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"his hands tearing flowers" newsreels and historical clips

Cossacks come back from the War 1946

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:34, published: 2/13/2015

Scene №1 Return to War Cossacks

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In a ditch near the house is broken German tank near grazing cows out of the house a woman with a bucket in his hand.

Scarecrow in a German uniform with a cross.

Watermelons on the collective farm plantation.

People floating on the river Don in boats loaded with watermelons.

Bank of the Don, on board ...


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... river.

People on the beach greeting the soldiers.

Kazak hand shows the shore to his companion.

Our people are standing on the shore.

Arrived veterans throw bouquets of flowers.

Returning Cossack kisses his wife.

One of the Cossacks talking about his dead comrade's widow.

Cossack picks up daughter kisses ...

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... children.

Cossack greeted with an old man.

Cossack wipes tears with a handkerchief, kisses his wife.

Returning home Kuban Cossacks are riding in carts in their village.

Women throw flowers Cossacks.

Cossacks ride on the road, women throw flowers.

People greet returning soldiers.

The girl's face.

An old ...


Ribbentrop's visit to Moscow 1939

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:01:42, published: 1/1/2015

Scene №2 The signing of the Soviet-German treaty


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... and the border with Germany.

Face IV Stalin Ribbentrop signed a contract.

Hand with a paperweight on the text of the treaty.

Stalin's face.

Wax seal on a contract.

German soldiers open the gate on the Polish border.

Tank tearing wire fence.

Demonstration in support of the Soviet government on the streets ...

Soviet Ural Mountains № 9 "Deadline" 1991

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:05, published: 9/5/2014

Reel №1


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... beach.

A group of grandmothers who knit and sing.

One of the grandmothers spins the thread.

Interview grandmother about the war, about his experiences.

Faces, hands grandmothers.

Group grandmothers knit and sing.

On the street on a snowy road walking elderly, dogs running.

Sparrow on snow.

Dining room ...

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... Interview grandmother in a white kerchief on her life.

Flower in a pot.

The icon of the Madonna and Child.

On the street on a snowy road walking elderly, dogs running.

Old man sitting on a bench on the porch, standing next to snow shovel.

Flowers in pots on the windowsill.

Sit at the table of a mature ...

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... mature man and a woman talk about their lives.

Samovar on the table.

Bed linen with lace.

On the table are cups, candy apples.

On the wall hangs a tear-off calendar.

Grandma is standing on the street - posing for the camera.

Grandpa smokes a cigarette through a mouthpiece, making a welcome gesture to the ...

They will stand in the taiga of the city 1965

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:49, published: 4/27/2021

Reel №1

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... Novosibirsk-Moscow train.

Seeing off the construction team at the train station.

The helicopter is flying over the taiga.



A tractor in the taiga is tearing up trees.

Construction site.

Construction of a repair and mechanical workshop.

Builders are having lunch.

Minutes of rest.

A game of chess.

The concert ...

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Construction of a heating main.

Evening by the campfire.


Taiga Lake.

The bugler blows the ascent.

Congratulations to one of the builders on his birthday.

A lesson at school.

The guys are extending a communication line.

Construction of residential buildings.

The helicopter flies over the residential ...

A Cucumber With a Tear. 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:01, published: 3/7/2014

Reel №1

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Apples from the branch hands removed.

Gathering in the garden of apples and pears in a bucket.

Pour buckets of fruit in boxes.

Machinery refrigerator on a country road.

Directions by Cheremushki market in Moscow.

View from the top of a crowd of buyers at the fair.

Giving an interview to a woman-seller ...


When Spring Comes To the Town. 1966

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:30, black-white, published: 8/24/2013


City of Moscow. Flower beds in the Kremlin, near the monument to Alexander Pushkin, flowers, placed at the monument to Mikhail Lermontov, the Lenin Mausoleum.

People with flowers in their hands in the streets of Moscow.

Blooming apple trees, lilacs, tulips on the streets of Moscow. Flower Show.

People buybuy flowers.

Passengers on the water taxi at the Kremlin.

Reel №1

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... bridge over the Moscow River - LS., PNRM. with a / t

Streets and boulevards of flowers (with us) - LS.

