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"Indian children" newsreels and historical clips

Alexey Kosygin's Visit to India. 1979

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:30, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1

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City of Delhi.

City streets, traffic.

Palam airfield.

Soviet and Indian flags.

Remove the film and photo opportunity.

Soviet aircraft taxiing.

Indian Prime Minister Morarji Desai meets Politburo member, Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers AN Kosygin, who arrived on an official goodwill visit at ...

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... Jumps, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR VF Maltsev and others.

On AN Kosygin put a wreath of flowers.

Execution of the Soviet and Indian hymns are soldiers in the honor guard.

A banner with a greeting in English.

AN Kosygin greet occurring.

Drive off the machine (with an honorary escort) ...


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... India Manmohan Desai.

AN Kosygin, lays a wreath at the memorial Shantivan - the cremation site of the first Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

Granddaughter and great-granddaughter of the Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri; AN Kosygin takes the girl in his arms, laying a wreath at the memorial ...


Reel №2

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... president Jatta.

Stands M. Desai.



AN Kosygin, touring the country, in the cabin.

AN Kosygin accompanied by the Minister of Indian Industry D. Fernandez, Indian Ambassador to the USSR Gujral.

Map itinerary AN Kosygin in India.

The inhabitants of India welcomed AN Kosygin, banners.

Passing cars ...

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... Kosygin and his entourage visiting the factory.

Moving machine parts.


Automatic machines.

Working with machines.

Men play the pipes.

Indians - adults and children.

AN Kosygin on the farm dairy cooperative "Amul" (Gujarat).

Population delivers milk, gets the money.

Shop dairy processing plant cooperative ...

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Mayor Daley Gupta puts on AN Kosygin garland, delivers a speech.

The people applauded.

Speakers: Prime Minister Manmohan Desai, A. Kosygin.

Soviet and Indian flags.

Shoot photos and kinokorrespondenty.

In the presidential palace AN Kosygin and M. Desai sign long-term program of economic, commercial, scientific ...

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... "Holly": people walking, sitting by the river.

Traditional Indian ritual: AN Kosygin and M. Desai exchanged signs of friendship - paint marks.

Seeing the Soviet delegation at the airport, among the mourners M. Desai.


Pass the Indians.

Sunset over the palm trees.

Landscape of India.

Great Changes 1974

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:54:21, published: 11/14/2012


Indian village.

Women with children. Indian youth.

BM Ansari at work in the field, with the family, rides a bicycle.

Construction in Bokaro.

Soviet specialists, and Indian workers at a construction site. * Construction of the plant top view).

Radio station in Mogadishu (Somalia).

Soviet and Somali experts

Reel №1

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... - LS., MS.

Hot rolling shop - MS.

Hearth furnace - CU.

Domna - LS.

Landscapes, peasant leads a camel - LS., MS.

Indian village: women near the houses of the work - MS., LS.

Indian boy Barabadu Ansari Barabadu with his family near the house Barabadu box at work, brothers and sisters Barabadu - MS ...

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On the road going car - MS.

Construction of a steel plant in Bokaro - LS.

Crane operator in the cab of a crane, a Soviet specialist talks with Indian workers - MS., CU.

Barabadu Ansari is on a construction site - MS., PNRM.

Construction in Bokaro - LS.

Landscapes Somalia - LS.

Radio station in ...


Reel №5


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... buildings of Delhi - different.

Mumbai - MS.

Unloading of the Soviet ship "Nazim Hikmet," workers at the port, cranes carry loads - MS., LS.

Odessa: Indian ship berth, unloading a ship, working in the port, the boxes labeled "Odessa", "Moscow» - MS., PNRM.

Steel plant in Bhilai - LS., PNRM.

Newsreel: ...

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... Russian and Indian languages ​​"It will be the first blast furnace» - CU., PNRM.

Start of construction plant in Bhilai: women wear earth baskets - LS., MS., PNRM.

First iron Bhilai - CU.

Jawaharlal Nehru at the plant in Bhilai - MS.

Steel plant in Bhilai - MS.

Hearth furnace, the Indian steelmaker ...

