You found 15178 newsreels for query "Palace of Culture named after him"

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"Palace of Culture named after him" newsreels and historical clips

Peak hour 06/02/1998 1998

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:20:10, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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... program is the choreographer Yuri Grigorovich.

Fragments of ballet performances with the participation of Yu.N. Grigorovich.

Leningrad Palace of Culture named after AM Gorky, the first staging of the ballet "Aistenok" to the music of DL Klebanov.

Work in Russia and abroad.

Troupe Grigorovich in the Krasnodar ...




Persons of arts

Culture and Arts


On the labor watch (the plant named after him.Kuibyshev Tasma ) 1968

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:50, published: 1/14/2021

Scene №1 On the labor watch (the plant named after him.Kuibyshev Tasma )

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On the labor watch (the plant named after him.

Kuibyshev Tasma )

Leningrad chronicles № 25 1965

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:08, published: 10/16/2019


1. The Romanian delegation in Leningrad.

2. Opening a new school on the Big Porohovsky street.

3. Exhibition of Polish furniture in the Palace of culture named after S. M. Kirov.

4. The farm "Jadrinsky" mower-amphibian for harvesting the river cane.

5. 1st all-Union championship in fire-applied sports

Reel №1


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... Leningrad.

Dining room, classrooms.

Children go to school on September 1.

Ruler in front of the school building.

3. The building of the Palace of Culture named after


Exhibition of Polish furniture.

4. Thickets of reeds.

Cane harvesting at the Chaplinsky state farm.

Harvesting of cane silage.

5 ...

The club is named after Gabdulla Tukay 1967

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:21, published: 1/14/2021

Scene №1 The club is named after Gabdulla Tukay

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The club is named after Gabdulla Tukay


Cultural Institutions

Culture and Arts

Rally at the plant named after Stalin 1942

Footage, 5 footages, duration: 0:02:01, published: 3/19/2021

Scene №1 Rally at the plant named after Stalin

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Moscow plant named after Stalin (ZIS), people go to the checkpoint.

A man speaks at a rally.

Soviet Karelia № 5 1963

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:05, published: 10/30/2019

Reel №1

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... Aluminum Plant.

2. Spring sowing of peas and oats in the state farm named after Zaitsev.

3. Planting potatoes in the state farm "Olonetsky" Political information.

4. Cucumbers, tomatoes, onions in the greenhouse farm of the state farm named after Zaitsev.

5. Fisherman Languev, foreman of the Chupinsky fish ...

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... fish factory.

Fishing with nets.

6. Shop of the Petrozavodsk knitwear factory.

Demonstration of new models.

7. Opening of the House of Culture of workers of the Petrozavodsk House-building Plant.

8. May Day demonstration.

Lower Povolzhie № 25 "Named after the 62nd Army" 1966

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:19, black-white, published: 3/26/2018


The issue tells about the intra-farm specialization in the state farm "Named after the "62nd Army", located in the Volgograd region.

Reel №1


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... state farm is holding a rusted fragment of a three-line rifle.

The director's face.

Rural landscapes, views of the territory of the state farm "Named after the 62nd Army".

View of the building of the directorate of the state farm.

View of the building of the state farm cinema "Kolos", a poster of a ...


Volga lights № 10 Theater named after Baath Basangov 1985

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:43, black-white, published: 3/28/2018



Culture and Arts


The issue tells the story of the Kalmyk state drama theatre of a name of Batra Basangova.

Reel №1

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Flying in the sky eagle.

Steppe grasses bend in the wind.

Herd of horses galloping.

He runs a herd of antelopes.

Steppe landscapes, daily activities the people of the steppe.

The actor reads an excerpt of the Kalmyk folk epic "Jangar".

Steppe landscapes, illustrations to the epic, galloping herd of horses ...

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... horses.

A fragment of the play "the Lenin Appeal" the play by S. kalyayev, staged at the Kalmyk state drama theatre of a name of Batra Basangova.

The faces of the actors.

Artist W. B. lidzhieva veteran of the theatre, enters the room, sits down, a fragment of a rehearsal of the play.

Photo artists of ...


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... A fragment of the play in Russian.

The faces of the young audience.

The actor comes into the dressing room, sits in front of the mirror.

The actors after the performance, take off the wigs and makeup.

The faces of the performers of the theatre during various performances, the children in the audience ...



Theatrical figures


Persons of arts


Culture and Arts


Leningrad chronicles № 12 1980

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:03, published: 9/13/2019


1. The meeting of party organizations in the Tauride Palace.

2. Socialist competition at the Izhora plant in honor of the 110th anniversary of Lenin's birth.

3. Meeting in the Opera and ballet Theatre named after Kirov in honor of March 8.

4. Products Leningrad perfume factory "Northern lights".

5. The

Reel №1

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1. The Tauride Palace, the assembly of the party active.

2. The plot of the deputy from the Izhora plant A. Muravyov.

3. A solemn meeting at the Theater named after him.

Kirov, dedicated to the holiday of March 8. G. Romanov, I. Gorbachev.

4. Products of the factory "Northern Lights": perfume "Amphora" ...


On the wide Volga № 27 1981

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:36, published: 6/7/2016

Reel №1

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Meeting people at the airport.

Delegation on the plane ramp.


The auditorium of the Tatar Academic State Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. Jalil.

First Secretary of the Tatar Regional Committee of the CPSU Comrade Musin.

Opening of the Days of Literature and Art of Karakalpakstan ...

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... of the Republic of Tatarstan, Comrade Usmanov.

Freedom Square.

Palace of Culture.

Lenin Street.

Participants of the Days of Culture at Kazan State University.

Entry in the Guest of Honor Book.

Participants of the Days of Culture in Freedom Square.

Monument to V. I. Lenin.

Laying wreaths at the ...


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