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"monuments" newsreels and historical clips

Our region № 15 1982

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:05, published: 10/24/2016



Culture and Arts


Culture and Arts


dedicated to the work of the 4th Congress of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments and the problems of protection and restoration of historical monuments in the Novgorod region.

Reel №1

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... Novgorod Kremlin.

View of the presidium and meeting room of the 4th Congress of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments.

First Secretary of the Novgorod Regional Committee of the CPSU N. A. Antonov from the rostrum welcomes the delegates of the Congress.

Faces of the ...

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... Likhachev talks about the historical monuments of Novgorod, about the preservation of ancient monuments, tells about the destruction of Novgorod during the Nazi occupation, about the beginning of the reconstruction of the city (synchronously).

Types of historical monuments, streets and buildings of Novgorod ...

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... Novgorod.

Domes of Orthodox churches.

Views of the monument to the 1000th anniversary of Russia (top).

Exhibits of the exhibition dedicated to the restoration of Novgorod, opened in the building of the Orthodox Cathedral.

Head of the Department of Culture of the Kostroma Regional Executive Committee F. M ...

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... Nechushkin speaks about the restoration of the church in the village of Azarovo, about the participation of people in the restoration of historical monuments (synchronously).

Fragments of the festival of Russian folk folklore in the village of Vitoslavlitsy.

Participants of the festival perform ritual songs ...

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... elderly participants of the festival.

Wooden house with carved decorations.

Writer V. G. Rasputin speaks about the concept of protection of historical monuments, about the preservation of national Russian dignity and culture (synchronously).

Wooden houses with carved decorations.

A man plays a pipe, standing ...

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... standing at the porch of a wooden house.

Examples of wooden Russian architecture.

Cosmonaut V. V. Aksenov speaks about the need to preserve the monuments of the Russian people for the internal cultural education of people (synchronously).

Children talk about the discovered archaeological finds (synchronously) ...


On the roads of war 1968

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:08, published: 6/27/2014





Social life

Culture and Arts

Reel №1

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View of the cypress alley.

Monument to Soviet soldiers who fell in the Great Patriotic War.

The inscription on the pedestal of the monument.

A sculpture of a Soviet soldier on one of the monuments in Poland.

The inscription on the pedestal of the monument.

Monuments to Soviet soldiers in the cities of ...

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... of Eastern Europe.

A tank on a pedestal.

A commemorative inscription on the pedestal of the monument to the tankers of the army of General Lelyushenko.

Rural landscape in Poland.

A peasant plows the land.

Newsreel of 1939: German planes are flying.

Bombs fall on Polish territory.

Summer rural landscapes ...


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... streets of Rzeszow.

View of the rally in honor of the Chelyabinsk guests on the city square at the monument to Soviet soldiers.

View of the monument honorary military and pioneer guard at the foot of the monument.

The faces of Polish pioneers.

A Polish military unit in the ranks with an unfurled banner.

Panorama ...

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... meetings.

Pioneers are standing with a wreath in their hands.

Faces of veterans.

View of the monument.

Wreaths and flowers laid at the foot of the monument.

Pioneers lay a wreath at the foot of the monument.

Veterans stand on the bridge over the Vistula River.

One of the veterans points to the battlefields ...


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... views of East Berlin.

Veterans and officers of the Soviet tank unit stationed in the GDR walk along the paths of Treptov Park.

Veterans go to the monument to the warrior-liberator in Treptov Park.

View of the sculpture of the warrior-liberator.

Photos of Soviet tanks and the meeting of Soviet soldiers ...

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... residents of liberated Prague.

Graves of Soviet soldiers and a monument to Soviet soldiers-liberators at the Prague cemetery.

Veterans during a minute of silence, newsreel.

Laying flowers at the monument's pedestal.

View of the monument.

Tank unit of the Soviet Army, stationed in the GDR, in parade formation ...


book destinies 2003

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:26:34, published: 12/26/2016




Culture and Arts

Culture and Arts

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Nodules on the memory 2006

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:28:24, published: 12/26/2016




Culture and Arts

Culture and Arts


Sculptural monuments of Moscow - the history of their creation and destruction ...

The intrigues and anecdotes around the bronze and granite giants.

And a surprising flair Muscovites, who could always distinguish a "monumental propaganda" of the art ...

The word "monument" - insidiously.

Monument preserves

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Muslims of Uzbekistan. 1965

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:38, black-white, published: 4/15/2023


On the historic and religious monuments of the Uzbekistan Muslims.

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Moscow № 72 Moscow today and tomorrow 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:30, published: 11/10/2012


Film-Moscow: the streets. educational institutions, industrial enterprises and monuments

Reel №1


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... bottle - different.

View of the Cathedral through the arch - MS., PNRM.

Reconstructed monuments - different.

Square: branches larch, verdant - CU.

The building in scaffolding, citizens help the restoration of monuments - different.

Cathedral - MS.

Exhibition of amateur artists in the Bitsa forest park ...


And a Link of Times Won't Be Interrupted 1972

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:18, published: 11/14/2012


restorers of frescoes in one of the temples.

The students - members of the restoration building group working on the restoration of architectural monuments Solovetsky monastery.

General view of the Solovetsky monastery, an architectural ensemble of Kizhi.

Renovation work in the town of Kondopoga, in Pafnouty-Borovsky


The film is about three students, who renew ancient monuments.

Reel №2


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Restoration work in the former Pafnouty-Borovsky monastery: Polygraphic Institute, working students, activists of All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture - CU., MS.

Iconographic material illustrating the resistance of the defenders of the fortress Pafnouty-Bohr led by warlord ...


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... 1941-1945.:

Destroyed and burned by the Nazis Michael (Winter) - MS., LS.

Destroyed in Novgorod monument "Millennium of Russia", the snow lying parts of the monument - CU., MS.

Refurbished Novgorod monument "Millennium of Russia» - MS., PNRM., LS.

The overall plan of Novgorod - PNRM.

Novgorod Kremlin: ...

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... Kremlin: the wall, the area - LS., MS. (Top point).

Several churches in Suzdal - LS.

Moscow Kremlin, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky (dawn).

Laying wreaths at the Lenin Monument 1972

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:18, published: 3/26/2021

Scene №1 Laying wreaths at the Lenin Monument

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The revolutionary events of 1917

Social life

Culture and Arts



Kazan State University, Lenin monument on Freedom Square

Opening of the monument to policemen 1967

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:31, published: 3/10/2021

Scene №1 Opening of the monument to policemen

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Authorities and management


State institutions

Culture and Arts

Dismantling of the monument to Dzerzhinsky 1991

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:16, published: 6/24/2022

Scene №1 Dismantling of the monument to Dzerzhinsky

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A monument to Dzerzhinsky.

The meeting near the monument.

The man at the microphone to announce the adoption of a resolution to dismantle the monument.


Speakers at the microphone.

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