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"beats his drum" newsreels and historical clips

theme 12/29/1993 1993

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:41:49, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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Zhvanetsky Mikhail Mikhailovich is a Russian satirist writer and performer of his own literary works.

Safely with debarking drums 1982

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:04:47, published: 11/10/2015

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A Heart is Beating 1985

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:57:57, published: 4/29/2014

Reel №4


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... people in leather jackets.

Two sheep dogs sitting in a closed car.

Camp for Peace, people sit, stand, talk.

Editor of the newspaper gives an interview in his office (synchronous and behind the scenes) about the successes and failures of the peace movement in Germany.

PNRM. for the participants of the rally ...


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... children.

Tank goes on the attack.

Vietnamese women and children.

Americans are prisoners.

American soldier beats kicking the door in the house.

Vietnamese are injured.

Lying on the ground Vietnamese beat kicked in the stomach.

PNRM. the faces of American soldiers.

Monument in Washington, DC (Memorial US ...


Reel №5

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... complex of Abraham Lincoln.

Tourists at the monument to the American president.

The girl says (synchronously) on his nightmare.

Former deputy CIA director Herbert Scoville on vacation, his book about the missile threat.


Scoville is sitting next to the fireplace, says (synchronously) on the need to ...


I beat the war. 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:03, published: 6/16/2016

Reel №1

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... painting "Mortally wounded".

Typographic prints of paintings by Vereschagin.

The poet Yevgeny Dolmatovsky tells about the life of V. V. Vereshchagin, his career and views on the war (synchronously).

Fragments of battle paintings by various artists from the 19th and early 20th century.

Picture of Vereshchagin's ...

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... "Mortally wounded".

Photo of the house in Cherepovets, where he was born Vereshchagin.

Graphic portrait of young Vereshchagin.

Photo Vereschagin with his brother in the period of training in the cadet corps.

The picture of the building of the cadet corps.

Picture of Vereshchagin in the period of training ...


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... Vereshchagin in his youth.

Sketches for portraits of ordinary people made Vereshchagin during trips in the Caucasus, the Danube to the Black sea.

Dolmatovsky tells about the Turkestan series of paintings of Vereshchagin, the manifestation and the formation of his personality as an artist, his manner of creation ...

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... creation of paintings (synchronously).

Paintings from the Turkestan series Vereshchagin.

Sketches drawn Vereshchagin during his travels in Turkestan, the transformation of sketches into paintings (animation).

Paintings Vereshchagin, reflecting the conquest of Central Asia.

Turning sketches into paintings ...

Reel №1


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... mechanization - a wide road.

Internal views of one of the workshops of the Nevsky Machine-Building Plant.

Mechanic M. N. Veselkov is working at his desk on the drawings of his rational proposals.

Veselkov's face.

A self-propelled platform for moving large-sized parts from shop to shop, designed by Veselkov.

Setting ...


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... and small steel balls into the polishing drum.

Loading parts for grinding into the drum.

Immersion of the drum in a soap solution.

Rotation of the drum in a soap solution.

Removing the drum from the soap solution.

The polished parts are poured out of the drum.

Samples of polished parts.

Type of electric ...


Soviet Ural Mountains № 15 "To gain the Fatherland" 1990

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:51, published: 8/4/2014

Reel №1

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... paintings of the artist's culture.

Says HI Youssef, an adviser to the Egyptian embassy in the United States (synchronously).

Potapov says (synchronously).

The song sounds Alexander Galich "Desire of glory."

Airport, sculptor Ernst Unknown United States out of the car.

His friends meet press.

The song sounds ...




HI Youssef

E. Neizvestnyi

May 1st, 1941 1941

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:08:53, published: 9/7/2023

Scene №1 May 1st, 1941

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Stalin smiles at Molotov and points his finger in the direction of the demonstrators

Celebrations in 5 days Congress of the Comintern 1924

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:25, published: 9/2/2016

Scene №1 Celebrations in 5 days Congress of the Comintern

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... meeting in the countryside in honor of the 5 Congress of the Comintern.

Physical training parade participants marching through the meadow, the pioneers beat drums.

Marching pioneer unit.

The participants in the celebrations rocked one of the invited delegates to the Congress.

Running competition.

General view ...


The Old Yard or a Solo of a Guitar With the Children's Orchestra or Sing, Grisha. 1994

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:46:12, published: 11/10/2012


The film about the composer G. Gladkov. G. Gladkov sings his songs (synchronously), speaks to the children in the country rests in their leisure hours.

Photos G. Gladkov.

Young artists paint the design studio "Accent".

Fragments of the film "Jolly Fellows".

School-age children are playing footballfootball, snowballs, argue, fight, sing, play the wind instruments, drums, guitar, celebrate the New Year, and ride down the hills on a sled in the Park.

Bitter winter.

Gorky Park in winter.

Ice sculptures.

The audience in the park, playing in the snow.

Moscow Zoo.





Reel №1


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... paper - LS., PNRM. fighting for children

Fighting guys - LS ..


Boy - CU.

They fight and fall boys - MS.

Boys fight - CU., MS., PNRM.

Boy drum breaks - CU.

Boy jumping - CU.

Boy falls - CU.

A boy playing a musical instrument - CU.

Boy playing trumpet - CU.

The boy at the door, includes ...


Reel №2


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... playing trumpet - CU.

PNRM. Singing girls - CU.

Girls play a wind instrument - CU.

Boy playing trumpet - CU.

Boy playing guitar - CU.

Hands play the drums - CU.

A boy and a girl - CU.

Gladkov driving - CU.

Sing and children play - LS., PNRM. on the bus window

Gladkov goes on stage - CU.

Cheering - ...


His star 1976

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:10, black-white, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №1


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... in childhood, about his son's persistent character, his dream of becoming a pilot (synchronously and behind the scenes).

Outside the window, a tractor with a trailer passes, a rural landscape.

Artemyev's children are looking at photos of their father.

Photos of Artemyev during his studies at the flight ...

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The car goes through the workshop.

Artemyev's face, working at the machine, the machine components.

Artemyev's mother tells about the beginning of his career, working at a factory (synchronously).

Circular panorama of the factory floor.

Artemyev's face, lighting a cigarette, Artemyev is working on the ...


Reel №2


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... Streets of Leningrad at night.

Artemyev with a cigarette in his hand in the back seat of the car.

Cars on the night Nevsky Prospekt.

The cameraman is shooting Artemyev's team in the workshop.

A cameraman with a camera in his hands.

Artemyev and his comrades discuss the production issue with the head of the ...

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... audience in the cinema hall, among them-members of the Artemyev family.

Artemyev is on the screen, the audience is watching a story about Artemyev and his work, the faces of Artemyev's mother and the audience in the hall.

Rural landscape at sunset, passing children on bicycles.

Artemyev's mother is talking ...

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... Artemyev among the awarded leaders of production on Red Square in Moscow.

Portrait of Artemyev during his studies at the flight school.

Artemyev talks about whether he is lucky or not, about the reasons for his luck (synchronously).

View of the new residential quarters of Leningrad (from above).

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