You found 5527 newsreels for query "Indian national dress"

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"Indian national dress" newsreels and historical clips

The grave of Sergei Eisenstein, placing flowers 1998

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:01:02, published: 10/5/2015

Scene №1 The grave of Sergei Eisenstein, placing flowers

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writer, art theoretician, educator

Pearl Moiseevna Fogelman (pen name - Pera Atasheva) - Soviet journalist and film critic

Hope Buzinova - Soviet dresser

Nehru. First film "Becoming" 1984

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:53:14, published: 6/3/2014


The film is dedicated to the life and career of the prominent Indian politician Nehru during the late 19th century to 1931.

Reel №2


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... Nehru with his buddies.

Newsreel of the 1910s: a ceremony with the participation of the Viceroy of India.

The stadium are officers and officials in dress uniforms.

Viceroy on the throne receives honors.

Photo father Nehru in court uniform with a sword.

Photo Nehru with his father on his return to India ...

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... of the rooms in the house of Nehru.

Dining room in the house of Nehru.

Photo Nehru during operation of the Indian National Congress in Bankipure.

Newsreel, 1912: Members of the Indian National Congress before the meeting.

The cavalry rides through the streets of one of the European cities in 1914.

French ...

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... fighting in the First World War.

Soldiers overcome barbed wire.

French tanks are going to attack.

Soldiers of the Indian colonial troops are on the streets of the village close to the front line.

Indian Army units at various theaters of war.

Soldiers marching through the city.

French tanks are going to attack ...


Reel №3


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... and soldiers beat them.

People have a passive resistance to police.

Demonstration in support of the Indian National Congress.

Are soldiers with rifles at the ready.

Congresswoman speaks to people.

Indian women work on hand looms.

Gandhi speaks to people.

Day of civil disobedience in India.

People run away ...

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... The shooting of peaceful demonstrators.

People go on a rural road.

The farmer tills the soil.

Persons of Indian peasants.

Newsreel 1920: Women hammering the ground with hoes.

Persons peasants.

Indian miners in the mine.

People fill the cart with coal.

Miners carry baskets of coal.

Copies of reports of ...

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... police of the distribution of the people Bolshevik ideas.

Newsreel 1920: Gandhi is accompanied by members of the Indian National Congress.

Demonstration by members of the Indian National Congress.

Nehru among the demonstrators.

Photos Nehru, speaking before the peasants.


Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - statesman and political figure

Mahatma Gandhi - Indian social and political activist

Jawaharlal Nehru - Indian statesman and political figure

Reel №5

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Newsreel, 1928: Indian port from the sea.

People in the town square (above).

Nehru and his wife going to a meeting.

Gandhi speaks at a rally.

People listen to the speech of Gandhi.

Nehru speaks at a rally, standing next to Gandhi.

People in the area were listening to the participants of the session of ...

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... of the Indian National Congress.

Demonstration in support of the independence of India.

Photo Gandhi.

Text of letter Nehru Gandhi.

Portrait of Nehru and text reply to the message of Gandhi.

Photo Gandhi.

Text of letter Nehru Gandhi.

Photo Nehru with a letter in his hand.

Text of letter Nehru.

Photo Nehru ...


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... 1920s: people go to trial.

The session of the Indian National Congress in Lahore in anticipation of the arrival of Gandhi.

Gandhi goes to the meeting of the session.

Gandhi mounts the rostrum.

Photo Nehru among the newly elected leaders of the Indian National Congress.

Newsreel of the late 1920s: Nehru ...

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... for India's independence.

Nehru before the performance.

Nehru of the floor, speaks into the microphone, people listen to Nehru.

Members of the Indian National Congress listening to the Nehru.

Demonstration in the streets of the city in support of independence January 26, 1930.

Ocean waves lapping on ...


Mahatma Gandhi - Indian social and political activist

Jawaharlal Nehru - Indian statesman and political figure

British Movietone News № 40 1939

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:03:57, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... Philip".

Present Princess Josephine

Hikers in the mountains of the United States

Military exercises in France

Indian students in England are recorded in the militia

Scottish troops in national costumes

British troops in France

"Nehru". The second film. "Struggle". 1984

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:56:51, published: 6/20/2014


The film tells about the role of Jawaharlal Nehru, the Indian people in the struggle for independence in the period from 1931 to 1947.

