You found 1138 newsreels for query "Clear weather"

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"Clear weather" newsreels and historical clips

In the land of volcanoes and geysers 1957

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:03, published: 10/27/2013

Reel №2


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... scientists monitoring the eruption, the operators are shooting.

The alternation of the movement of the lava, a scientist takes samples.

People are clearing the ashes and produce snow.

Operators drink from the pot.

The smoke above the volcano.

The crew in the camp.

People pick up the equipment and run ...

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... writes the observation.

Panorama of the volcanic plateau.

Split screen: writing in notebooks running line, the ship in the Bay.

Rocky shore, surf.

Weathering in tuff rocks.

The man on the rock.

People on the shore, at the foot of the cliffs.

Rock The Sphinx.

Views of the coast.

A squad of horsemen coming ...


The black sea 2005

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:22:29, published: 3/11/2019

Scene №1 The black sea

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Coast Of Chersonesos.

Stormy weather on the Black sea.


Gulls in the sky over the sea.

Gulls on the coast.

The ship in the open sea.


Paragliders 2014

Footage, 29 footages, duration: 0:05:04, published: 12/16/2015

Scene №1 Paragliders

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Weather vane in the wind.

Scene №7

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Glider pilots sitting in a clearing.

Passes glider with a folded parachute.

Scene №8

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Weather vane in the wind, close-up.

Scene №6

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... of the Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket with the Progress MS-19 transport cargo ship, shooting from different points, from near and far plans.

Difficult weather conditions, thick fog.

Science and technology № 10 1965

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:01, published: 12/4/2017

Reel №1


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... "Who makes the weather?"

The sun comes out from behind the clouds.

Measuring instruments at the meteorological station.

A man is walking, the wind is blowing.


Lightning splits the wood.

Hurricane, palm trees.

The waves beat against the rocks.

A scientist at the weather station takes ...

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... takes readings.

Weather scientists in different parts of the world.

A ship at sea.

A rocket takes off.

The scientist opens the instruments.

Images of the winds.

International Meteorological Center.

The hand takes the sheet out of the typewriter.

The scientist makes notes.


Photos of the ...

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... the Earth.

Scientists in the file cabinet.

The hand flips through the cards in the drawer.

The World weather service center.

Building, passing car.

The globe is spinning.

Says Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Valeria Alekseevna Troitskaya.

Lower Povolzhie № 30 1968

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:06, black-white, published: 2/5/2018

Reel №1

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... People on the streets of the city.

An employee of the weather station takes readings.

Launch of the weather balloon.

Devices for making a weather forecast, an employee of the weather station monitors the readings of the devices.

Drawing up weather forecast maps in the regional hydrometeorological Bureau ...


A copy of the original dispute 1975

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:39, published: 4/18/2023


The film covers an extremely important issue - generating raw materials for making highly clear quartz glass out of granular quartz to replace crystal.

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Russian space № 22 Physics of the Sun 2012

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:26:57, published: 3/2/2022

Reel №1

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... according to scientists, will be just in 2012-2013.

Sunspots and magnetic storms have long been commonplace in weather forecasts.

What does solar-terrestrial physics study?

What is "space weather"?

How do solar storms and wind affect the planet and man?

And what can we expect from the Sun - global warming ...

Enisei River's Meridian № 6 1987

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:01, published: 8/22/2014


Special: where to get the sheepskin?

The problem of supply regions of clothing, appropriate weather conditions.

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The Man Aand Nature. 1984

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:47:11, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №3

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View of the snow-covered surface of the Antarctic ice.

Base meteorologists on the mountain.

Scientists remove the readings, weather balloon launch.

View of the top of the mountain.

The span of a helicopter above the river.

Flying over mountainous terrain.

Work station environmental safety control of ...


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... deer.

The pilot in the cockpit of the helicopter.

With the helicopter on the winch down to the ground fire.

Tractor in the forest makes a defensive clearing.

Firefighters battle blaze in the forest.

Gives an interview cosmonaut Georgy Grechko (synchronous and behind the scenes) on forest fires.

Shadow ...

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... Women working in a greenhouse with seedlings.

Growing seedlings in greenhouses.

Strip planted sprouts.

School children are out of the woods into a clearing dead trees and branches.

Young foresters studying ant, make measurements with a tape measure.

Flying over the woods and fields.

PNRM. in the forest ...


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