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"Indian powwow" newsreels and historical clips

Film-travel almanac № 175 1982

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:01, published: 3/3/2015

Reel №2


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... Contrasts and ever. "

India, the city of Hardwar, the river Ganges.

The Indians on the banks of the Ganges perform rites.

Indians in modern industries.

View promenade with cult buildings.

Women bathe in the waters of the Ganges.

Indians sell water from the Ganges in bottles.

The statue of the sacred monkey ...

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... of the supreme deity Gomateshvary.

Indians pour milk giant statue.

City Bokaro.

Construction of the State Metallurgical Plant.

Soviet specialists supervised the work, Indian workers.

The territory of the plant, housing, equipment, cranes.

Communicate Soviet and Indian specialists.

Plant antibiotics in ...

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... in Rishikesh.

Workers in the shops packed tablets.

Indian monitors conveyor with medicinal bubbles.

Suburb of Mumbai, Atomic Research Centre in Trombay named Baba.

The territory of the center and nuclear equipment, installation.

Religious buildings, the promenade and the river (top view).

"Nehru". The second film. "Struggle". 1984

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:56:51, published: 6/20/2014


The film tells about the role of Jawaharlal Nehru, the Indian people in the struggle for independence in the period from 1931 to 1947.

Reel №1


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... cabin.

Gandhi on the deck with a child in her arms.

View of the English port.

Gandhi down the ladder.

Gandhi and his entourage walk along the pier.

Indian participants in the Round Table Conference.

People on the streets of London in anticipation of the arrival of the delegates.

Cars with delegates arriving ...

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... Gandhi out of the car.

Photo Gandhi among the conference participants during one of their meetings.

Photo session of the conference.

Newsreel, 1931: Indian delegates out of the building and sit in the car.

Gandhi gives interviews to the press.

Arrival Gandhi in Mumbai.

People greet Gandhi on the streets ...



Mahatma Gandhi - Indian social and political activist

Jawaharlal Nehru - Indian statesman and political figure

Reel №2


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... 1936: Delegates of the Indian National Congress meets in regular session.

Nehru is at the meeting, people greet him.

General view of the demonstration on the occasion of the opening of the session.

Women's faces.

General view of the demonstration.

Making a religious ritual in Indian temple.

Person praying ...

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... praying.

Muslims perform prayer.

Photo Muslim members of the Indian National Congress.

Photo head of the Muslim League Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Newsreel 1936: demonstration in support of the Indian National Congress.

Meeting of members of the British royal family.

Coach with high visitor passes through the streets ...


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... Nehru discusses various issues with the participants of the session of the Indian National Congress.

General view of the demonstration.

By participants of the session.

Nehru of the floor.

Are the representatives of the Indian National Congress.

People listen to the speakers.

Go to the session participants ...



Jawaharlal Nehru - Indian statesman and political figure

Mohammad Ali Jinnah - Indian and Pakistani statesman and political figure.

Reel №4


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... newspaper.

Newsreel of the late 1930s: are soldiers of the Indian colonial troops.

British officer orders the Indian Corporal.

Soldiers are on the road.

Drove English flamethrower tank.

Episode fight.

Gandhi talks to people.

Go leaders of the Indian National Congress.

Go Nehru, Gandhi him.

Gandhi stands ...


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... passes by demonstrators.

Gandhi comes out of the wagon train.

People support Gandhi.

Gandhi goes to a place of honor during the regular session of the Indian National Congress, August 1942.

Gandhi of the floor.

People listen to Gandhi.

Gandhi stands.

People applaud Gandhi.

Performers are members of the All ...



Adolf Hitler - German statesman and political figure

Jawaharlal Nehru - Indian statesman and political figure

Mahatma Gandhi - Indian social and political activist

Indira Gandhi - Indian statesman and political figure

The Visit of Friendship and Peace. 1981

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:35, published: 10/22/2015


Meeting Leonid Brezhnev at the airport "Palam".

Atmosphere: Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, President of the Republic of India, NS Reddy, members of the Indian government.

Brezhnev passes the guard of honor.

A solemn procession passes through the streets in Delhi.

The building of the presidential palace, Leonidspeeches (synchronously).

Brezhnev visits Friendship Park, where during the first visit in 1961 in India they were planted tree.

Meetings of the Soviet-Indian friendship in the Palace of Science; act Brezhnev and Indira Gandhi (synchronously).