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... steelmaker, the stove - CU.

Soviet and Indian steelworkers at the furnace, take samples of steel - CU., MS.

Soviet steelworker Yuri Kamensky and chief Steelmakers Bhilai Kulvan Singh Nagi in the shop at the stove - CU., MS.

Kamensky and his wife visiting Nagi - MS., CU.

PNRM. on construction sites growing ...

Reel №6

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... factory - MS.

Indian and Soviet specialists at the bench - CU.

Rotating parts of the camp, equipment for steel plant in Bokaro - MS., PNRM.

Amtrak passenger train passes - LS.

Workers go Bokaro - LS., PNRM.

The plant in Bokaro - LS.

Unloading coke ovens - MS., CU.

Soviet and Indian specialists in ...

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... in the shop of the plant, the chute flowing molten metal - CU., MS., PNRM.

Interview of the Soviet-Indian cooperation gives the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi (synchronously) - MS.

Portrait of LI Brezhnev outside Delhi - LS.

Visit LI Brezhnev to India: LI Brezhnev and Indira Gandhi at the airport - ...

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... LI Brezhnev and Indira Gandhi exchange documents and handshakes - MS.

Smoking chimneys of the plant - LS.

In the ladle pouring molten metal - MS.

Indian specialist at the stove - MS.

Somali boys and girls - CU., PNRM.

Working in the shop - MS.

Barabadu Ansari and other working Bokaro pass on bicycles ...

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The workers go to work, the girls walking down the street - MS., LS.

The plant in Bokaro, converter, pouring steel - MS.

Boy smiling faces of children - CU.

Pouring metal, sparks fly - CU.

Montage of fragments No. 5151 1910-1919

Footage, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:43, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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... Silesia.

Grazing in a meadow covered with snow, animals


Children at the skating rink.

Children ride in a sleigh.

Mass skiing.

Ski Jumping

SShA.Uschele in Arizona.

Horsemen in the costumes of the road.

Indian group.

Indians performed the national dance before tourists


Otter swimming ...



Germany, hunters, animals, kings, personalities

Germany, children, entertainment

US Indians, tourism, entertainment

Germany, animals

Germany, bird

Germany, insects

Tonwoche № 642 1943

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:28, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... houses, wrecks.

There are numerous victims among the civilian population.

The dead in coffins on a city street, pnrm.the graves.

Crying women.

Children are killed.

Memorial service at the grave.

Are wreaths with ribbons with the swastika.

Military with candles in their hands.

The Grand mufti of ...

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... officials.

The mayor brings a cake on a platter.

The performance of children in front of guests with poems and songs.

Guests are kept on the knees of children.

The return of the German submarine in the port of voyage in the Indian ocean.

The boat captain Lieutenant Robert Giza, winner of the order ...

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... order of the Iron cross with Oak Leaves, sank 27 enemy ships.

A military cameraman with the camera.

Shooting in the Indian ocean.

The waves flood the deck of a boat floating on the surface.

Sailors work in a storm.

In front of the nose of the boat to swim with dolphins.

Observers on the bridge with ...



ruins, the dead, the ceremony of mourning

Germany, 1943, world war 2, the clergy, the Muslims, the soldiers

Serbia, 1943, statesmen, orphanage, children

Indian ocean, 1943, Navy, personnel, cameraman

Unique 1992

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:45, published: 4/15/2014


About thr fate of Indian women from various social classes.

Reel №1

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... souvenirs.

A man carries on his head a clay pot.

Children and adults are preparing for the national holiday of "Diwali".

Woman says (synchronously) on a special holiday.

Decorating a tree in a pot.

Green parrot in a cage.

Sale of children's toys.

Indian women: a baby, make purchases in the market.

Housewife ...

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... and behind the scenes) on the status of Indian women.

Wang family at home.

Woman with a baby in her arms.

Woman walking on the street.

Indian family for a walk.

On the couch in the sitting room a husband and wife, she says (synchronously) on the life of Indian women.

The picture on the wall, standing ...


Reel №2

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... interact with children.