Reel №2


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... 1936: Delegates of the Indian National Congress meets in regular session.

Nehru is at the meeting, people greet him.

General view of the demonstration on the occasion of the opening of the session.

Women's faces.

General view of the demonstration.

Making a religious ritual in Indian temple.

Person praying ...

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... praying.

Muslims perform prayer.

Photo Muslim members of the Indian National Congress.

Photo head of the Muslim League Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Newsreel 1936: demonstration in support of the Indian National Congress.

Meeting of members of the British royal family.

Coach with high visitor passes through the streets ...


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... Nehru discusses various issues with the participants of the session of the Indian National Congress.

General view of the demonstration.

By participants of the session.

Nehru of the floor.

Are the representatives of the Indian National Congress.

People listen to the speakers.

Go to the session participants ...



Jawaharlal Nehru - Indian statesman and political figure

Mohammad Ali Jinnah - Indian and Pakistani statesman and political figure.

Reel №3

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Desk in the office of Nehru.

Newsreel of the second half of 1936: people welcome Nehru during his trips to India.

Persons of Indian peasants.

Women with baskets on their heads.

Persons peasants.

Persons elderly.

Young man playing a musical instrument.

Women's faces.

Are women with jugs on their heads ...


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... ride standing up in the car.

Photos Nehru with members and leaders of the Indian National Congress.

Newsreel of the second half of the 1930s: the procession on the occasion of election of the President of the Indian National Congress.

Pass candidates.

People welcome the elected President of the Congress ...

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... members of the Indian National Congress.

Photo Bos among like-minded after stepping down as chairman of the Congress.

Newsreel of the late 1930s: Bos together with German officers bypass the guard of the Indian unit.

Faces of the soldiers.

Bos presents division battle flag.

German and Indian officers greet ...

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... in one of the units of the Indian Army.

Bose met at the airport.

Bos bypass operation.

Bos out of the plane in Japan.

Japanese officers welcome Bos.

Bos of the floor.

Bos welcomes formed by the Japanese troops from Indian prisoners.

Bos takes the parade of the Indian National Army, formed by the Japanese ...



Mahatma Gandhi - Indian social and political activist

Jawaharlal Nehru - Indian statesman and political figure

Adolf Hitler - German statesman and political figure

Benito Mussolini - Italian statesman and politician

Subhas Chandra Bose - Indian politician

Neville Chamberlain - British statesman and politician

Reel №6


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... delegates.

The car goes Nehru him - members of the Indian National Congress.

Nehru talks with delegates.

Members of the new Government of India.

Nehru, speaking at the conference.

General view of the conference sessions.

The delegates of the Indian National Congress.

Nehru speaks with participants of the ...


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Newspaper reports on the establishment of a Muslim state.

Newsreel 1946-1947 years: Nehru and Jinnah debate.

View of the building of the Indian Parliament.

The meeting of the Indian Parliament.

Nehru of the floor.

Deputies in the courtroom listening to the Nehru.

Nehru acts.

Manifestation in the square in front ...

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... independence.

Down the British flag.

Artillery gives salute.

Nehru raises the national flag of India.

The national flag of India over the area (above).

People in the area.

The national flag of India flying over the area.

The national flag of India over the Parliament building.


Jawaharlal Nehru - Indian statesman and political figure

Mohammad Ali Jinnah - Indian and Pakistani statesman and political figure

Mahatma Gandhi - Indian social and political activist

Charles de Gaulle - French statesman and politician

Foreign newsreels № 361 1960

News, 1 part, duration: 0:10:01, published: 4/22/2016

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... Passenger ship off the coast of Canada.

Street of the city.

Toll roads.

Quebec: Report on the streets of the city.

Guards Parade (large fur hats).

National Indian dances.

Selling newspapers on the street.

Bride and groom at the entrance to the temple.

Niagara Falls.

Driving on the cities and highways of Canada ...


The USSR-India: New Horizons of Friendship. 1987

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:32, published: 11/10/2012


Foreign policy

International cooperation

National culture



Culture and Arts


highlights the visit of Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi at the signing of long-term co-operation programs and the opening of the festival of Indian culture in the USSR.

Reel №1

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Indian coast, sunset over the sea.

People are floating on a boat on the river.