Leonid Brezhnev's meetings with leaders of the Communist Partynegotiating table.

Parliament building, Leonid Brezhnev, speaking before parliament (synchronously).

Leonid Brezhnev and Indira Gandhi signed a joint Soviet-Indian declaration and an agreement on economic and technical cooperation.

Chairman of the State Committee for Cinematography FT Ermash signed an agreement

Reel №1


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... Republic of India Neelam Sanjeev Reddy, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi; LI Brezhnev during a welcoming ceremony.

Welcomes guests to the Indians on the streets, followed by the machine with the guests.

Newsreel, illustrating the development of Soviet-Indian relations in different years (exchange ...

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... Presidential Palace; LI conversation Brezhnev, NS Reddy (in conversation involved Comrades AA Gromyko, IV Arkhipov, Soviet Ambassador Vorontsov in India, the Indian side - Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Krishnan,  Ambassador to the USSR Ahuja); LI meeting Brezhnev and Indira Gandhi; reporters.

Reel №2

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... LI Brezhnev; listening to the members of the Indian government and members of the Soviet delegation.

Newsreel: Frames of different years, telling about the friendship between the USSR and India (Jawaharlal Nehru visits to the USSR, Leonid Brezhnev on Indian soil).

Tree in the park of Friendship planted ...

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... planted LI Brezhnev in 1961. A Soviet-Indian friendship in the Palace of Science, act LI Brezhnev and Indira Gandhi; Cheering in the hall.

LI Brezhnev at a meeting with the leaders of the Communist Party of India.

Reporting in Delhi, traffic, people on the streets, modern architecture of the building; bookstore ...

Reel №3

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... Brezhnev officials, prominent members of the Indian government).

The Indian Parliament; LI Brezhnev made a speech before members of Parliament; Cheering in the hall.

Soviet-Indian documents (LI Brezhnev and Indira Gandhi at the signing of the Soviet-Indian Declaration; AA Gromyko, Chairman of the State ...

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Delhi residents are interviewed about the visit of LI Brezhnev.

Solemn farewell LI Brezhnev and his entourage at the airport Palam.

Portraits of Indians.

India 1930-1947

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:06:41, published: 8/11/2022

Scene №1 India


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... the streets greet him.

Viceroy of India Lord Mountbatten bypasses the guard of honor of the sailors.

Lord Mountbatten greets the troops.

Units of the Indian Colonial Army during the parade.

Types of demonstrations in Delhi in honor of the declaration of independence of India on August 15, 1947.

Panorama ...

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... The participants of the rally are sitting on the ground.

River landscape at sunset.

Shepherds drive the flock home.

The daily life of Indian peasants.


Indian Colonial Army artillery units on elephant traction during one of the parades.

Views of the streets of Delhi during the next demonstration ...


Gandi Mahatma (Mohandas Karamchand) -- indian public and political figure

Neru Dzhavaharlal -- indian statesman and politician

Mauntbetten Luis Frensis Aljbert Viktor Nikolas -- british naval and statesman

Scene №2

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... independence of India on August 15, 1947, the participants of the event listen to the speaker.

Indian servicemen are holding a mock-up of the temple and the national flag of India, a representative of the Indian armed forces is speaking.

A military brass band is playing (panorama).

Participants of the event ...


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... from the embankment.


Indian landscapes.

Pakistani troops during the redeployment and marches during the First Kashmir War of 1947-1949.

Panorama of the ruins of the city quarter.

The text of a newspaper report on the course of the conflict.

Columns of Indian militias and Pakistani units are ...



Neru Dzhavaharlal -- indian statesman and politician

Najdu Sarodzhini -- indian poet and politician

Foreign news footages № 93 1987

News, 23 parts, duration: 0:35:11, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №23 Indian soldiers in Sri Lanka.

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Indian soldiers in Sri Lanka.

Foreign news footages № 5 1990

News, 32 parts, duration: 0:39:54, published: 2/12/2013

Reel №20 The story of an Indian guru.

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The story of an Indian guru.

India is Our Friend 1982

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:48:09, published: 11/14/2012


Newsreel, 1947: over the Red Fort down the British flag and raised the Indian flag.

Nehru advocated.

India's Ambassador to the USSR VL Pandey, presents his credentials in the Kremlin, the Soviet Ambassador in India K. Novikov, during a meeting with Nehru.

