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"Cute donkey chews grass" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 200 1959

News, 7 footages, duration: 0:08:05, published: 11/2/2016

Scene №6

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... contemporary artists in Lazio.

The works of artists Monkezi, Konsolitsione, A.Sorrentino.

Visitors to the exhibition comedian Tino Scotti.

Award Exhibition - donkey - Raimondi won the artist and the artist Monakezi.

Syria 1975

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:07:58, published: 10/27/2022

Scene №1 Palmyra

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The ruins of an ancient city.

An ornamental arch in Palmyra.

The Great Colonnade of Palmyra.

Two people are riding a donkey on the territory of the architectural monument.

The amphitheater.

The colonnade.

From Niger to Oran 1920

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:10:07, black-white, published: 1/14/2020

Reel №1


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... Beni Abbas.


Tropical plants.


Towns and structure.

A group of people with a donkey.

Armed men in turbans.

Colonial troops and local residents.

Racing on berblyudah and donkeys.

Oasis Ain Sefra.

According to the desert passing cars.

High Plateau / Le Plateau-O /.


City ...


Interview on the background of the hills 1982

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:32, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №2


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... mowing the grass.

Mowers during a lunch break, Chernyshev pours himself a cup of tea, sits down on the grass.

Chernyshev talks to the mowers about the course and methods of foraging (synchronously).

Chernyshev sharpens the scythe with a donkey.

Harvesting of fodder corn.

Chernyshev mows the grass.

Chernyshev ...


Grass Grows Here with Red Color 1978

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:46:50, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №2


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... punched truck, killed - MS.

Color. - Scorched earth.

Building, pierced by bullets, destroyed home - PNRM., MS.

Landscapes - LS.

Flying birds, swaying grass - MS.

Pass the refugees.

Refugees are interviewed - MS., CU., Synchronously.

Women with children ride the bus - MS.

Landscape - LS.

The village ...


The land is grass and we 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:03, published: 3/1/2021

Reel №2

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... meadow.

Blooming meadow.

V.Yulin (synchronously).

Panorama of the meadow.

Cows in the pasture.

N.G. Andreev (synchronously).

Harvesting of forage grasses.

M. Khasanov is presented with a Passing Red Banner.

Komsomol wedding.

M.Khasanov congratulates milkmaids in the club on their labor victory.

Chairman ...


Lower Povolzhie № 23 Revolutionary sketch 1980

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:10, black-white, published: 2/5/2018


The issue tells about the performance of the Saratov young audience theater "Blue horses on red grass".

Reel №1

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Portrait Of V. I. Lenin.

Actor of the Saratov theater of young spectators Krasnov, who plays the role of Lenin in the play "Blue horses on red grass", is walking down the street, the boy is sitting in the saddle.

View of the theater building.

a sign with the name of the performance on the stand of the ...


Film-travel almanac № 30 1967

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:45, published: 8/9/2016

Reel №1

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... Alternation: the desert well chigir, driven by a donkey, and the wind over the dunes.

Cracked earth.

Sparse desert vegetation.

Water among the sands.

Fish in the water.

The man pulls out the fish and puts it in a bucket.

A bird flies over the water.

Coastal grass thickets.

Water pumps.

Water flows from ...


Reel №2


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... goes down.

Castle towers.

Views from under the arches.

The forest around the castle.

Waves break on the shore.

Thickets of river grass, a boat hidden in the grass.

Views of the castle from the lake shore at different times of the day.

Reflections in the water at night.

Silhouettes of trees and ...


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... throws the net.

A hippo looks out of the water.

A peasant plows on oxen.

Primitive threshing of grain with the help of donkeys.

Modern granary.

Grain on the conveyor.

Donkeys run on the ears of corn.

People turn the millstones.

A paddle steamer.

Shadouf well, a man draws water.

Jabal Auliya ...

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... head.

Workers fasten the pipes.

Construction of a milk powder plant under the leadership of Soviet specialists.

A herd of cows.

A drover rides a donkey.

Dry trees.

Faces of children and adults.

Parishioners in the square.

Christian Church in the city of Wau.

Omdurman city, Mahdi Mausoleum.

A ...

Heart of Spain 1937

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:22, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1


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... streets of Madrid.

On donkey rides boy.

Marching soldiers of Republican Spain.

Children playing in the city in abandoned trenches.

The movement of the train, view of the peasants' fields.

Work peasants threshing grain.

Donkey goes in a circle, turning water wheel.

Plowing on donkeys, sheep graze.

Girls ...


Moscow zoo (materials on the film "them and us") 1986

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:14:08, published: 6/3/2019

Scene №2

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Python crawling on the grass.

The Python basks in the sun.

Two of the zoo workers put the Python in a special box for carrying.

Python release again to the grass.

Operator R. KOMM behind the camera.

Touch Python with a stick.

Young crocodile in the grass.

Crocodile take up, carry, and produce on the ...

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... tree.

Visitors feed the camel.

ROE deer with a baby.

Deer eat grass.

Cub ROE deer scratching his ear.

The goat and the kid.

Goats butt.

Visitors to the zoo have cages with goats.

Kangaroo in a cage.

Wolf runs around the cage.

Tiger chewing on a plant.

Toucan on a branch.

Scene №3


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... the pavement.

Tiger in a cage.

Zebra in the rain.

The gate of the zoo at night.

Polar bears do not sleep.

The cubs lick each other.

Cheetahs in the grass.

Lion snoozing in a cage.

Eagles guarding the nest.

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