You found 5106 newsreels for query "Inscription - Republic Of Tuva"

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"Inscription - Republic Of Tuva" newsreels and historical clips

Autograph Nadezhda Krupskaya 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:08, published: 12/12/2015

Scene №1 Autograph Nadezhda Krupskaya

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Book cover Nadezhda Krupskaia "Reminiscences of Lenin".

The book opens on the first page of the inscription and signature N. Krupskaya.

Participants and guests of the festival on the "red carpet", MIFF XXVII 2005

Footage, 5 footages, duration: 1:35:44, published: 8/10/2022

Scene №3 Vladimir Naumov, Nikita Mikhalkov, Dmitry Astrakhan, sign on glass, MIFF XXVII

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Vladimir Naumov, Nikita Mikhalkov, Dmitry Astrakhan, sign on the glass.

A man wipes the inscription on the glass with a rag.

Foreign news footages № 40 1989

News, 23 parts, duration: 0:32:44, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №17 Protests against apartheid in South Africa

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South Africa, Cape Town beach behind the barbed wire, the inscription: For White, a rally against the white beach, the protests against apartheid.

Foreign newsreels № 3049 1972

News, 15 footages, duration: 0:26:03, published: 7/26/2021

Scene №6

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South Vietnam - Fragments of a rocket with an inscription in Russian (presumably DRV) in Quang Tri.

Saigon troops are holding the defense lines.

Foreign newsreels № 2440 1970

News, 7 footages, duration: 0:11:32, published: 1/22/2014

Scene №1

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People swimming in the ocean.

The building of the hotel, poolside loungers.

Miami from the air.

Balloon (dirigible) with the inscription "Good year".

Meeting in Riga 1992

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:26, published: 3/18/2015

Scene №1 Rally in Riga

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... base of the monument to the victims of the events of 1905 a wreath with the inscription on the tape: "Victims of the Novocherkassk massacre in 1962," shake hands.

Face of the protesters.

People lay a wreath with the inscription on the tape in the Latvian language in the hands of people the national flag ...


Village Labinskaya 1937

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:10, published: 3/18/2015

Scene №1 Village Labinskaya

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Panorama village Labinskaya (top).

A sign on the building with the inscription "kolkhoz" Forward to socialism. "

People come to the kolkhoz.

People walking on the street of the village.

The building of the new store.

Cossacks in Circassian suited to showcase.

View from inside the windows, people are ...

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... with refreshments.

Saleswoman pours a glass, gives the buyer.

Cossack rides down the street, stops, jumps off the horse, tie it.

A sign with the inscription: "Hotel" Laba".

Interior view of the corridor of the hotel.

Hotel "Laba".

Greece 1979

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:09:04, published: 10/21/2022

Scene №3 The Parthenon.Athens

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View of the Parthenon and the ruins of the Athenian Acropolis.

The columns of the Acropolis.

Ancient Greek statues.

The inscription is in ancient Greek.

Bus Ikarus 250 1977

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:18, published: 12/25/2015

Scene №1 Bus Ikarus 250

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Square in front of cinema "Illusion".

Parked buses "Ikarus - 250" blue with the inscription "Aeroflot".

Passengers enter the bus.

Passengers inside the bus.

Bus starts moving.

The May of Anxiety and Hope. 1991

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1

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... by the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions and the Association of Free Trade Unions in the streets before the meeting carrying the posters with the inscription “Rost tsen – v interesakh burzhuazii.

Net povysheniyu tsen” [“The price increases serve the bourgeoisie 's interest.

No price increases!”] and others; ...

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... Joseph Stalin.

A panorama of a woman running with a portrait of Vladimir Lenin.

A panorama of the Red Square's block-stone pavement.

The Banner with inscription “V edinstve nasha sila” [“Our Power Is In Unity”].

Meeting participants are walking with the Banner “Edinstvo, solidarnost, prava cheloveka truda” ...

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... o'clock).

The Chairman of the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions Shmakov is opening the meeting.

Meeting participants are holding posters with the inscriptions “Trebuem zakona ob indeksatsii” [“We require adopting a law about subscripting”], “My protiv udorozhaniya detskih tovarov” [“We are against the ...


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... plant “Elektroshchit” [“Electric Shield”] Romashkin, and People’s Artist of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Olga Aroseyeva are making speeches.

Banners with the inscriptions “Rabotu dayot ne birzha truda, a poryadok v strane” [“Jobs are given not at the Labor Exchange but put right by ...


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