Alternating: the streets of Indian cities, residents and various urban transport, cultural attractions.

July 2, 1987, Moscow, Sheremetyevo Airport.

The plane stops on the tarmac next to the formation of soldiers.

Nikolai Ryzhkov ...

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... Ryzhkov, Shevardnadze and Anatoly Dobrynin met with Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and his wife.

Military orchestra performed national anthems.

Nikolai Ryzhkov and Rajiv Gandhi on the red carpet.

State flags of the USSR and India.

Politicians pass down the line of soldiers.

Residents and visitors ...



Worker of the Diplomatic Service of the Russian Federation, Honorary Doctor of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

R. Gandhi - Indian politician, Prime Minister of India.

Reel №2

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... flags of the USSR and India.

Play Indian musicians.

The opening ceremony of the monument to Indira Gandhi.

Speaker Mikhail Gorbachev.

The speech Rajiv Gandhi.


Residents of Moscow with banners.

People bring flowers to the monument.

The Spasskaya Tower.

The Indian delegation, accompanied by the Soviet ...

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... the USSR, a demonstration of Russian and Indian national rituals.

The operator of a television camera.

Rajiv Gandhi speech.

Members of the media is removed speech of the Prime Minister of India.

The speech of Mikhail Gorbachev.

The walls and the dome.

Indian folk dance at the Cathedral Square.

Reel №3

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Indian sculpture, murals, paintings.

Indian children.

View of the Kremlin.

From the Kremlin to the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow river barge moving on deck performed Indian traditional dances.

Mikhail Gorbachev and Rajiv Gandhi greet spectators from the stands.

Panorama stands.

Mikhail Gorbachev made a ...

Masters of the Indian Art. 1954

Documentary, 4 parts, duration: 0:40:09, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


On the stay of Indian actors in the USSR.

Historical note

In August-September 1954, the Soviet Union, visited a group of Indian artists, headed by Deputy Health Minister of India Mrs.


Reel №2

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... conclusion of the concert the whole group of Indian artists perform the national anthem.

On the stage of Indian artists and masters of Soviet art.

People's Artist of the USSR Igor Moiseyev speech and gives flowers to Mrs.


Meeting with Indian artists prominent Soviet musicians.

Playing ...

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... Khachaturian.

Indian artists in the bed of the Bolshoi Theatre.

A scene from the ballet Glier "The Bronze Horseman" (synchronous).

Indian guests of artists of the Bolshoi Theatre.

Indian guests to express "Red Arrow".

The train comes to the platform of the Leningrad station.

Meeting of Indian artists ...

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General view of Leningrad.

Guests at the Smolny Institute (Room VI Lenin), on the banks of the Neva.

Peter and Paul Fortress.

Winter Palace.

Indian artists visiting pupils Leningrad Choreographic School.

Dancing girls.

Reel №3

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... Concert of masters of Indian art in the Maly Theater.

Acts composer and singer Ravi Shankar India Radio - one of the best musicians of India.

General view of Kiev.

Indian guests went through the streets of Kiev.

The people at the Opera and Ballet Theatre.


Indian artists are going to ...

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... Suryamukhi Tombino Devi Chitrasen Singh and Babu Singh (synchronously).

Visiting Indian guests kindergarten.


Chandrasekhar dines with children.

Together with the children play a game Asa Singh Mastan and World Chetteredzhi.

Indian guests to stroll on the boat on the Dnieper.

Together with their colleagues ...

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... Dankevych composer, opera singers

Zoya Gaidai, Boris Hmyrya Mikhail Grishko, Elizabeth Chavdar.

Guests traveling in a car through the streets of Sochi.

Indian artists in the sanatorium.

Ordzhonikidze, on the beach.

Guests ride the speedboat.

General view and streets.

Guests pass through the city appear ...

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... and Ballet Theatre.


Playing singer Mira Chetteredzhi and Surinder Kaur (synchronously).

The general view and the streets of Tbilisi.

Indian artists come out of the hotel, they are greeted residents.

Reel №4

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Indian guests at the Palace of Pioneers, watching performances of pioneers.

Pioneers perform Lezghinka.

Pioneers give Ms.

Chandrasekhar chonguri folk instrument and all guests - pioneer ties.

Indian artists from dance pioneers Lezghinka.

Guests say goodbye to the children.

