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"dome" newsreels and historical clips

The Kremlin, Grand Kremlin Palace, St George's hall 1975-1985

Footage, 29 footages, duration: 0:12:44, published: 6/14/2019

Scene №24

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St George's hall, lighted chandelier.

Vladimir hall, the dome.

A lit chandelier, the details of the ornamentation of the upper part of the columns.

Scene №25

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St George's hall, lighted chandelier.

Vladimir hall, the dome.

A lit chandelier, the details of the ornamentation of the upper part of the columns and arches.

Vintage watches.

The Terem Palace, the interiors.

Scene №4

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... walls (chamber of facets).

The office for meetings.

Hall (transitions from the dome to the hall).


View of the room from the far wall.

The tribune, behind the bust of Lenin.

The transition in the Vladimir hall.


Open doors.

Room with white table and white chairs.

The door opened, and General ...

Moscow Cinema Drummer 1996

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:11:25, published: 7/14/2015

Scene №1 Moscow Cinema Drummer

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... drove down the street past the Big Glade theater and "House on the Embankment".

A poster on the facade of the cinema "Drummer 65 years."

Login - cash.

Dome and roof of the theater are covered with snow.


Government House

First House of Soviets

House CEC



ceiling dome

Scene №2 Hall Theater Drummer

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Hall Theater Drummer renovated.

An empty room.



Sviyazhsk Island in Tatarstan 2003-2005

Footage, 12 footages, duration: 0:47:38, published: 1/23/2018

Scene №1 Temples of Sviyazhsk

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General view of the Sviyazhsky Island from the opposite shore.


Dome of the temple against the gray sky.

Wattle near the monastery wall, wooden house near the river bank.

General view of Sviyazhskiy Bogoroditsa-Uspensky monastery.

Dome of the Assumption Cathedral (through the fence).

The Cathedral of ...


Scene №10 Cathedral in the name of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" (Sorrow's Cathedral) in the Ioanno-Predtechensky Monastery

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The interior of the temple, panoramas on the walls and inner domes.

The surviving fragments of the murals of the temple.

(The temple in need of restoration).

Excursion in the temple.


Vologda city 1975

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:13, published: 8/17/2022

Scene №1 Vologda city

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General view of the city.

The domes of St.

Sophia Cathedral.

View of the city from the bell tower of St.

Sophia Cathedral.

Revolution Square.

Views of the city.

The building of the Vologda railway station.

Church on the river bank.

Revolution Square.

The tower and the wall of the Pskov Kremlin (00:02:36) ...

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... (00:02:36).

View from the water of the Nile Desert (dome of the Epiphany Cathedral and bell tower (00:02:46).

The Nile Desert(00:02:54:09).

Towers of the Pskov Kremlin(00:04:06:11).


A field, a church in the distance.

Landscape with a church.

Aus Dem Generalgouvernement Filmbericht № 20548 1942

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:08, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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Church of St.


Restoration work on the dome.

Special mechanisms.


The crowd on the square is watching the work


The island of Martinique.

Aborigines with baskets.

Admiral Roberts is governor and marshal Petain at the airport.

Reception at the Governor's Palace


Paris ...

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... life.

Circus artists at the exhibition.


Horses, camels, tigers in cages.


Military among the spectators of the circus.

Gymnasts under the dome.

A fiery wheel.



Exhibition of Applied Arts from Germany.




Processing of skins in the factory.

Furriers at ...

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 1991

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:58, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №3


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... cross from the church - LS.

Cross raised on the dome - different plans.

Watch the parishioners - CU.

Father Jonah looks - CU.

Watching priests and parishioners - MS., CU.

Fixed a cross on the dome of the temple - CU.

Various plans of crosses on the domes of temples and churches - MS., CU.

Monument ...

Museums in Moscow and St. Petersburg 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:45:29, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Museums in Moscow and St. Petersburg


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... stoves, arches, columns, moldings, paintings, furnishings and so on.

The territory of the Kremlin.

The Senate building.

Inside view - grand staircase dome.


Apartment Museum of Lenin.

The Patriarch's Palace.

Cathedrals - different plans.

General view of Cathedral Square (top) view.

View of the ...

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... painted columns - different plans.

Archangel Cathedral - different plans, the panorama.

The domes of cathedrals.

Ivan the Great Bell.

The dome of the belfry.

Traffic on the waterfront.

General view of the Kremlin.

Dome of the cathedral (above).


Panorama of the halls.

Exhibits - weapons, armor.

A monument ...


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... Triumphal Chariot.

Panorama of Palace Square.

The Winter Palace, the Alexander Column.

The street of St.

Petersburg, the type of St.

Isaac's Cathedral.

The dome of St.

Isaac's Cathedral.

Atlanta's Hermitage - different plans.

The building of the Hermitage - different plans, the panorama.

Summer garden sculpture ...


Samarkand, Registan square 1975-1985

Footage, 10 footages, duration: 0:07:59, published: 6/14/2019

Scene №4

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The road along the fence of the old cemetery, removed from the car.

In the background the dome of the madrasah.

Scene №8

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The view from the well at the entrance to the mausoleum of Tamerlane (Gur-Emir).

View of the dome of Tilla-Kari from under the arch.

The walls and dome of Tilla-Kari, the details of the mosaic.

Scene №9

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One of the domes of madrasah Tilla-Kari and the angle of the portal, the details of the mosaic.

Kiev 1975-1985

Footage, 38 footages, duration: 0:34:51, published: 6/25/2019

Scene №34

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Sophia Cathedral, various kinds inside and outside.

Great Lavra bell tower.


Various Church paraphernalia.

The Cathedral dome.


Scene №35

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Frescoes of St.

Sophia Cathedral.


View of the dome from the bottom up.

Scene №36


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... Trinity.

Paintings on religious themes.

Great Lavra bell tower.


Partial view of the Dormition Cathedral under the arch.

The dome of the Cathedral and part of the dome of the refectory.

Scene №2 Divine Liturgy in the first week of Lent in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

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... performed by Patriarch Alexy II in collaboration with Archbishop Arseny.

Interiors of the Temple: interior decoration, icons, painting on walls, internal domes.

The parishioners.

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