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"Greek" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 5814 1978

News, 17 footages, duration: 0:31:06, published: 11/9/2021

Scene №11

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Environmental Protection / Atlantic - A Greek oil tanker crashes and threatens to pollute the Atlantic.

Foreign news footages № 25 1988

News, 26 parts, duration: 0:43:21, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №18 Sports: Greek champion in cycling sets a world record in flight on a bicycle with wings.

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Sports: Greek champion in cycling sets a world record in flight on a bicycle with wings.

Horizon № 33 1983

Newsreel, 4 parts, duration: 0:37:07, published: 6/16/2014

Reel №2

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Two part.

2 plot.

How the world works.


Ancient Greek murals.

Sea waves run to the shore (landscape).

The dramatization: the ancient Greek philosopher Thales sits on the steps of an ancient building, drinks water from a jug, looks at the fire.

Anaximander plays the lyre, walks along the shore ...

Reel №3

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3 part.

Continuation of the first plot.

Staging: ancient Greek soldiers in armor run along the walls of the city of Millet.

Among the defenders of Miletus from the Persians, Maximian Melitinsky is a disciple of Thales and a friend of the philosopher Anaximander.


Cloudy sky (landscape).

Stony shores ...

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... shores of the Mediterranean Sea (landscape).

The ancient Greek philosopher Iraklid lies on the ground near an extinct fire, talks with the inhabitants of his city Ephesus (sync.), Looks at the sea on the shore.

Sunset over the sea (landscape).


General view of rocky shores against the background ...

Foreign newsreels № 4426 1975

News, 18 footages, duration: 0:24:01, published: 11/12/2021

Scene №16

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Cyprus - UN troops evacuate the first group of Turkish Cypriots from the Greek Cypriot zone.

Southern Cyprus.

Foreign newsreels № 2972 1972

News, 16 footages, duration: 0:24:19, published: 11/9/2020

Scene №14

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Cyprus-President Makarios speaks at a mass rally in support of his refusal to accept Greek proposals to reorganize the government of Cyprus.

Scene №4

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Cyprus-a Mass demonstration of Greek Cypriot schoolchildren in support of President Makarios.

Foreign newsreels № 600 1961

News, 5 footages, duration: 0:12:05, published: 8/4/2014


David Oistrakh, Igor Oistrakh.

Mourning UN meeting before the start of the session in connection with the death of Hammarskjold.

The strike of Greek students in Athens.

Scene №5

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Greek students strike in Athens.

Newspaper articles about the release of the left politician M.Glezosa.

M.Glezos smiling - close up.


Glezos M. -- Greek left-wing political activist, writer, a symbol of the anti-fascist movement

Aus Dem Generalgouvernement Filmbericht № 23693 1941

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:13, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... British armored cars.

Camp British prisoners


Panorama Cerinthus.

Shelling of the Greek positions.

Tanks in battle.

The Germans in the city of Ioannina.

Crossing the river.

The bombing of the Greek airport.

Chasseurs on snowy mountain roads.

The meeting of German and Italian soldiers on ...

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... signed the act of capitulation of Greece.

Tanks on the street lamps.

British prisoners.

The road to Athens.

German troops on the streets of Athens.

Greek women meet German colors.

Demonstration in front of the German embassy.


Bethlehem 2009

Footage, 11 footages, duration: 0:39:02, published: 5/25/2021

Scene №5 The Province Of Bethlehem, Beit Sahour.Field Of Shepherds

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Cathedral Church of the blessed virgin Mary in Beit Sahur, in the territory of the Greek Orthodox monastery of the Shepherds (formerly Field of Shepherds and Village Pastors).


The Courtyard Of The Greek Orthodox Church.




Local (Autocephalous) Orthodox Churches 2005

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:28, published: 10/29/2018

Scene №1 Local (Autocephalous) Orthodox Churches

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The history of the local churches.

Icons of the Savior and the Apostles.

New Testament Pages.

Words in Old Slavic and Greek.

Web pages describing the Autocephalous Orthodox churches.

Church service with the participation of the Patriarch of Constantinople in one of the local churches.

Service with the ...

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... representatives of the Serbian church.

Patriarch meeting with representatives of the Serbian delegation at the residence of the Danilov Monastery.

Photos of Greek temples.

Jerusalem: the historical part of the city.

Foreign news footages № 55 1985

News, 9 parts, duration: 0:27:03, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №5 Lebanon: Press conference of the Greek singer D. Roussos

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Lebanon: Press conference of the Greek singer D. Roussos, was among the hostages on board passenger aircraft company TBA, captured terrorists.

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