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"man in a medical mask" newsreels and historical clips

Fragments of k/w "Soyuzkinozhurnal" No. 58 1942

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:50, published: 3/9/2021

Scene №1 Fragments of k/w "Soyuzkinozhurnal" No. 58

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"Martial musicians".

Performance of a military brass band in front of the soldiers.

Musical instruments are masked by branches.

Combat operations.

An orderly carries a wounded man from the battlefield.

Transfer of tank troops to the front by rail.

The movement of tanks.

The march of infantry and artillery ...

Medicine khaki (from the series "the Face of modern warfare") 2003

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:43, published: 4/6/2023


The story about the activities of physicians in Medical Groups of Special Purpose (MOSN).

The film includes interviews with officers of MASN footage of actual combat and military exercises.

Movie №1 Khaki medicine

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... from the cockpit.

The driver behind the wheel of the car of medical.

A landing aircraft.

The planes on the tarmac.

Open the hatch of the cargo plane.

The wounded transferred to a machine.

In the fireplace the fire burns.

Officer MON.

The man gets a watch.

The officer assumes the chair to the table.

People ...

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... doctor prepares a syringe.

Closed doors of medical.

The doctor accompanies the car.

Wounded inside.

The doctor takes the subway.

Medical suitcase.

The doctor in the cab.

The view from the cars on the road.

The doctor goes through the alley.

Machines medical officer enter the territory of the hospital ...

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... stretchers.

Doctors walk along the corridor.

Inspection and triage.

First aid on the battlefield.

In the fireplace the fire burns.

They say the officers of MEN.

Personnel news in the frame:

The soldiers on the platform.

Military trucks.

Officers in the office.

Patient data on the monitor.

Doctors preparing ...

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... table.

The doctor examines the x-rays.

Doctors wash their hands.

Sister tying doctoral form.

The operating light, medical equipment.

The patient is prepared for surgery.

Says the doctor of MEN faces.

Surgeons in the operating room.

The movement of troops on the streets of cities.

The helicopter in the sky ...

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... Helicopters come in for a landing.

The congestion of wounded in the car of medical.

The soldier sitting in the tent.

First aid on the battlefield.

Says the officer MEN.

On the road going tank.

Soldiers ride on the BMP.

Says the officer MEN faces.

The helicopter fires at the mountain village.

Soldiers fried ...

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... fried bread over a campfire.

Driving on the road.

Lunch around the campfire.

A truck of medical.

Movement through the village, burning the barn.

Soldier aiming assault rifle.

The alternation of BMP on the road, told officers MON.

The base of MON.


Soldiers riding through the database.


The ...

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... the village.

The helicopter in the air.

Loading the wounded.

Tank shots.

The doctors and the wounded in a field hospital.

Officer MON.

Camp MEN, military and medical equipment.

Future military doctors before exercise.

Exercises on the range.

The movement of troops on the road.

He lit the fire.

Doctors around ...

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... people.

Personnel news:

Faces of the soldiers.

A soldier with a rifle.

A soldier sits in the car.

The influx of soldiers, fire, army doctor.

Officers MEN look at the sky.

Helicopter in the clouds.

The city panorama (shooting from helicopter).

Helicopter over the forest.

The helicopter rises from the ground ...


Foreign news footages № 42 1987

News, 12 parts, duration: 0:22:00, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №3 Test antismoke masks in the UK.

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Test antismoke masks in the UK.

Space - man. 1973

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:03:57, published: 4/18/2014

Reel №1 Space - man.

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Medicine 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:27:45, published: 5/16/2013

Scene №1 Medicine

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The surgeons performed abdominal surgery - different plans for the hands of doctors. medical instruments, anesthetic equipment.

Different plans and other abdominal organs during surgery.

Persons doctors during surgery.

Resuscitation equipment.

Various plans for surgeons during surgery.

The ...



Medical Devices

Medical Procedures


Man after man. (Mother) 1989

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:43:44, published: 4/6/2023

Movie №1

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... crossing the road.

Night city.

Glowing advertising (western city).

People give alms to a beggar.

New York from the height of a skyscraper.

TITLE: Man after man.

Mother MYRRH

Photo of an elderly woman.

Planet Earth from Outer Space.

Rows of tombstones in the cemetery.

Divine service in an Orthodox church ...


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... Portrait of Sri Aurobindo.

Chronicle: yogi, Indian village, children.

Travel through the village.

A man walks along the seashore.

Photo of Myrrh.

Myrrh on the balcony of the house.

The silhouette of a man on the seashore.


Chronicle: the faces of women greeting Hitler.

Mechanical dolls.

Children ...


Relay Race (All-Union Sports and Sports Almanac No. 4) 1975

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:29, published: 6/16/2016

Reel №2

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... on the shore.

People wear costumes.

Divers enter the water.

Divers dive.



The man swims up to jellyfish.

Underwater photography.

Woman swimming underwater without a suit and mask.

A man with a spear among the jellyfish.

Underwater plants.

The artist draws in the water.

Divers found ...

Soviet Patriot № 45 1978

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:04, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


1syuzh. - The hall pass military.

Says Air Marshal AI Pokryshkin.

Military training and exercises.


Young men in cars on the racetrack.

The medical board. 2syuzh. - Room Leonov, it goes on the airfield.

The Yak-50. Leonova piloted aircraft. 3syuzh. - Racing at the track.

Talk racers.



the military.

Says Air Marshal AI Pokryshkin.

Military training and exercises.


Young men in cars on the circuit.


2syuzh. - Room Leonov, she goes on the airfield.

The Yak-50. Leonova manned aircraft.

3syuzh. - Racing on the racetrack.

They talk to riders.




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Ecological problems in foreign countries 1950-1969

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:07:39, published: 7/9/2015

Scene №1 Ecological problems in foreign countries


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... Tower in smog.

The man behind the wheel of a respirator.

Tokyo, heavy traffic on the streets.

Passers-by, traffic.

Photo: Japanese woman in the street breathing apparatus.

The exhaust pipes of cars.

Streets, dried tree.

Hospital medical staff with patients.

A man in an oxygen mask in a hospital bed. ...


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... Ships at sea.

Birds in the fuel oil.

Man raises poultry.


Dead fish in the water, on the beach.

Sewers, dead fish.

Waste Disposal.

Panorama of the deceased forest.

Destruction of sparrows in China.

A flock of sparrows in the sky.

Woman beats the mallet man dudit into the tube, the military fired ...

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... the branches.

Teens caught injured sparrows on the ground.

The headquarters of the military over the map.

Man reads radiosvodku front of the microphone.

Woman waving a scarecrow on a pole, a man beats the drum.

A flock of sparrows in the sky.

Dead sparrows on the ground.

People strung a carcass of sparrows ...

The First World War 1914

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:59, published: 8/8/2023

Scene №1 The First World War

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... battlefields of France.

French soldiers walk across the battlefield and sit in the trenches.

French soldiers carry a wounded man on a stretcher.

Bomb explosions.

Soldiers put on gas masks.

French soldiers get out of the trenches and go on the attack with guns at the ready.

The battlefield.

Soldiers rest and ...

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