You found 8541 newsreels for query "Car"

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"Car" newsreels and historical clips

Car Willys 1940-1949

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:37, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 Car Willys

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ZAZ -1102 1987

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:01:09, published: 6/15/2014


Promotional video about car "Tavria".

Reel №1

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The driver is driving a passenger car brand ZAZ-1102 "Tavria".

The fuel gauge flashes.

A car with an emergency alarm on stops on the road.

The driver gets out, takes out a cigarette, looks at the light of the lighter.

The driver pours gasoline from the lighter into the neck of the gas tank, twists the ...

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... the plug, the number of the car.

A car driving away on the road.

Automobile factory in the Urals 1944

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:45, published: 12/21/2012


Car factory in the Urals

Reel №1

Landscapes of the Ural Mountains.

Construction Site Ural Automobile them.

Stalin about Mias.

Meeting in honor of the opening of the plant.

Ready-made cars from leaving the plant.

Stalin's Ural № 22 1952

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:06:56, published: 7/24/2015


Uralmash - oilmen.

North finished.

Kurgan region.

Cars for workers.

Free car sales.

Sverdlovsk incubator-poultry station.

First meeting.


Reel №1


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... Machine-Nizhnepolevskoy the MTS during the spring sowing in the fields of one of the farms in the area.

The city of Chelyabinsk.

Shoppers at the new store "Cars."

Automobile concern "Nissan" 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:15:46, published: 9/3/2018

Scene №1 Nissan cars

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... on the settlements of the field.

Helicopter lands.


Many new cars Nissan is in the series.

Dealership. Car Nissan Primera.

Racing stripe.

Nissan new cars are on the streets of the town,

parked at private homes.

Nissan cars on the background of the lake and mountains, riding on the street.

Cars (1 section) 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:21, published: 1/6/2015


The film describes the structure of home-made front-wheer drive passenger cars.

Reel №1

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Cars on the streets.

The assembly shop of the automobile plant.

Automatic line.

The engine is reduced in length.

The power unit is located across the car.

Suspension of the front wheels of the swinging candle type.

Installation of the rear suspension.

Installation of rack-and-pinion steering.

Front and ...

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... brakes.

Installation of bumpers and windows.

Installing wheels.

Cars on the test track.


The driver is driving a car.

Transmission of a rear-wheel drive car (animation).

Transmission of a front-wheel drive car (animation).

Car testing.

The clutch.

Non-removable clutch assembly.

Coupling ...

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... Coupling (animation).

Connection of the slave disk to the hub (animation).

Rubber parts in the clutch drive.

The car is on the test track.

Reel №2


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... (animation).

Gearshift drive (animation).

Transmission operation (animation).

Transmission operation of the Moskvich AZLK 2141 model (diagram, animation).

Cars on the roads.

Cars (2 section) 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:51, published: 8/20/2014


The film describes the maintenance of home made front- wheel drive cars.

Reel №1

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A passenger car is coming off the assembly line of the automobile plant.

Car racing in passenger cars.

Cars on a city street.

One car stalled in the middle of the road.

A man is digging into the engine of a car.

The car is in the car wash.

Cars in the service station.

The assembly shop of the automobile ...

Reel №2

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Cars on the street.



Disassembly of the carburetor.

Flushing of carburetor parts and purging with compressed air.

Assembly of the carburetor in reverse order.

Adjustment of the carburetor control drive.

Carburetor operation (animation).

Adjustment of ...

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... of the starting device.

Idle speed adjustment.

The car stopped at the diagnostic point.


Convergence and balancing of wheels.

Wheel camber adjustment.

Adjustment of wheel convergence.

Balancing sequence.

Instrument readings.

The driver is driving.

Travelling by car 1984

Promotional, 1 part, duration: 0:04:50, published: 2/28/2014

Reel №1

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... Saint Sophia Cathedral.

People near the monument "Millennium of Russia".

View of the Kremlin from the opposite Bank, a passenger ship on the river.

Cars leave the campsite, go on country roads.

The passengers in the bus tour of Leningrad.

The Monument To Peter I.

The driver behind the wheel, the views ...


