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"The steppe people go into the wind" newsreels and historical clips

Gulls in the steppe. 1965

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:11, black-white, published: 6/16/2014

Reel №1

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... Sarpinskaya steppe.

Construction Sarpinskaya irrigation system.

Pumping station near the village Raygorod on the Volga River.

Gulls on the steppe over the water, in the sky.

Work on the irrigation fields: rice, corn, wheat, watering vegetables.

Shepherd with a flock of sheep.

People relax and ...

By Don and Kuban № 34 1976

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:03, published: 7/21/2016

Reel №1


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... countryside, people are walking.

Kalinin is talking to a fellow countryman.

The performance of the Kalinin front of the local residents.

The writer is congratulated.

Kalinin embraces his fellow countrymen.

A local resident shakes the author's hand, hugs the hero of the day.

A crowd of people on the street ...


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... desert.

Kalinin signs the book for his reader.

The writer talks about his homeland and profession.

Fragment 2. The Steppe in the cinema

Panorama of the hilly area and the bay of the river.

The wind stirs the trees.

Actor Ivan Lapikov talks about himself and his work.

The sun's rays shine through the birch ...

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Lapikov smiles and gestures.

It offers a view of the steppe, surrounded by forest.

There is an old well near the steppe road.

A well crane pulls branches into the sky.

A swamp surrounded by reeds.

Fragment 3. The shooting of the film "the Steppe".

The film crew is at work.

The camera on the background ...

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... Bondarchuk talks about the shooting of the film.

A strong wind shakes the grass, ruffles the branches of trees.

Sergey Bondarchuk smokes.

The work of the film crew.

The director and his assistant in the process of filming.

A boy on the background of the steppe pulls on silk ribbons.

Ribbons swing a swing decorated ...




Film actors

Directed by movie


Persons of arts


Culture and Arts



Visual Arts

Volga lights № 30 Callsigns -Barkhan 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:53, black-white, published: 3/23/2018

Reel №1

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Camel in the desert.

The dunes in Aksariha steppe in the Astrakhan region.

The girl at the window combing her hair.

Young man doing exercises at the open window.

People walk on the sidewalk past the building.

People have bought watermelons.

A young man plays guitar sitting on the sill of the open window ...

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... window.

Children on the street.

A drilling rig in the desert.

The view of the steppe road.

The truck stalled in the sand.

Pulling the truck out of the sand with the help of a tug.

The construction of the driveway concrete slabs.

The transmission line towers in the desert.

Pipe-laying gas pipeline.

Excavation ...


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... truck.

The bakhteyev takes the truck for unloading.

Unloading of trucks.

Cutting watermelon.

The bakhteyev gives drivers the slices of watermelon.

Steppe landscapes.

Flock of sheep grazing.

By the rig passing crane.

Panorama and types of construction of the plant condensate.

The foreman of the masons ...


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... marriage in Aksaray village Council.

The faces of the guests.

The bride and groom congratulate each other.

Trucks passing on the road, the wind in the desert.

Builders go to work.

Helicopter lands.

The entrance to the headquarters building.

Meeting at the headquarters of the construction on the delivery of ...


Buryatia 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:20:02, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Buryatia

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... Abandoned building.

Panorama from the top of the plant.

Working in the shop of the plant.

The riders gallop across the steppe.

Watching people.

Are the competitors.

Camp in the steppes: horses, yurts.

Grazing horses.

Nomadic way of life

Volga lights № 7 Revival 2001

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, published: 3/2/2018


The issue is dedicated to the restoration of the steppe ecological system in the Republic of Kalmykia and the various aspects of the presidential program of revival of the traditional Kalmyk livestock.

Reel №1

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Advisor to the President Agaev tells about the presidential program of revival of the Kalmyk steppe, on the need for prudent management to restore the steppe ecological systems, the aims and the idea of the program (synchronously).

Traditional horse racing during the festival Jangariada in Kalmykia. ...

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... camel goes to dune.

A herd of camels on the dunes.

Agaev tells about the revival of traditional Kalmyk cattle - breeding and sheep-farming (synchronously).

The man leading the camel by the reins.

Farm workers "Artemisia" pour water in a bowl.

Horse drinking water trough.

Camels grazing.

Steppe landscape ...

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... Kalmykia.

Panorama of sand dunes in the place of the fertile steppes.

Staff legalizationall station in Komsomolsk, headed by station Director Innegraeve conduct preparatory work on the restoration of steppe biological systems.

Panorama of the steppe, freed from the Sands.

Agaev tells about the livestock, ...

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... economic basis of the Republic (synchronously).

A man sits on a camel, going away the steppe road.

View the Kalmyk steppe (above).

The pilot in the cockpit of the helicopter.

Newsreel: the saiga antelope, running across the steppe.

Hunters are allowed to shoot the saiga, the face hunters.

The hunters ...

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... search for poachers.

The inspectors go to the helicopter.

squad cars are going to patrol.

The pilots in the cockpit of the helicopter.

Antelopes running through the desert.

Inspectors detachment patrol the area on motorcycles and cars.

Saiga antelope in the steppe.

The girl's face, looking at saiga via ...