The Central Exhibition Hall, which houses international flower exhibition, visitors at the entrance - LS., PNRM.

Flower Show (inside) - LS.

Various colors are on display, from the interior colors - ...

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... visiting the exhibition - CU., MS.

Flowers and wedding veil - MS.

The car rides bride with flowers - CU.

The bride and groom in the car - MS.

Drove a car "Chaika» - LS.

The passengers on the bus.

PNRM. the girl with flowers - MS.

Go down the street, women with flowers - MS., PNRM.

Tulips in the Kremlin ...

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... Kremlin - LS., MS.

Moskva river with a water tram near the Kremlin - MS., LS.

Flowers in the streets.

The people held on squares with flowers - LS., MS., CU.

Multi-colored tulips in front of Moscow State University, on the waterfront, on the boulevards - LS., MS., CU.

Lilacs in the Spassky Tower, ...

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... stroller - a child with dandelions - MS.

Flowering branches of apple trees - MS., CU.

Flowers at the kiosk - CU., MS.

Muscovites buy flowers - MS.

Muscovites: adults and children, men and women with flowers in their hands in the streets.

Girl with flowers in her hand runs across the road in the wrong place ...

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... place, it stops the policeman - MS.

Young man stands with flowers - CU.

Is a policeman with a bouquet - MS.

Sitting boy and girl - MS.

Kneeling by the flower girls - CU.

Grandmother and granddaughter in the park, tying her bow - MS.

Girls play with dolls - CU.

Boy feeding pigeons - MS.

As air ...

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Falling petals of apple - MS.

Tulips - MS.

Flowers at the monument to Pushkin monument - CU., LS.

Carnations at the monument Lermontov - LS.

Statue of Lermontov - MS.

Flower garden at the monument to Gorky - LS.

Mayakovsky monument - CU.

Flowers at the mausoleum of Lenin - CU., MS., LS.

Turn ...

Pot flowers 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:34:10, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Pot flowers

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... apartment.

Pot flowers in the interior.

Interview with Valentina Safronova,

designer of the Central House actor named Yablochkina.

Valentine on home color as interior decoration;

Care of flowers;

about a variety of vases and creating flower arrangements.

Creates a composition.

Large flower arrangements ...

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... arrangements.

A wreath of flowers and grasses on the wall.

Actors House on Arbat Street, the lobby.

Valentina Safronova describes his theater work.

Floral arrangements in baskets.

Return. 1987

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:06:00, published: 1/31/2014

Reel №1 Return.

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... sitting in a chair, holding his head with his hands.

The girl's face.

Doctor-narcologist Vyalba Yu. A. at the table in the office sorting mail.

The letters are in the doctor's hands.

Police officers with a protocol in their hands.

An alcoholic man with shaking hands pours vodka into a glass.

A ...

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A man breaks a window with a stool.

The face of a man with traces of beatings.

Police officers called to the apartment of an alcoholic who beat his wife and daughter, there is an operational filming.

The child hides behind the mother.

Police officers lead the beaten man to the car.

Children sleep ...

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... alcoholism.

Vyalba's face.

An image of energy coming from the universe.

The faces of Vyalba and his patients during a psychotherapy session, puffs of smoke, footage of a volcanic eruption.

The surgeon's hand during the operation.

Octopus tentacles.

Volcano eruption, the face of Vyalba.

A man drinking ...

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... (game footage).

The faces of Vyalba patients during a session of anti-alcohol stress therapy.

Blooming flowers, a person opens his eyes.

Vyalba removes his hands from the patient's head.

Flowers in the meadow.

Fish in the aquarium.

Rainbow in the fountain's jets.

Everyday Life of a Russian Hospital 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:41, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №2


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... the Hospital building .

Dmitriyevsky is speaking.

The Hospital building .

Dmitriyevsky with his grandson and a nurse of the Oryol Hospital named Alyoshina are laying flowers to a grave.

A boy is laying flowers.

A panorama of the monument on the grave.

A panorama of the Hospital yard.

Hospital workers ...

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... are walking.

Dmitriyevsky is speaking.

The newsreel of 1941-1945:

A radio operator’s hands are on the lever.

Partisans are laying down arms; running.

The dead men are lying.

A German flag and leaflets are being torn off .

