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"Grand Cascade" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 5882 1978

News, 1 part, published: 6/8/2014

Scene №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


Homejni S.R.M. -- Iranian religious, statesman and politician, Grand Ayatollah, supreme Leader of Iran (1979 - 1989).

Foreign newsreels № 4425 1975

News, 19 footages, duration: 0:28:23, published: 5/11/2020

Reel №1


... energy.

USA - Trained cowboys at the new school Rodeo.

USA - Supervision of scientists, volcanologists over the activities of volcanoes in the Northern Cascade mountain ranges.

USA - Debate on the law of the wild horses in Nevada between the government and the ranchers.

USA - Exhibition of jewelry of diamonds ...


... with the refusal of U.S. bases in Turkey.

England - a unique Exhibition of 700 hours in the Museum Guildhall.

Germany - the Winner of the race at the Grand Prix - Carlos Reutemann.

Laos - Smuggling of goods to Laos from Thailand.

XXVII Moscow International Film Festival 2005

Footage, 24 footages, duration: 6:02:07, published: 2/19/2015

Scene №13 Grand opening of the festival

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Grand Duke Nicholas Romanov 2010

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:51:57, published: 4/19/2024


A film about the life and work of the Grand Duke Nicholas Romanov.

Movie №1

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Sunrise scenery deserts of Central Asia.

The inscription on the stone: "The Grand Duke Nicholas."

Photographic portraits of the Grand Duke.

Biographer Nicholas Romanov Golender B. gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos of Nicholas Romanov as a child with his mother and father -Velikim Duke Konstantin ...

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... of Nicholas Romanov parents Portrait of Emperor Alexander II.

Photos brothers and sisters of the Grand Duke.

Photos of the Marble Palace in St.

Petersburg, Pavlovsk Palace, Strelna estate.

Photo of Grand Duke in the family, during his studies at the Academy of the General Staff.

Nicholas Romanov after ...


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... from the collection of Nicholas Romanov in the Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan.

Portraits Lear and Nicholas Romanov in the newspaper, portraits parents Grand Duke.

Map of Turkestan.

Newsreel beginning of the 20th century: the landscape of one of the Central Asian cities.

Khiva Khan sits in the crew.

Herman ...


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... Romanov Lear.

Fighting Russian troops, cavalry charges.

Photo of Grand Duke at the end of Khiva campaign.

Game footage of hostilities.

An entry from the diary of Grand Duke.

Photo of Nicholas Romanov

Landscapes Turkestan.

Photo of Grand Duke in the dress uniform of the Life Guards Regiment.

The text of ...

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... included in the gate of the fortress in Khorezm.

Types quarters of Khiva.

A general view of the old town (top).

Referring to St.


Portrait of Grand Duke Constantine.

Portraits of Alexander II and Nicholas I. prints and photographs of the outer appearance and the interiors of the Marble Palace.

Portraits ...


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... Central Asian desert.

Runs a caravan of camels.

View of a portion of the Amu Darya (top).

Barren landscape.

Photos of the Grand Duke and the Emir of Bukhara.

Text of the letter of Grand Duke emir.

Inside view of the emir's palace premises in Bukhara.

View of part of Bukhara.

View of a portion of the Amu ...

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... caravan.

Photos streets of Orenburg.

Photos of Nicholas Romanov and his wife, Von Dreyer NA The text of the Synod on the recognition of the marriage of Grand Duke illegal.

Game footage: Emperor Alexander II receives the report of the Winter Palace.

Photo NK Romanov and his wife.

Photo of Alexander II and ...

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... front of the mosque.

Weavers in the street, at work.

People will ship the goods on camels.

Caravan comes out of the gate.

An entry in the diary of Grand Duke.

Pictures of buildings and streets "European" part of Tashkent.

Newsreel 1920: the streets of Tashkent.

People go down the street on donkeys.

A ...

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... Valley, built with the participation of the Grand Duke in 1883-1885 years.

Types of village Iskander in Uzbekistan.

An entry in the diary of Grand Duke.

Types of Amu Darya.

Irrigation canals.

Farmers plow the land.

Types of settlement Iskander-based Grand Duke.

Streams of mountain streams.

Mountain stream ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... photos of charity events with the participation of Nicholas Romanov Photo residence of the Grand Duke in the center of Tashkent.

An entry in the diary of Grand Duke.

Photographs and drawings of the house of the Grand Duke.

The modern look of the building.

Interiors of rooms in the house of Romanov N.

Decorating ...


Foreign newsreels № 5866 1978

News, 1 part, published: 6/8/2014

Scene №15

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


Homejni S.R.M. -- Iranian religious, state and political figure, Grand Ayatollah, supreme leader of Iran (1979-1989).

Foreign newsreels № 5776 1978

News, 1 part, published: 8/24/2021

Scene №19

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


Homejni S.R.M. -- Iranian religious, state and political figure, Grand Ayatollah, supreme leader of Iran (1979-1989).

Foreign newsreels № 5832 1978

News, 1 part, published: 6/8/2014

Scene №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


Homejni S.R.M. -- Iranian religious, state and political figure, Grand Ayatollah, Supreme leader of Iran (1979-1989).

Foreign newsreels № 5890 1979

News, 1 part, published: 1/2/2015

Scene №9

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


Homejni S.R.M. -- Iranian religious, state and political figure, Grand Ayatollah, supreme leader of Iran (1979-1989).

Foreign newsreels № 5762 1978

News, 20 parts, published: 6/8/2014

Scene №6

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tennis player, the first racket of the world in singles and doubles, multiple winner of Grand Slam tournaments.

Shrajver-Lezenbi P.G. -- American tennis player, world number one in doubles, multiple winner of Grand Slam tournaments, radio commentator.

Scene №7

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tennis player, the first racket of the world in singles and doubles, multiple winner of Grand Slam tournaments.

Shrajver-Lezenbi P.G. -- American tennis player, world number one in doubles, multiple winner of Grand Slam tournaments, radio commentator.

Leningrad chronicles № 3 Towards the XXVI Congress of the CPSU 1981

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:03, published: 9/17/2019

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. Smolny, a meeting of party activists.

2. Kirov plant, new tractor K-710.

3. Plant "Polygraphmash", photo-set complex "Cascade".

4. Everyday life of the livestock complex "Vostochny".

5. The association of "Electrosila" and the Research Institute of Electrical Equipment.


The story of "Angar-5" ...


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