama of glaciers and perennial snowfields on the peaks of Kalar (from above).

Bends in the flow of a subglacial river flowing through a glacier.

Meltwater flows from the ...

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... Panorama of a part of one of the snowfields.

A stream of meltwater flows down the rock.

Views of the mountain river.

Trees growing on the slopes of the gorge, a river flows below.

Panorama of a part of a mountain river, water running over rocks.

Panorama of the forest, taiga landscape.

Panorama of the desert ...

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... the sand dunes.

Views of the river flowing through the Charsky sands.

Panorama of the Charsky sands (from above).

Panorama of a part of the Charskaya Valley.

Views of one of the settlements of the builders of BAM, children are walking, running home from school.

Kindergarten students on a walk.

Types of ...

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... daily life of the inhabitants of the village.

The freight train goes through the Charskaya Valley.

The driver and his assistant in the cab of the locomotive, the view from the cab.

Views of the Charskaya Valley.

One sixth of the world 1983

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:51, published: 10/13/2013

Reel №3

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Caucasus Mountains.

Deer, tours.

Reserve in the Caucasus.

Botanical Gardens in Batumi.

Resorts in Batumi, PITSUNDA.

City of Kiev, Volgograd (Mamaev Kurgan, etc.),

Leningrad (Smolny), Moscow (hotel "Russia").

Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 6 1967

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:02, black-white, published: 3/25/2014


Production processes at the plant RostSelMash ", at the Gorky Automobile Plant.

The signing in Moscow a protocol on trade between the USSR and Cuba.

Katayev writer at work, during a meeting with the children. 5-th international fur auctions in Leningrad.

International athletics competitions in the MoscowRoma - residents Kuibyshev at work in enterprises and institutions of the city.

Gypsy family in the home environment.

Winter vacation in the mountains of the Caucasus - in Cheget.

Reel №1

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... at the plant RostSelMash ".

[_] 2. Working dynasty Vilkova at the Gorky Automobile Plant.

[_] 3. The signing in Moscow a protocol on trade in 1967 between the USSR and Cuba.

[_] 4. 70 th anniversary of the writer V. Kataev.

V. Kataev at work, during a meeting with the children.

[_] 5. 45 th international ...

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... residents Kuibyshev at work in enterprises and institutions of the city.

Gypsy family in the home environment.

[_] 8. Winter vacation in the mountains of the Caucasus - in Cheget.

Materials on the film "Le Duan.Memorable years" 1988-1989

Footage, 10 footages, duration: 0:17:48, published: 6/28/2019

Scene №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Vietnam, various natural landscapes (mountains, rivers, valleys, fishing villages).

Absheron district of Krasnodar Krai 2009

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:22, published: 12/28/2018

Scene №1 Absheron district of Krasnodar Krai

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The natural landscape of the area.


Meadow flowers.

The village of Mezmay.






Foreign newsreels № 3195 1972

News, 9 footages, duration: 0:08:39, published: 10/30/2019

Scene №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Nepal - New mountain road in the valley Pokhara, built with India's assistance.

King of Nepal opens the way.

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