You found 2549 newsreels for query "white bags"

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"white bags" newsreels and historical clips

Safety in the preparation and distribution of feed farm animals. 1989

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:20, published: 2/21/2017

Reel №1


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... Livestock Breeders' House, enters it.

A soldier, wrapped in a bath sheet (but wearing a cap), comes out onto the playground, with tables covered with white tablecloths.

There are fruits on the tables, the soldier is trying.

The soldier goes into another room, there are mannequins in special protective clothing ...


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... the car.

Bulges from the stone appear on the car.

The soldier turns off the car.

Throws out a stone.

A soldier in a respirator loads herbal flour into bags.

Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 59 1954

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:10, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


and letters.

Research on the station.

Holidays in the mess. 3syuzh. - Cleaning beet on the farm Khmelnitsky region, the laboratory at a sugar factory, bags of sugar. 4syuzh. - Restore the panorama of defense of Sevastopol to the centenary since the heroic defense of the city in 1854-55, the city, working

Reel №1

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... unloading, and letters.

Research on the station.

Holidays in the mess.

3. Cleaning beet on the farm Khmelnitsky region, the laboratory at a sugar factory, bags of sugar.

4. Restoring panorama defense of Sevastopol to the centenary since the heroic defense of the city in 1854-55 GG Are working artists.

5. Meeting ...

Blood cells. 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:24, published: 2/27/2017

Reel №2

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... pressure drops, the work of the heart changes.

These are the symptoms of hemotransfusion shock.

Blood transfusion procedure.

White blood cells are white blood cells.

A student examines white blood cells in a blood smear.

Single leukocytes are visible among the erythrocytes.

They are a thousand times smaller ...

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... and their color.

A blood sample of a person with leukemia.

There are a lot of leukocytes in the blood, and immature forms predominate.

The number of white blood cells can be calculated in the same way as red blood cells.

All types of leukocytes are shown.

Cartoon explaining the concept of leukocyte formula ...


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... explaining the work of cellular immunity, typical for tissue transplantation.

A cartoon explaining the work of humoral immunity.

Bone marrow examination in white blood disease.

Biochemical blood tests.

Modern equipment for biochemical analyses.

The movement of blood through the vessels, observation under a microscope ...


White blood cells.


Paris during the "phony war" 1939

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:01, published: 7/15/2016

Scene №1 Paris during the "phony war"


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... of one of Napoleon's marshals with sandbags.

Parts of the tombs in the Cathedral of Invalides, sheltered by sandbags.

Egyptian obelisk with shelter bags base.

Installing the protective cover of sandbags around the statues on the Pariser Platz.

Fragments of statues hidden.

The facade of the Pantheon. ...


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... resistant vest.

The man wears a hat on a white ribbon.

People with identification marks on clothes, warned of the chemical attack, go down the path of the park Tuileries.

Convenient method of strengthening bags mask.

She writes the data to the ladies protivogaznoy bag.

Artillery positions outside the city ...


Soviet Ural Mountains № 14 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:06, published: 3/24/2023




Uralkhimmash to have mastered the production of equipment previously procured in America.

3. Shop?

The motorist. "


4. Trinity bags and leather haberdashery factory.

5 consumer goods are union?

Kurganpribor. "

6. Opening of the House of Cinema.


Speech Ya.


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Nazi chronicle for the occupied territories 1939-1945

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:10:37, published: 1/22/2014

Scene №1 Nazi chronicle for the occupied territories

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Cart with bags.

Farmers hauling bags and weigh them.

Farmers pour sacks of grain.

Peasants impose and receive documents in the office.

People view and get clothes.

People fill the milk jug and pour it into cans.

People pass the bottles.

A Special Frontier. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:57, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1

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... and checks the documents.

Looking girl.

The plane lands, are foreign aircraft.

Pass for foreign tourists; fill in the declaration.

Border guards check bags and passports of tourists.

The water behind the boat.

Passing the border boats.

Face guards.

Truck in port, loaded tractor vehicle.

Are foreign sailors ...


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... table.

The boy is fishing.

Passenger ship.

Customs hall, waiting for passengers.

Passes through the hall V. Shevkolovich.

The customs officer. black / white paper 1980, photo Shevkolovicha foreign tourists.

Says VV Shevkolovich.

Border guards are viewing video (footage: cruelty and violence), foreign books ...

Want to know everything № 211 1992

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:55, published: 2/22/2014


1. "Underwater of White Sea: fluffy antereya, seaweed, jellyfish"

2. "Recording Company" Melody in the Church of St.

George "

3. "Monument to Peter the First"

4. "The exhibits of the Museum - cars in miniature"

Reel №1

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The boy leaves the house with a heavy bag on his shoulder.

The boy throws the contents of the bag on the grass.

The boy picks up the bucket without a bottom and looks at the sky through the hole.

Three people approach the boat at anchor.

The boys climb into the boat and one of them looks at the bottom ...

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... boys is sitting on the oars, the other is looking at the bottom through a bucket.

The girl is sitting on the Bank.

White sea in the evening.

The boy goes through the contents of the bag.


A man plays the accordion in a recording Studio.

A balalaika is sitting nearby.

There is a small orchestra of folk ...


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... Model of a truck by Russian engineer B. Lutsky.

Children view models in the Museum.

A variety of miniature car models.

The boy returns home with a full bag.

A Special Area. 1988

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:46:37, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №2


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... MS., PNRM.

Directions to the black "Volga» - MS.

Woman out of the car - MS., PNRM. on machinery

A woman in a white coat - MS., Hitting

A woman with shopping bags - MS.

Women go out with bags - MS.

The youths are locked - MS., PNRM. the black "Volga"

Woman out of the car - MS.

Women go out of the door ...


Street report 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:44, published: 8/25/2022

Scene №1 Street report

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... the police.

On the street people go.

A man in a monkey mask, waving his hand.

There is an elderly woman with shopping bags.

From the roof of an old building falling snow.

Woman in bags on a gurney.

Are the police.

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