You found 7533 newsreels for query "African small town"

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"African small town" newsreels and historical clips

Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 555-2 Working material 1941

Newsreel, 2 footages, duration: 0:16:52, published: 8/23/2016

Scene №1

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1. North Africa.

German planes in the air.

The African areas of the plane.

The African riders on horseback.


Germans on holiday amongst the palm trees.

They repair and clean equipment.

The Germans bathe at the source.

German technology on the highway.

The German tanks.

The column of English prisoners ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... prisoners.

2. Croatia.

Map Of The Balkans.

The Germans come to town.

Jubilant crowds.

Discarding and destruction of the Yugoslav coat of arms.

Croatian volunteers.

The arrival of a German General.

German General and the Croatian leader A. Pavelic.

Croatian guards.

3. Germany.

The rate of the Fuhrer.

The ...


Peak hour 12/17/1996 1996

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:21:15, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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Barnard Christian Netling is a South African transplant surgeon and public figure.

Horizon № 8 1972

Newsreel, 7 parts, duration: 1:05:04, published: 6/7/2017

Reel №5

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3. "Salad".

A feature film about teenage boys from a small Baltic town who are looking for a plane shot down during the war in a lake.

The hero of the film Ivor lives alone, but really wants to take part in this search operation, but for this he needs to pass tests....

Romania 1975

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:04:33, published: 10/21/2022

Scene №2

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Panorama of the roofs of a small town in the mountains.

Children are sledding down the street.

A clock tower in Transylvania.

View of the city from the clock tower.

Peles Castle.


The courtyard.


Sculptures in Peles Castle.

Outdoor skating rink.

People at the skating rink.

Bobsled athletes ...

Film-travel almanac № 189 1984

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:42, published: 3/3/2015


The plot №1 «Baltica.

Pinery "

The plot №2 «The trail back centuries"

The plot №3 «Vereya - small town"

The plot №4 «on the Vltava river"

Reel №1

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Gulf of Finland.

Leningrad NPP. Hall of nuclear power plants.

City of Pine Forest - the general plan.

Children playground.

Children in town.

Trees, mushrooms.

Woman mushrooms.


Students go.

Children sitting on boulders.

Paintings of artists.

School children plant trees, hang bird ...


Reel №2

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Vereya - small town.

Landscape with a River.


Shooting the film, the actors in the Cossack form, the form of the soldiers of the royal army.

General view Vereya.

Woman rinse the laundry in the river Protva.

Church on the hill.

General view of the city, wooden houses.

Ramparts area.

Shopping arcade ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Orlik Castle on the shore.

The city walls, towers.

Inside view of the Empire Big salon.

View of the Vltava from the castle walls.

Barge on the River.

Town of Melnik, the bridge over Vlatva.

The streets of the city.

Royal Palace.

Wine Cellars of the palace.

Wine barrel with a family coat of arms.

The streets ...

Colonial forces of "Free France" 1940-1942

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:58, published: 4/8/2016

Scene №1 Colonial forces of "Free France"

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Seascape off the African coast.

Black soldiers of the colonial parts of "Free France" stand in formation during a practice session on the actions of calculating anti-aircraft gun.

Soldiers go into the gates of the fort.

The soldiers talk to each other, standing against the wall of the fort.

Soldiers ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... the cover.

Catholic Mass in the street of a town in Indochina.

Division "Free French" marching on the road, people are running behind on roadsides systems.

Military unit enters the city.

View of the town square, where the Soldiers (above) is located.

African soldiers dismantled parts bags of property ...


Soviet Karelia № 2 1969

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:12, published: 12/16/2017


E. Kovalenko-the cook of one of the forest centers of Karelia.

3. About two enthusiastic women who compiled a dictionary of the Veps language - a small northern people.

4. About the Kondopoga studio "Berezka" and its employees.

5. About the district doctor of the vepsky settlement of Sheltozero A. Shishova

Reel №1

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Small nations


United News № 73 1943

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:53, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... States and Alaska.

Transportation of fuel

The war in Italy.

The bombing of the Italian troops.

General Clark is watching the battle for the small Italian town

The release of prisoners from concentration camps

American troops are in Naples.

Italians welcome them

Filmography 1940-1949

Footage, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:04, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №2

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... Loading injured in plane

An explosion of ice to pass on winter river vessel

The procession of musicians, soldiers, costumed people.

Meeting in a small town in the mountains / Switzerland or Germany /

Hokkyny match France-Switzerland


The mass gymnastic exercises at the stadium

Bombing from ...

Country from the plane 1975-1985

Footage, 8 footages, duration: 0:07:23, published: 6/24/2019

Scene №1

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The lake.

River, coastal landscapes.

Scene №6

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Harvested fields and haystacks.

Settlement in the lowlands.

The irrigation canal.

Rice checks.

Small town (urban-type settlement).

Fields delimited by shelterbelts.

Stubble fields, haystacks.

Scene №7

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A small town (village or village).

Fields, country roads.

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