You found 3768 newsreels for query "bent birch tree"

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"bent birch tree" newsreels and historical clips

Soviet Ural Mountains № 20 "The Seasons" 1989

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:02, published: 9/5/2014

Reel №1

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... Mushrooms.




Ustinovskii area of ​​Izhevsk.

Dug holes in the street.

They say the tenants.

Welding of pipes.

Watching the children.

Children playing in the yard.

Birch Grove.

People walk through the mud in the yard.

Children play in the pit.

Winter forest, snow-covered fir trees.

Frozen ...

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... pipes in the yard.

Says the woman.

Repair work in the yard.

Says the builder.


Spring Forest.



Blossom leaves.

Flowering trees.

Sitting boy with plaster on his hand.

Children playing in the pits in the yard.

Starlet № 35 1983

Newsreel, 5 parts, duration: 0:42:21, published: 9/15/2015

Reel №1

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... monkey jumps from birch to birch.


A parrot is sitting on a branch.

Blooming dandelion flower.

Hedgehog runs through the grass.

Bunches of mountain ash.

Ripe peppers.

Bunch of grapes.

A Raven sits on a branch of an oak tree.


Drawing: palm tree in Ancient Greece.

Under a palm tree, a group of ...


Ant red dot. 1979

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:39, published: 3/1/2017

Reel №1

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... the forest.


Yellow ants.

Woodworm ants on a stump.

One of the ants is marked with a red dot.

An ant on a birch tree.

Ant and aphid.

Aphids secrete a sweet liquid.

Ants and aphids on a birch branch.

The Red Dot ant feeds another ant.

Ants attacked the caterpillar.

The caterpillar is crawling along ...

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... bark is washed ashore.

The barbel beetle.



Blooming meadow.

The woodworm ant and the red ant.

Autumn forest.

An anthill near a birch tree.

From tree to tree. 1992

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:36, published: 4/19/2024

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The birth of a giant 1983

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:24, published: 8/28/2015

Reel №1

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Reflections of trees in water.

Tourists on the beach.

He lit the fire.

Birch Grove.

Herd of horses in the field.

Residential houses.


Buses on the road.

Buses arrive at the Krasnoyarsk plant of heavy excavators.

The trunks of the birch trees.

The truck drives past the main plant building.

Snowfall ...


Prevent cancer. 1984

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:24, published: 12/12/2015

Reel №1

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A bee on a flower.

Cell growth.

Germination of seeds.

Neoplasm on the trunk of a birch tree.

N.N. Blokhin (synchronously).

Hospital corridor.

On the monitor, the fight of immune system cells with cancer cells.

The doctor examines the patient.

The patient is at the doctor (synchronously).

The doctor examines ...

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... doctor examines the patient's X-ray.

A council of doctors examines X-rays.

Doctors in the operating room.

Examination of the patient (ultrasound).

Birch grove.

Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 618 1942

Newsreel, 4 parts, duration: 0:31:04, published: 2/19/2015

Reel №2

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Tanks are coming forward, shooting with the Soviet troops.

Tank goes through the woods, knocking trees and bushes crushing.

Shoot tanks, mortars.

Under the cover of the tank infantry goes forward.

Explosions, fires.

German command post.

Charging the gun, it shoots.

The soldiers eat in the ...

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... pants, the Germans searched the prisoners.

Destroyed vehicles, guns and other Soviet equipment.

Scattered Instruments Brass Band, German raises the bent pipe.

Traces of the fighting, the graves of Soviet soldiers with helmets.

The guerrillas 1942

Footage, 158 footages, duration: 1:03:32, published: 5/21/2020

Scene №3

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A group of partisans at the campfire.

Several people bent over the map.

Man and Nature 1984

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:18:54, published: 6/9/2018

Reel №1

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Flowers on the branches of trees.

Budding leaves (slow motion).

Panorama of a part of the forest edge, flowers near an old birch tree.

A bee pollinates a flower.

Poppies blooming in the field.

The grass bends in the wind.

River bottom, algae on the bottom under the water flow.

A flower blooms.

Swan on ...

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... of the taiga lake.

The owl's head.

Snow on the branches of trees.

Water lilies on the water.

Tractor tracks crush flowers.

The impact of the blast wave on plants.

An explosion of a mountain slope, an avalanche of stones descends.

Daisies bend from the blast wave.

Clouds of smoke rise up.

Image of Rodin's ...

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A giraffe eats a tree.

Fauna of the African savanna.

The tops of palm trees.

Grazing elephants.

Panorama of palm trees.

The foliage of the Russian birch.

Children run away along the path into the birch forest.

Moose in the forest.

Trunks of birch trees.

View of a part of the birch forest.

Flowers in ...

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... in the meadow.

Summer landscape, pre-museum of Lenin V.I. in the Hills behind the trees.

Tourists go to the house in the Gorki estate, tourist buses are in the parking lot.

Lenin's desk in Gorki.

Photo of Lenin.

Panorama of a part of the water exposition from the halls of the museum.

One of the paths ...


Reel №2

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... coniferous tree seedlings in a nursery.

Planted shoots of coniferous trees on the plot.

Grown-up young fir trees.

Panorama of the plots of the nursery (from above).

Residents of the city are working on a clean-up day, planting young fir trees on lawns.

View of the forest lake.

Trunks of birch trees.

The sun's ...


Parks, squares and boulevards of Moscow 1970-1979

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:46, published: 3/16/2020

Scene №1

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The summer parks, gardens, fountains.

Gorky Park rides.

Boating and catamarans.

Autumn Park.

The monument among the birches.

A monument in honor of the December uprising in the Presnya.

Park track.

Children's Playground with wooden sculptures.

Sitting on the bench elderly.

The fountain, walk around the ...

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... the fence.

A woman with a baby in her arms.

Blooming tulips.

Jet fountain.

Yellowing trees, the breeze.

In a Park is people by passing cars.

Trunks of birch trees.

Passers-by on Park paths, children and adults.

Tree branches with yellow leaves.

People walking along the Park paths.

Fallen leaves on the ...

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