Lower Povolzhie № 32 Water came to the steppe 1962

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:06:12, black-white, published: 3/27/2018

Reel №1

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The wind in the desert.

Through the steppe road going vehicle.

The types of steppe in the Lower Volga region.

Types of the Volga and the don.

View of the Volga hydroelectric power station.

Seagulls flying over the water.

Construction equipment and bulldozers are directed to the construction of an irrigation ...


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... artificial reservoir.

The irrigator opens the valve on one of the channels of the irrigation system of the farm.

Panorama of irrigated fields.

The water goes to corn seedlings.

Irrigated land farm "Volzhsky".

Sprinkler work.

The types of irrigated fields.

Agronomists in the field, the extent of watering of ...


Volga lights № 17 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:56, black-white, published: 2/6/2018

Reel №1


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... of the Museum.

City Council Chairman speaks at a rally in honor of the opening of the Museum of Karl Marx.

The ceremony of cutting the red ribbon.

People come to the courtyard of the Museum through the gate.

Visitors to the Museum, the face of the Museum Director.

Paintings, portraits of Marx and his ...

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... collaborated Marx.

Photos of leaders of the European socialist movement on one of the Museum stands.

A copy of the publication "Communist Manifesto".

People stand in queue to visit the Museum of Marx.

A living memory.

Trees growing along the streets of Volgograd.

Changing of the guard yunarmeytsev at a ...

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... Panorama of one of the war memorials in Volgograd.

Pupils are at the old poplar.

The inscription on a granite plate near poplar.

Faces of war veterans.

The wind rustles the branches of the poplar.

Panorama of city Park, birch, planted to old worker F. I. by Niconovum.

Types of war memorial at Mamaev Kurgan.

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Birch, planted by Niconovum, view of the statue of the Motherland.

His heroes - steppe.

Flock of sheep grazing in the steppe.

Artist N. I. Elegies adjusts his hat to the shepherd.

Elegies making sketches of the person of the shepherd.

Elegies carved wood figure of a shepherd, the process of wood processing ...


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... "Spartaka" together with anarmani going to the wreath-laying ceremony.

Veterans lay a wreath at the Eternal flame.

Flowers at the Eternal flame.

People go to the stadium.

A military band passes on the treadmill stadium, playing the March, the veterans of "Spartak" go for the orchestra.

Veterans of the ...


Museums and exhibitions


Visual Arts



Culture and Arts

Persons of arts


Visual Arts


Volga lights № 36 1981

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:43, black-white, published: 3/26/2018

Reel №1

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Steppe landscape near Kalach.

Cows looking for pasture.

View of the plantation.

Workers of forestry kalachevskiy, Volgograd region, discuss the place of planting new shelterbelts.

Face tractor forestry M. G. Nazarov.

Nazarov regulates the engine.

Cutting heights shelterbelt using a mechanism designed ...

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... designed Nazarov.

Work of knots and units of the mechanism.

Cones and mushrooms under the pine.

The view of the steppe forest plantations.

Clearings between the forest.

The children go to school, of the building of a new school № 46.

Pupils during a lesson.

The teacher on the lesson of English.

The panorama ...


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... Panorama of part of the territory of the kolkhoz "First light" in Saratov region.

High school students are going to play hockey.

The buildings of the collective farm club.

People go to the club.

People sit at the table during retirement pig A. N. Hahulina.

Faces of Hokulani and participants.

Hohulin pours ...

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... leads lesson, students.

Ubushieva with a figurine in his hands speaks about the cultural traditions of the Kalmyk people.

The face of one of the seniors.

Face Ubushievoy.

Photos of steppe life of the Kalmyks in the stands created Ubushievoy and her students from the Museum of folk art.

Ubushieva and her ...


Sow the wind. 1985

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:56, published: 9/26/2015


Wind in the service of man - the main theme of the film.

Development of wind energy science, creation of environmentally friendly wind turbines.

Reel №1

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... development of modern ships.

Animation showing wind power during a storm at sea, during a sandstorm in the desert.

Photos of scientists involved in the study of energy wind Krasovskii, N. Zhukovsky, G. Sabinov, Vetchinkina A. Ufimtseva.

Test wind turbines to generate electricity in the city of ...

Lower Povolzhie № 32 1976

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:08, black-white, published: 2/5/2018

Reel №1

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Waving flags of the Union republics of the USSR.

The cameraman on the roof of the bus.

Those participants in the festive demonstration on November 7.

People dancing on the street to the accordion.

Child on the shoulders of an adult.

Military buglers give a signal.

Pictures of rallies of the 1920-ies.

Civil ...

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... processes in nylon plant of the Volga plant of synthetic fibers.

The operator torsion B. torsion.

Meleshkina serving machines.


Meleshkina places the coil wound with a cord on the cart.

Panorama of the shop (above).

Weaver L. Pletnev at work.

The mountainous landscape.

It takes a train to baskunchakskaya salt ...

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... competition.

The process of extraction and production of salt, the faces of the drivers.

The tug sails past barges loaded with salt.

Steppe landscapes.

A flock in the steppe.

The foreman of shepherds Andreev talking with one of the shepherds.

Panorama of shepherd's point.

Sheep at the trough of accomplices ...

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