You found 5531 newsreels for query "the river Ganges"

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"the river Ganges" newsreels and historical clips

Water River of Forgetfulness 1992

Documentary, 4 parts, duration: 0:39:19, published: 2/14/2014


performs religious ceremonies.

Buddhist monks read the text of the " Book of the Dead ."

Landscapes sunset , afternoon and evening river scenery , a boat on the river.

Reel №1 Water River of Forgetfulness


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... Lama performs religious ceremonies.

Buddhist monks read the text of the "Book of the Dead."

Landscapes sunset, afternoon and evening river scenery, a boat on the river (part 1, 2, 4).

Foreign news footages № 42 1986

News, 15 parts, duration: 0:28:58, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №15 China - the Yangtze River.

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China - the Yangtze River.

Foreign newsreels № 4104 1974

News, 7 footages, duration: 0:10:31, published: 7/18/2016


at the mausoleum of Sukhbaatar.

MPR - Laying of wreaths at the monument (in the Halkin-Gol).

India - Religious holiday in Hardwar.

Bathing in the Ganges.

Hungary - A meeting of former members of the commune in Leninvaroshe.

Newsreel of the 1948 Commune.

Czechoslovakia - International Medical Congress

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Nehru. Third film "Freedom" 1984

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:56:40, published: 6/3/2014

Reel №2


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... India.

Run Indian weavers and spinners.

People on the streets of Indian cities and towns.

Panorama of the city.

Religious festival on the banks of the Ganges.

Newsreel 1949: Nehru of the floor.

People listening to the Nehru.

People's faces.

Nehru speaks to the peasants.

Peasants in the excavation.

Nehru ...


Reel №5


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... beginning of the 1960s: Nehru gives an interview before the movie camera.

Types banks of the Ganges in the evening.

People praying in the temple.

Landscapes of India.

They haul the boat ashore.

Manual faucet river pier.

View of the coastal part of the city at night, bonfire on the beach.

Reel №6


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... hearse to the banks of the Ganges.

Go to the military.

Urn with the ashes removed from the hearse.

People are standing on the bank of the Ganges.

Urn with the ashes being taken to the funeral boat.

People on the beach say goodbye to Nehru.

Nehru's ashes poured into the Ganges.

Plane in the sky.

Indira ...


Soviet Ural Mountains № 23 1988

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:03, published: 8/22/2014



Special issue dedicated to pollution of rivers.

River Kurtamysh, Kurgan region.

Said Inspector Fisheries M.K.Lipin.

The chairman of the district executive committee that


Sakalyaga River, Chelyabinsk region.

Reel №1

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The drain of the cheese factory.

Children catch a hundred in it with a net.

Cows on the river bank.

Inspector of fish protection M.K.Lipin (synchronously).

Plowed riverbank.

Bags of fertilizer.

Chairman of the district executive Committee Glebov (synchronously).

Unfinished sewage treatment plants.

M ...

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... oil in the river.

Grandma swears with empty buckets,

A fisherman with a net on the river.

The inspector draws up an act on poachers.

Chairman of the Society for the Protection of Nature Kostolomov.

Chairman of the Kurtamysh district executive Committee Glebov.

Sak-Elga river.

The purest river water in ...

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... glass.

The banks of the Sak-Elga River.

A copper smelter in Karabash with smoking pipes.

Red creek with a high content of pyrites.

Pyrites that poison water.

Muddy water in a glass from the Sak-Elge river near the copper smelter.

Another poisonous stream flowing into the river.

Poisonous Sak-EL7GA.

"Martian" ...

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"Martian" landscapes along the banks of the river.

The Miass River.

Water testing laboratory in Miass.

Pipes of the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant.

By Yana River. 1965

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:49, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1

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Tourists sailing on wooden raft on the river Yana of Verkhoyansk district north to the port of Lower Jansky on the shore of the Laptev Sea.

Mountain, rocky shores of the Yana River.

Raft bypasses rapids on the river.

The rapid flow of the river.

Raft approaches the shore at the marina "Kular ...

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... workers village "Kular."

Bulldozer pulls the raft into the water from the shore.

By Yana River in the fog floating barge, boat, raft with tourists.

Tourists pulled on the ropes the raft down the river, along the banks themselves go on foot.

Excavations on the beach with permafrost.

Tourists ...

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... Tourists unearth mammoth bones.

Raft with tourists coming to the jetty port Lower Jansky.

Tourists say goodbye to the river with the raft, leaving the shore.


Non-ferrous metallurgy.


River transport.


Mezen - River North 1962

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:50, published: 8/4/2015

Reel №1

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... photo).

Panorama of forest along the banks of the river.

Top view of a rural home.

View of the river Mezen.

Settlement on the banks of the river.

Wooden houses.

Woman with buckets on a yoke down the stairs.

Hut near the water; sailing boats on the river.

View of the house from the water.

Cows at the watering ...


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... village cemetery in the field.

Fences in the fields.

Summer flowering herbs.

View of the valley from the hill.

The river is the boat with the fishermen.

Waterfront with water.

Panorama of the river.

Boat in shallow water near the shore.

Country road rises to the houses.

Mills in the field.

Children run to ...


Sviyaga river.A river flowing backwards 1992

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:18:08, published: 4/27/2021

Scene №1 Sviyaga river.A river flowing backwards

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Pollution of the Nishchenka River 2002

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:44, published: 2/20/2018

Scene №1 Pollution of the Nishchenka River

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Luberetskiy district, the river Nishchenka, treatment facilities.

Garbage and dead birds in the water.

People are fishing on the canal bank.

Garbage in the water.

Undermining timecode.

A rusty sign "Fishing is prohibited".

Fishermen on shore.

A man stands in the water.


Nagatinsky beach.

Undermining ...


The Congo River 1910-1919

Footage, 9 parts, duration: 0:59:17, black-white, published: 1/14/2020

Reel №1

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The boat with the new passenger ship comes to pick them up on the board.

Map of Africa, the equator line.

Watershed of Lake Chad and the Congo River belongs to France and Belgium.

Cruise departs from the port of Matadi deep into the Belgian Congo.

The railway is among the jungle.

At the side you ...

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... the way, near the train crowd of Africans, Africans with children.

The path is from Brazzaville to Banguta / Bunty? / Congo-full-flowing river in Africa.

The river banks.

African swims by boat to the shore.

Bangut / Bunty / / - shopping center area.

Market Bangute, is a trader, a woman with bound ...

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... Individual trays with the goods.

Aboriginal settlement.

There are naked Africans sit WFFL huts.

Map of South-West Africa.

The line is the Congo River from Brazzaville to Benguta.


Large cabin in vmde barn.

These tribes are delivered rubber and hand over his European agents.

Sit negros ...



France, Africa, river, lake, shipping, port, natives, women, children, entertainment, trade

Reel №7

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Map of the Belgian Congo.

On the banks of the river near the Logone Arshambolta located original buildings Massai tribe.

Kraal Masai-domed huts, arranged in a circle.

The village is surrounded by a stone wall.

Huts reach 8 meters.

Login closing mats.

Dawn, an entrance, a man comes ...

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... comes into the shelter.

Local mill-circle.

Women rub the grain.

Immediately located calves.

Yard, runs a herd of goats.

On the river Logone.

To catch a fish, the river span poles.

Children dive into the water with nets, come ashore.

To shore swim boat.

Sit the children, a man carries them out of ...


Reel №9


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... Demonstration of the nobles before the Sultan, they ride on horses.

Alley, the road to the house.

Do children play house.

River, go court.

To berth suitable vessel.

View of the River Congo


France, Africa, river, people, kings, personalities, women, children, transportation, water

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