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"neat grass" newsreels and historical clips

Kenya 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:17:43, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Kenya

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... Flowers on trees.


Large birds on the grass.

People feed the birds.

Vegetation, palm trees, flowers on the bush.

Enormous cacti.


The streets of the city - travel.

Buildings, cars, people on the streets.


Black man sitting on the grass, reading a newspaper.

City Hall.

Sculptures ...

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The big tree.

Residential building.

Rhino on the field near the city.

Lion in the grass.

Panorama of the field, high-rise buildings are visible.

Giraffe on the field.


Are bison.

The lion lies in the grass.

There is a baby elephant with the elephant.

Grazing zebra.

The balloon rises.

Flying ...

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... Flying over the forest.

The shadow of the balloon.

Boy with a lone tree.


African tribe.

Women and men of the tribe are sitting on the grass.


Landscapes (evening).

The boat on the river.

The captain at the helm.



Men and women play in the national musical instrument, sing, dance on board ...

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... board the boat.

River landscape with a boat.

The man puts the rope, she embroiders.

Beach with vegetation, houses.

Lizard in the grass.


People relax by the pool.


The fruit on the tree.

Village life.

People are engaged in handicrafts.

Gift Shop: figurines of animals, people, and so on.

Locals ...

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... waves.

Go tourists.

Local residents have cars.

Dance by local residents.

Travel by road.

Masai Mara Reserve.

Lions lie in the grass.

Pelican by the water.

An elephant eats grass.

Family of elephants.

Grazing zebra.


A herd of wildebeest.


A tree with fruit.

Flowers on a bush.


Homes ...


Our region № 22 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:08, published: 3/28/2017

Reel №1

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... Novgorod with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor., 2. Kaliningrad, the work of ameliorators., 3. Kaliningrad region.

State farm them.


Grass of grasses on polderas (polder lands reclaimed from the sea), 4. Old Zagora, a story about an honorable citizen of S.Moiseychenko.

Forage Harvester KPKU-75 1980

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:06, published: 3/24/2023

Reel №1

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A field with fodder grasses.

Trailed forage harvester on the farmyard site.

Trailer parts of the combine harvester: picker, harvester,harvester for high-stem crops.

The device of the combine.

Combine harvester in the field.

Harvesting of forage grasses.

The work of the combine with the picker.

Corn harvesting ...

The mystery for millions of eyes. In herbal jungle. 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:25, published: 9/11/2013

Reel №1

... Russian landscape.

A girl and a young man make their way through the tall grass.

There is a tent in the clearing.

Aphids on the plant.

Aphids suck juice.

The birth of aphids.

The ant "grazes" aphids.

Ladybug climbs a blade of grass.

Ladybug eats aphids.

An ant chases away a ladybug.

The larva of the babbler ...

... descends on the threads and gets to the beetle's lunch.

Ground beetles in a glass aquarium.


Simulated grass jungle.

Red-tailed caterpillar.

A caterpillar crawls on a blade of grass.

The caterpillar eats a leaf.

Caterpillar butterfly Pea scoop.

Caterpillar of the Cabbage butterfly.

The larvae ...


Counter-plan of the TASSR in action 1973

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:43:10, published: 3/1/2021

Reel №4

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... stalls.


Sunflower field.

Sunflower harvesting.

Corn harvesting.

Machines with fodder grasses.

Chairman of the collective farm (synchronously).

Watering plant on the pasture.

Harvesting of forage grasses.

Livestock farm.

Distribution of feed.

Poultry farm "Krasny klyuch".

Eggs on the conveyor belt ...

The Struggle for Peace - the Cause of All and Everybody 1986

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:09, black-white, published: 4/29/2014


Landscapes sunrise, the dew on the grass, river, meadows, field chamomile flowers.

The children gather daisies.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Memorial in Khatyn.

Monument to victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Children, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the Japanese laying flowers at the monuments

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Attention: moose. 1990

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:01, published: 10/1/2020

Reel №1

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... forest.

Young forest plantings.

Moose are lying in the grass.


Felling of the forest.

Fallen trees.

Burnt trunks.

Planting conifers.

Stuffed animals in the museum.

Moose eats branches.

A damaged tree trunk.


A group of moose in the grass.

The dying forest.

Moose in the forest.

Scene №15

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The cosmonauts' exit from the hotel to the song "Grass at home" performed by the group "Earthlings".

The crews say goodbye to the mourners.

Astronauts get on the bus, people continue taking photos; the song "Grass at home" is performed by the duo "Deep" (formerly "Ichigo Tanuki").

Buses leave for the ...

Agriculture № 6 1988

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:56, published: 2/13/2015

Reel №1


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... Port.

Unloading hay in the port.

Tundra vegetation.

Tundra from a helicopter.

Karst lake.

Grass in the tundra.

Harvesting of forage grasses in the tundra.

Mowing grass by hand.

Two men carry mown grass on an oilcloth.

Burt with hay under the snow.

Distribution of feed to cows.

In the shop. ...

Paragliders 2014-2015

Footage, 29 footages, duration: 0:08:41, published: 12/16/2015

Scene №21

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Grass blown propeller.

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