City Delhi: street, city dwellers, office buildingsbuildings, the pilgrims go to the cremation place of Nehru and Gandhi. Indian farmers carry out agricultural work.

Classes of students of the Agricultural Institute in Ludhiane, Institute of Technology.

Atomic Research Center named D. H. Baba.

Starting meteorological rockets.

Building artificial satellitessatellites in the assembly shop of the factory in Bangalore.

Soviet rocket lifts Indian satellite.

Building in the Soviet Union satellite Bhaskara-2 "under the leadership of the Soviet and Indian scientists.

City of Calcutta.

Monument R. Tagore, VI Lenin.

Rickshaws passing through the city.

Construction ofof the metro in the city of Calcutta.

City Bombay: buildings, urban transport, a Soviet ship in the port city of Bombay.

Soviet and Indian specialists are working at an oil refinery in Mathura.

Production of drugs in the factory of antibiotics in Rishikete in the construction of which involved the Soviet

Reel №1


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... ready to run.

Girls in the temple.

Praying Indians, Muslims.

Those Indians - kr. plans.


The Queen and her entourage in India.

The British beat the Indians.


The spiritual leader Gandhi is accompanied by the people.

Newsreel 1947:

The Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru speaks ...

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... speaks with people in favor, the rise of the Indian flag over the Red Fort.

The parade of British troops.

Ambassador of India, VL Pandit in Moscow.

Photo: Jawaharlal Nehru and Soviet Ambassador K. Novikov.

The people at the place of cremation of Jawaharlal Nehru and Gandhi, pray.

Report on New Delhi; people ...


Reel №2


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... Locator.

Running meteorological rockets from landfill Thumba.

The ancient city of Bangalore.

Issue of Indian satellites.


Run the Soviet missiles from the Indian satellite.

The Soviet and Indian scientists congratulated each other.

Building satellite Bhaskara-2 "in the Soviet Union.

Vice-Chairman ...

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... Vice-Chairman of the Intercosmos Novikov and Prof.

Rao directed the works.

Launch before running, running.

House of the Indian poet and writer R. Tagore.

Portrait of R. Tagore.

Newsreel 1930:

R. Tagore's visit to the Soviet Union.

Book Tagore.

Monument VI Lenin in Calcutta.

Report on the streets of Calcutta, traffic ...

Reel №5

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... Kalinin, the inscription on the monument.

In the printing Kalinina printed magazine "India".

Soviet book store in Delhi, Indians are reading magazines.

People in the park.

Indian girl speaks, reads a poem Simon's "You remember, Alyosha" (synchronously in Russian).

Amateur participants - members of societies ...

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... a song (in sync).

Hindi language classes in one of Moscow schools, said the teacher, the boy reads in Hindi (synchronously).

Girls dance Indian dance.

Dances Indian girls under the guidance of the teacher.

A festive procession in honor of the anniversary of the liberation of India, going decorated platform ...


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They're coming for workers (Russian and Indian).

The leaders are looking layout.

The ceremony of consecration of a new rolling mill.

Families of Soviet and Indian builders combine for a festive table.

Children see icons exchanged flowers.

Russian and Indian children - kr.

Serve my Homeland 10/07/2007 2007

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:26:05, published: 12/12/2023

Reel №1

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... exercises of Indian and Russian units of the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) near Pskov.

Video chronicle: Indian paratroopers before boarding an airplane.

Russian and Indian generals solve current issues.

The Russian paratrooper checks the equipment of an Indian colleague.

The faces of Indian Sikh paratroopers ...

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... Demonstration of samples of Russian weapons and equipment to Indian guests.

Panorama of the exhibition of samples of landing equipment and weapons.

Indian guests during a lesson on simulators for driving military equipment.

Russian paratroopers train on the Indian "mountain complex".

A training battle with the assault ...

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... assault of the building by a joint Russian-Indian unit.

The leader of the exercises Valery Yakhnovets talks about the given combat training situation, the initial disposition of the units and their tasks.

Storm of the base of conditional terrorists.

First Deputy Minister of Defense Alexander Kolmakov ...


Foreign news footages № 26 1987

News, 25 parts, duration: 0:38:52, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №5 Celebration of spring in the Indian village

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Celebration of spring in the Indian village.

Foreign newsreels № 5448 1977

News, 17 footages, duration: 0:30:13, published: 3/16/2021

Scene №4

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Indian Ocean-Round-the-world yacht competitions.

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