A leaflet is burning.

The dead bodies are lying.

Doctor Tsvetkov is speaking. ...

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The newsreel of 1941-1945:

Barbed wire.

A panorama of prisoners in the yard of the concentration camp.

Poles with barbed wire.

Tsvetkov is laying flowers to the burial place of the Soviet war prisoners.

Pictures: the Hospital building; Hospital barracks; a surgery; doctors are at a wounded man’s bed ...


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... Pastukhova is speaking about the day of liberation.

The newsreel of 1941-1945:

Tanks are going along the city street.

A soldier with a flag in his hands going upstairs.

A woman is kissing a soldier.

A tank is on the pedestal.

A red flag is waving over the city.

The nurse Syrtsova is speaking.

The ...


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... 1941-1945:

Soviet tanks are going by.

Soldiers are walking by.

People are looking.

Women participated in the war are walking by.

Dmitriyevsky with his grandson and Alyoshina are walking by.

People are in an Oryol street.

The Hospital yard.

Maricheva is coming up to the nurse.

Tsvetkov is at the medical ...

And let's think together. 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:50, published: 3/1/2017


Educational film for children about forest animals, birds and flowers and the need to protect them.

Reel №1

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... primroses.

Flowers anemone, Corydalis, swelling buds on the branch.

Flowers sleep-grass.

Panorama of the spring forest, flowers, the first flowers.

The girl starts to tear the flowers.

Magpie on a branch flapping his wings.

The girl walks through the woods with a torn bouquet of spring flowers.

The girl ...

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... girl in the meadow picks the flowers sleep-grass.

Magpie on a branch.

The girl sees a bunch, not throwing any flowers.

Crushed flower, sleep-grass remains lying on the lawn, the girl goes.

Magpie on a branch.

Owl sitting on a stump, head owl.

The hare and the hedgehog sitting on stumps.

Squirrel on the ...

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... sidin the clearing at the blooming lilies of the valley.

Lilies of the valley growing in a forest glade, flowers of lilies of the valley.

The woman with the girl go to the clearing and begin to tear lilies of the valley, a rabbit watching them.

A woman and a girl carry Lily of the valley in the basket ...

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... on a flower.

Forest flowers growing on the edge.

Blooming bells.

Insects on the stems of plants and flowers.

Caterpillar on the leaf.

Bumblebee on a flower.

Flowers in the rain.

Insects are hiding from the rain in a flower bell.

Panorama of meadows on the forest edge.

A bumblebee flies from flower to flower ...

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... flower.

Children come to the meadow and begins to play football, crush plants, girl tear flowers.

Girl weaves a wreath of daisies.

Bumblebee on a flower.

Children playing football and tearing flowers, Bumble bee on the stem of the plant.

View Ismatova meadows.

Bumblebee on a broken flower.

Owl on a broken ...

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... broken tree trunk.

Bumblebee on a flower head owl.

Reel №2

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... raccoon growing on the meadow flower the lady's slipper.

The lady's slipper in the forest glade.

Blooming tropical orchids.

Different types of blooming orchids.

Types of North of Orchid's kind of orchids.

The Orchid flowers.

A box of seeds of orchids formed in the place of the flower.

The seeds of orchids. ...

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Blooming Venus fly trap flowers Cypripedium.

The raccoon and hedgehog on a glade.

Girl breaks a Venus fly trap flowers Cypripedium, grinning face of a raccoon.

Hedgehog in the grass.

The girl notices the racoon runs away.

The raccoon and hedgehog come to the glade to the owl.

Raccoon, hedgehog and owl ...

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... meadow.

Panorama of the overgrown forest lake.

The frog on the Lily pad.

Blooming water lilies, the frog on the Lily pad.

Panorama of the lake with flowering Lily pads.

Lilies fold their petals at sunset.

View of a forest lake at sunset.

Panorama of the lake.

The frog on the Lily pad.

Two boys floating ...

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One of the boys breaks the water lilies, the frogs head.

The boys throw on shore plucked the lilies, girls catch them.

Girls make jewelry out of flowers lilies.

Frog is sitting among the broken and abandoned water lilies.

Frog, owl and hedgehog on a glade.

A magpie on a tree branch.

The head of a hare ...

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