Man says (synchronously) on the situation of women in India, raising children.

In the kitchen, the hostess gets plates from the cupboard.

In the room the father in a chair reading a newspaper and his mother was with the sons of lessons.

Street vending, children examine goods. ...

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Children in school uniform on the street.

Two children near the car.

Family sitting on the couch.

Statues of elephants, Indian idol.

Parents on a walk with his son.

Father plays with the child.

Woman draws on the asphalt.

Family at home drinking tea.

Family at home.

Girls on the street in national costumes ...

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... costumes.

Women on holiday knitting sitting on the grass.

Street trade.

Indian wedding under the ancient rite.

Dancing in the street.

The food is cooked in vats.

Fireworks in the night sky.

The bride and groom.

Materials on the film "Understand each other" 1987

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:34, published: 3/20/2020

Scene №1 IV international Olympiad on the Russian language

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Participants in the summer camp "Zorka".

Children dance on the lawn.

Moscow, Institute of Russian language named after A. S. Pushkin, the participants in the hallway.

Children at their desks.

The Assembly hall, the closing ceremony of the Olympiad winners.

Playing Indian student Biswajit.

The participants ...

Journey to Chaco 1910-1919

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:02:47, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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... Lake.


Forest undergrowth.

The view of the river.

In the background horsemen.

Burning Savannah.



Herons in the pond.

The Indians in front of the hut.

The fire


France, Brazil, river, population, Savannah, lake, Indians, birds, travel

Gates To The Future 1989

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:36, published: 4/16/2014

Reel №1


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Along the street are Indians in national and European clothes.

A man in a turban on a motorcycle.

Apartment Indian journalist: woman at the window, the other in the kitchen girl in a bunk bed playing with a doll.

Family with children in the room.

Man talking on the phone.

Indian journalist said on a ...

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... a visit to the Soviet Union, a number of his wife and child.

Closing the festival of India in Moscow (July): Indian girls - participants of the final concert - sneaked bowls with candles.

Soviet artists in national costumes presented flowers Indian artists; artists of the two countries, holding hands ...

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... temple in New Delhi.

People in the park, on the street.

Artist of the ensemble "Birch" talks about the Indians.

Runs with her husband on the Square.

Flowers in the park.

Indian woman playing with the children in the yard.

Running girl.

Street at the Presidential Palace.

Equestrian escort accompanies the motorcade ...

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... arrived at the closing ceremony of the USSR in India, out of the car and greets with Indian leaders.

Flag of India.

Flag of the Soviet Union.

MS Gorbachev and Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi signed the official Soviet-Indian documents, shake hands.

Portrait of Indira Gandhi on the stage.

The ceremony of ...

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... of awarding MS Gorbachev Indira Gandhi Prize present applauded.

Remove cameramen.

Indian flag on the wall of the Red Fort.

Towers of Red Fort.

MS Gorbachev and his entourage enter the territory of the Red Fort.

The walls of the fort.

Sculptures of elephants at the gate of the Red Fort.

Buildings in the ...

Reel №2

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Horseman rides in national costume.

Street vendor with customers.

Indian archaeologist says about the Soviet and Indian culture.

Buddha head in the window of the museum.

Indians in the museum exhibits.

Russian icon of the museum.

Photos in the museum (girl astronauts).

Report on the streets of Delhi ...


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... ensemble "Ballet on Ice" grimiruyutsya before the performance.

Indian participants of the final concert of the festival in the dressing room.

Indian participants of the concert held in the hall, dance.

The audience applauded.

Persons of Indian dancing girls.

At the close of the festival is the President ...

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... the festival of India in the USSR: Indian actors float on a barge on the Moscow River.

Indian dancers perform in the square Peter and Paul Fortress in Leningrad.

Indians - participants of the festival - held on the Registan Square in Samarkand.


Indian guests visiting the city.

Zagorsk is ...

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... of the USSR in India.

Participants listen, applaud.

Flags on flagpoles (at sunset).

Delhi area during sunset.

Evening streets of Delhi.

Soviet and Indian flags on flagpoles.

