You found 842 newsreels for query "The occasion"

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"The occasion" newsreels and historical clips

Gerard Depardieu, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Patrick Swayze, press conference 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:12, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №1 Gerard Depardieu, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Patrick Swayze, press conference

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Conference hall.

Conference on the occasion of the opening of the restaurant "Planet Hollywood".

Gerard Depardieu, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Patrick Swayze, Luther Perry communicate with journalists.

Foreign news footages № 14 1987

News, 29 parts, duration: 0:41:52, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №6 Prayer in the United States on the occasion of a reporter who was arrested in Iran.

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Prayer in the United States on the occasion of a reporter who was arrested in Iran.

Foreign newsreels № 5863 1978

News, 1 footage, duration: 0:10:38, published: 6/8/2014

Scene №3 Tito receives a delegation of military

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On the occasion of Army Day military I.B.Tito receives a delegation headed by Defense Minister Nikolai Ljubicic.

Foreign newsreels № 1605 Different subjects 1967

News, 6 parts, duration: 0:07:30, published: 11/27/2012

Reel №1

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India: Admission to the Soviet Embassy in New Delhi on the occasion of 50 Years of October

Rest day at the front 1943

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:03:13, published: 11/23/2012

Reel №1 Rest day at the front

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Volkhov Front: Soldiers clean military weapons, hem collar, clean boots.

A solemn meeting on the occasion of the presentation of the Guard flag.

Soldiers are on holiday Chark.

The opening of the memorial plaque to visit Stalin Northern Fleet 1943

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:51, published: 11/23/2012

Scene №1 The opening of the memorial plaque to visit Stalin Northern Fleet

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Northern Fleet.

A solemn meeting on the occasion of a memorial plaque.

Statement of Rear Admiral Nikolaev, etc.

Foreign newsreels № 3238 1972

News, 1 part, duration: 0:09:12, published: 12/6/2013


Italy - Meeting a delegation of Soviet youth, young Italians on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Union.

Italy - Meeting on the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Union.

Reel №1

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Meeting a delegation of Soviet youth, young Italians on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Union.

Meeting devoted to the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Union.

The company "Mongolrostsvetmet" 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:30, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 The company "Mongolrostsvetmet"

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The building of the Mongolian-Russian joint association "Mongolrostsvetmet."

A sign at the entrance.

Interview with CEO "Mongolrostsvetmet" on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the enterprise.

Foreign newsreels № 3659 1973

News, 5 footages, duration: 0:21:48, published: 10/23/2013

Scene №1

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Speech at the airport Delhi Indira Gandhi on the occasion of his visit to India General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev.

Construction of the underground 1953

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:18, published: 6/18/2013

Scene №1 Construction of the underground

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A team of drifters-metrostroevtsev at work on the Circle Line subway at the station "Kiev".

Working with bouquets of flowers on the occasion of the completion of the tunnel lining.

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