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... "Motherland".

Laying flowers to the monument.

People on the bus.

The Peterhof fountains.

People climb the stairs.

Top view of a Large fountain.

The cars on the track.


Tour of the Pskov Kremlin.

Memorial Museum-reserve of A. S. Pushkin "Mikhailovskoye".

Excursion to St.


The house-Museum ...

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... S. Pushkin.

The guide with the group.

The house Babysitting poet.

Church with a bell tower.

The grave of the poet.

Sculpture (shooting from the car).

The cars on the road.

The driver behind the wheel.

Check-in pärnu.


Tourists come to the camp.

Women leaf through a brochure.

Alternation: excursion ...


Car "Motohata-96" 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:15:13, published: 5/17/2013

Scene №1 Car "Motohata-96"

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The dirt and asphalt roads car drives "Motohata-96" - different plans.

The appearance of the car, the fuel tank, engine.

The driver of the cab.

Interior of the vehicle - sleeps, kitchen.

The car is moving "backwards" parked.

Safe driving 1990

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:50, published: 2/26/2014


Film course on driving a car.

Reel №1 Safe driving

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A cadet of a driving school sits in a training car, greets the instructor.

Starting the engine.

The passage of the "eight".

The passage of the "eight" trucks and cars on the training ground.

Performing a reverse maneuvering exercise.

Performing a U-turn on a narrow section of road.

Passage over the observation ...

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The driver's foot is on the clutch pedal.

The order of stopping on a steep climb.

Attempt to hold the car in place without brakes using the clutch pedal and gas.

Parking between two standing cars.

the instructor's face.

The cadet observes the actions of the truck driver while parking and performing ...

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... performing the exercise of entering the garage.

The cadet returns to the wheel.

The cadet makes parking between two cars in reverse.

The instructor shows and explains the correct parking sequence.

Preparation of the circuit equipment for various road situations, the face of the instructor.

A sudden stop due to ...

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... crossings.

The movement of a car stalled at a railway crossing with a starter.

Pushing out a car that has stalled at a crossing manually.

Skidding a car on a wet road, driving a car when skidding.

Train your driver skills for winter driving in the snow.

Front-wheel drive car during a skid.

The cadet brakes ...

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... brakes sharply on the road.

The correct braking sequence.

Traffic light on the street.

A training car on a city street while driving in traffic and driving through intersections.

Reel №2

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... drivers for existing norms and rules (synchronously).

The instructor and the cadet stand at the fence of the parking lot of broken cars, a panorama of the parking lot.

The car collides with an obstacle on the training ground.

Damage to the driver's organs in a head-on collision in the absence of a seat ...


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... the front of the bus, the car brakes sharply.

The "Watch out, kids" sign.

A boy with a dog runs across the roadway in the wrong place, the driver brakes sharply.

A drunk man tries to cross the street in traffic by climbing over a fence.

The car is overtaking on the highway.

Cars on the highway, examples ...

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... place on the lane.

"Reckless driver" - a taxi driver violates the rules on the road.

The instructor and the cadet get out of the car.

Assistance to a disabled driver.

A car with an emergency stop sign, other drivers go around it.

An example of a realignment at the site of the narrowing of the road on ...

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... about the danger.

The truck driver removes a brick stuck between the tires, throws it into the body.

The traffic police inspector stops the training car.

Checking the carbon monoxide content in the exhaust gases.

The traffic police inspector releases the driver.

The order of passage of winding road sections ...


Reel №3

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... in the car.

Cars crashed as a result of road accidents stand along the fence, a view of the film set.

Members of the film crew at work.

Applying makeup to an actor playing the role of a victim in an accident.

The contents of the car first aid kit.

The actor is put behind the wheel of a broken car.

The ...

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The face of the actor in makeup.

The procedure for providing assistance to the victim in a car accident.

Call the traffic police and ambulance by phone.

Removing the victim from the damaged car.

The procedure for laying the victim on the asphalt.

Artificial respiration and closed heart massage of the victim ...


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... representative of the traffic police speaks about the need to provide timely medical assistance to victims of road accidents (synchronously).

Training car on the city highway.

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