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"estate settlement" newsreels and historical clips

Moscow park Kuzminki 2004

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:58, published: 2/6/2018

Scene №1 Photo exhibition in the Moscow park Kuzminki

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Photo exhibition of noble estates in the Moscow park Kuzminki.

The general plan of the park.

Museum of Manor Culture.

Exhibition exposition.

Tarkhany. 1983

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:21, published: 12/27/2015

Reel №1

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Museum-Reserve Lermontov "Tarkhany" in the Penza region.

Architecture and landscapes.

Museum-Estate: interior, portraits of ancestors of the poet, garden, pond, etc.

Film-travel almanac № 53 1970

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:02, published: 8/11/2016

Reel №1


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... snowstorm.

Monument-Museum "Lenin's Hut" in Razliv (Sestroretsk), it is snowing.

Forest along the road on a clear day, shooting from the car.

Museum-estate "Penaty" by the artist I. E. Repin.

Stand with brushes.

The view outside the window (the brushes are out of focus).

The last self-portrait of the ...


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... Tushetia, the Caucasus Mountains, sometimes fog.

Mountain settlement, fortress houses.

A flock of sheep descends into the valley.

The shepherd drives the animals.

Sheep cross the river on the bridge.

A stone house on a hill.

The modern settlement of Tushins in the Alazani Valley.

Women sort the wool ...


Scene №1 Department of Rehabilitation Institute of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, Cancer Research Center of RAMS

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Music classes for children.

Interview with staff of the center.

Building Limes estate, where the rehabilitation center.

Director of the Center G.Ya.

Tseytlin passes through the alley of the park.

Maximilian Schell, interviews 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:11:42, published: 12/4/2015

Scene №1 Maximilian Schell, interviews

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Moscow, Kuskovo estate.

I am undying. 1993

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:48:03, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1

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(Part 1 - Chronicle of modern urban life.

Girl playing the flute.

Landscapes of old Russia.

Noble estates.


Rhode Musorgskis - genealogy.

Portrait of Mussorgsky.

Sketches for the opera "Boris Godunov."

Installation scenery.

Empty theater - orchestra pit.

Gergiev - derizher (C).

Part ...



Mussorgsky Estate Museum

Reel №2

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The Mussorgsky estate.

Marfa's song from the opera "Khovanshchina" (synchronously) with views of the interior of the Mussorgsky estate: a desk, a piano, a portrait of Mussorgsky.

Yard-well in St.


Mussorgsky's music notebook with notes for the work "Songs and Dances of Death ".

Scenes from ...


Reel №5

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The Trubetskoy Estate is narrow.

A descendant of the Trubetskoy family tells the story of the family's life and about Prince Paolo Trubetskoy.

Trubetskoy is a teacher at the Moscow School of Sculpture and Architecture.

Sculptures of Trubetskoy.

Sculpture of Leo Tolstoy.

Chronicle of 1900-1908: Leo Tolstoy ...

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... Tolstoy and his wife in Yasnaya Polyana.

Interiors of the Yasnaya Polyana estate.

Portraits of L. Tolstoy.

Trubetskoy in Yasnaya Polyana.

Tolstoy is a model (photo).

Chronicle of 1900-1908: L. Tolstoy rides a horse through Moscow from Khamovniki to Paolo Trubetskoy's workshop on Myasnitskaya.

Alexander ...



Trubetskoy, Paolo Trubetskoy, Narrow estate in Yasenevo, Yasnaya Polyana, Leo Tolstoy, sculpture

The Last Dawn 1995

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:07, published: 3/7/2018

Reel №1

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... pointing to the sky.

The sun shines through the branches of the trees.

Burning candles.

Views of the abandoned church bell tower in the Zubrilovka estate, pre-revolutionary photo of the bell tower.

Autumn rural landscape.

A tree with fallen leaves.

A woman at the stern of a floating boat.

The woman ...


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... leaning trees on the shore of the lake.

Autumn landscapes, paintings depicting the Zubrilovka estate.

Views of an abandoned estate, a manor house with empty window openings, pre-revolutionary photos of the estate.

Preserved statues on the portico of the house.

A woman in a long evening dress with a train ...

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... house.

The figure of a woman in a black dress in the openings of the portico of the house.

Photos of the estate in 1905.

Portrait of the artist V. Borisov-Musatov.

Photos of statues from the estate.

A woman stands by a tree, a view of a crumbling structure.

A woman enters an abandoned tower.

A woman's ...

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... from the tower window.

Pre-revolutionary photos of the Zubrilovka estate.

A woman in a long black dress comes down the steps leading to the house.

Burning candles on the windowsill.

Modern views and pre-revolutionary photos of the estate.

Panorama of the spring forest, view of the manor house.

Reel №2


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... the kidney.

Types of an abandoned estate Zubrilovka.

The woman at the grave Golitsyn-Prozorovsky.

The Image Of Jesus Christ.

Abandoned manor house in the estate.

Women stand at the grave and cross.

Interior view of the building of the former sanatorium in the estate.

The man of the cross.

The destruction ...


Eating three hail 1990

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:37, published: 4/21/2014

Reel №1

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... churches, a movement of urban transport on the streets.

Oryol oblast, monuments and other sights.

Literary Museum-estate of I. S. Turgenev in the village of Spasskoe-Lutovinovo (external of the estate, the interior rooms, the HOMESTEAD Park).

Museum of the writer L. N. Andreev.

The offices of A. A. FET, I. ...


Moscow Is Under Counstruction. 1976

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:55, published: 11/21/2012

Reel №1


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... in the park - a common, average plans.

Monuments estate architecture (shot from above) architectural details, sculptures in ancient parks, the old church on the background of the new building - different panorama.

Construction of a new housing estate, builders - installers at work, the family moved ...

Museum-estate of Michael 1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:02, published: 6/21/2019

Scene №1

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Mikhailovskoye estate, views of the river Sorot from the house of Alexander Pushkin.

Alley Kern.

Open window.

Pushkin's office, details of the situation.

The tour group is on the alley.

Views of the Central area in front of the house.

People come in.

People see a small gun in front of the house.

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