The song "Russia - Motherland" performed by artists of the ensemble "Ballet on Ice".

Number "Mardi Gras" and others.

Reel №3

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... Performing artists of the Soviet circus on ice with trained bears (bears dancing, playing the balalaika).

Looking Indian girl.

Says the chairman of the organizing committee of the Indian festival.

Ballet performances on the ice (clowns, etc.).

People's Artist of the USSR sings Sofia Rotaru, bows.

Flash ...

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... monument to AS Pushkin in Delhi: the veil falls, applauded the official representatives of the USSR and India.

Indian schoolgirl look.

Monument AS Pushkin.

Said the deputy chairman of the Indian Organizing Committee (woman).

Artists of the Soviet circus on ice comply room with trained pigeons.

Member of ...

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... of the Soviet dance ensemble "Ballet on Ice".

Applaud the Soviet participants of the final concert.

Indian dancing girl.

Pass and waving Soviet and Indian participants of the final concert.

Fireworks in the sky.

Masters of the Indian Art. 1954

Documentary, 4 parts, duration: 0:40:09, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


On the stay of Indian actors in the USSR.

Historical note

In August-September 1954, the Soviet Union, visited a group of Indian artists, headed by Deputy Health Minister of India Mrs.


Reel №2

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... conclusion of the concert the whole group of Indian artists perform the national anthem.

On the stage of Indian artists and masters of Soviet art.

People's Artist of the USSR Igor Moiseyev speech and gives flowers to Mrs.


Meeting with Indian artists prominent Soviet musicians.

Playing ...

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... Khachaturian.

Indian artists in the bed of the Bolshoi Theatre.

A scene from the ballet Glier "The Bronze Horseman" (synchronous).

Indian guests of artists of the Bolshoi Theatre.

Indian guests to express "Red Arrow".

The train comes to the platform of the Leningrad station.

Meeting of Indian artists ...

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General view of Leningrad.

Guests at the Smolny Institute (Room VI Lenin), on the banks of the Neva.

Peter and Paul Fortress.

Winter Palace.

Indian artists visiting pupils Leningrad Choreographic School.

Dancing girls.

Reel №3

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... Concert of masters of Indian art in the Maly Theater.

Acts composer and singer Ravi Shankar India Radio - one of the best musicians of India.

General view of Kiev.

Indian guests went through the streets of Kiev.

The people at the Opera and Ballet Theatre.


Indian artists are going to ...

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... Suryamukhi Tombino Devi Chitrasen Singh and Babu Singh (synchronously).

Visiting Indian guests kindergarten.


Chandrasekhar dines with children.

Together with the children play a game Asa Singh Mastan and World Chetteredzhi.

Indian guests to stroll on the boat on the Dnieper.

Together with their colleagues ...

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... Dankevych composer, opera singers

Zoya Gaidai, Boris Hmyrya Mikhail Grishko, Elizabeth Chavdar.

Guests traveling in a car through the streets of Sochi.

Indian artists in the sanatorium.

Ordzhonikidze, on the beach.

Guests ride the speedboat.

General view and streets.

Guests pass through the city appear ...

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... and Ballet Theatre.


Playing singer Mira Chetteredzhi and Surinder Kaur (synchronously).

The general view and the streets of Tbilisi.

Indian artists come out of the hotel, they are greeted residents.

Reel №4

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Indian guests at the Palace of Pioneers, watching performances of pioneers.

Pioneers perform Lezghinka.

Pioneers give Ms.

Chandrasekhar chonguri folk instrument and all guests - pioneer ties.

Indian artists from dance pioneers Lezghinka.

Guests say goodbye to the children.

Highway going car.

General ...


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... present at the reception, Tamara Khanum, Maya Plisetskaya and others


Chandrasekhar passes Kaftanov gift from the Indian delegation - the national musical instrument.

Seeing Indian artists at the airport.

Playing Ms.

Chandrasekhar and Kaftanov (synchronously).

Guests climb into the plane.

Laboratory - Ocean 1986

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:47:20, published: 8/18/2014

Reel №2

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Indian Ocean

Reel №5

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Indian Ocean

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