Highway going car.

General ...


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... present at the reception, Tamara Khanum, Maya Plisetskaya and others


Chandrasekhar passes Kaftanov gift from the Indian delegation - the national musical instrument.

Seeing Indian artists at the airport.

Playing Ms.

Chandrasekhar and Kaftanov (synchronously).

Guests climb into the plane.

The Silver Anniversary of Bhilai. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:10, published: 11/10/2012


construction plant. [_], Delhi: Republic Square, and others

visit to the Soviet Union, Nehru and Indira Gandhi.

2h. - Preparation for the flight Soviet-Indian crew:

training in Star City.

The participation of the Soviet delegation in celebrating 25 years of plant:

trip across the country.

Guild Novokramotorskogo

Reel №1

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Pouring steel.

People ride bicycles to work.

Working at the Bhilai Steel Mill, factory building.

Shop factory, working at the furnace.

Soviet and Indian specialists in the shop.

The red-hot workpiece on the mill.

Say, a factory worker, engineer and deputy chief of department.

Flower meadow flowers.

Streets ...

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... a passing car.

Construction of pouring buckets of cement.

Jawaharlal Nehru stands with workers of the plant.

Factory building.

Standing Soviet and Indian workers.

Pouring the first cast.

Banners at the plant at Bhilai in Russian and English languages.


Members of the Soviet delegation, including ...

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... Streets of New Delhi, are people, the river and the building.

Republic Square.

Musicians on the background of the Palace of the President during a national holiday - Republic Day.

Those people who had gathered for the holiday.

Newsreel: Flag of the Republic of India.

Says the president of Jawaharlal ...

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... Jawaharlal Nehru.

The opening of a memorial plaque on the Square in Moscow, which was named after Jawaharlal Nehru; welcome; among the Presidium of the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.


Indira Gandhi at the memorial plaque.

Flowers, a memorial plaque.

Comrade VE Dymshits presents a copy of the ...

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... applaud.

The area of the city of Bhilai, passing workers.

Eternal flame burning at the site of the body of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (leader of the national liberation movement).

Monument MK Gandhi.

Members of the Soviet delegation in the shop of metallurgical plant in Bhilai.

Pouring metal.

Rail and subway ...

Reel №2

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Installation of Indian artificial satellite in Bhilai.

Indian scientists are.

Monument to Yuri Gagarin in Star City; Indira Gandhi at the monument.

Rocket "Salute".

Indira Gandhi among the Soviet-Indian crew.

Indian city of Bhilai.

President's Palace.

The Soviet delegation at a reception at the President ...

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... President Zaila Singh; and Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

Members of the Soviet delegation at the construction of metallurgical plant in Bonar among workers.


Plant under construction.

The Soviet delegation visits other construction Metallurgical Plant in Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh.

Plant ...

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... the plate rolling mill "3600" at the Bhilai Steel Plant.

Indian workers at the mill; hand working.

Glowing metal workpiece.


From the ladle pouring steel, coke oven.

The rally at the central stadium in Bhilai; Indian girls in national costumes handed flowers to members of the Soviet delegation ...


Unique 1992

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:45, published: 4/15/2014


About thr fate of Indian women from various social classes.

Reel №1


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... for the national holiday of "Diwali".

Woman says (synchronously) on a special holiday.

Decorating a tree in a pot.

Green parrot in a cage.

Sale of children's toys.

Indian women: a baby, make purchases in the market.

Housewife Wan says (synchronous and behind the scenes) on the status of Indian women. ...

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Wang family at home.

Woman with a baby in her arms.

Woman walking on the street.

Indian family for a walk.

On the couch in the sitting room a husband and wife, she says (synchronously) on the life of Indian women.

The picture on the wall, standing next to a porcelain samovar.

On the tray are bowls of ...


Reel №2


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... Statues of elephants, Indian idol.

Parents on a walk with his son.

Father plays with the child.

Woman draws on the asphalt.

Family at home drinking tea.

Family at home.

Girls on the street in national costumes.

Women on holiday knitting sitting on the grass.

Street trade.

Indian wedding under the ancient ...


Foreign news footages № 49 1990

News, 25 parts, duration: 0:40:28, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №15 Iraqi tankers refused oil dressing.

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Iraqi tankers refused oil dressing.

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