You found 1719 newsreels for query "Shamanic drum in action"

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"Shamanic drum in action" newsreels and historical clips

15th anniversary of October 1932

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:01:48, published: 12/18/2014

Scene №1 15th anniversary of October

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... depicting the enemies of the USSR. Member of demonstrations in caricature mask cleric.

A man playing the accordion.

People dancing to the accordion and drum.

Person party demonstration.

Girls dancing.

Person party demonstration.

The girls sing.

Demonstrators with banners and slogans in their hands are on ...

Consolidation and revival 1991

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:14, published: 6/19/2018

Reel №1

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T.M.Mikhailov (synchronously).


Prayer drums.

The monks are praying.

A holiday in datsan.


Father and son are engaged in coinage.

Men carve a bear figure out of wood.

People go to the All-Buryat Congress.

The meeting room of the congress.

Opening of the congress.

Buldaev S.N. (synchronously) ...

A fighting programme of action 1983

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:40, published: 10/4/2016

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Unity of purpose and action. 1983

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:32, published: 2/22/2017

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Action. 5 Minutes of Silence. 1990

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:07, published: 11/10/2012

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Front action (fighting inside Russia) 1942

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:23, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

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Accident elimination plan in action 1975

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:11, published: 7/20/2019

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Teach improvise. 1989

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:27:23, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1

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V.P.Tarasov playing the drum kit.

Documentary Chronicle 1960:

Children go to DC "Moskvorechie."

Children go down the hall and go to class.

The sign on the door of the classroom.

Yu.P.Kozyrev a lesson.

Children run through the park.

Yu.P.Kozyrev talks about the art of improvisation.

Caricature Yu.P.Kozyreva ...



arranger, founder of the Moscow College of Improvised Music, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Tarasov VP - Lithuanian jazz musician (drums), author of installations, director.

Reel №3

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... Yu.P.Kozyrev studio conducts classes on musical improvisation for adults.

Playing quartet "Baroque jazz."

Tells Yu.P.Kozyrev.

V.P.Tarasov playing the drum kit.


arranger, founder of the Moscow College of Improvised Music, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Tarasov VP - Lithuanian jazz musician (drums), author of installations, director.

Russian chronicler № 8 Most strike. 1998

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:57, published: 3/25/2014


On the All-Russia protest action on Oct. 7, 1998.

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Journey to the Islands of Guadeloupe 1910-1929

Footage, 4 parts, duration: 0:34:15, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1


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... port.

Rynokv Pua-a-Pitre.

A crowd of traders and buyers.

Butcher's shop.


National dances, ispolyanemyh women to the accompaniment of drums.




Ocean Beach, the waves beating against the rocks.

View of the village, the natives from the buffalo.

The street children ...

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... of Pointe-a-Peter.

Vessels near the shore.

The market in the port.

Commercial fruit and coconuts.

Women show the national dance to the sound of drums


Ocean Beach, the waves beating against the rocks.

View of the village, the natives from the buffalo.

The street children run toward the ...

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... of Pointe-a-Peter.

Vessels near the shore.

The market in the port.

Commercial fruit and coconuts.

Women show the national dance to the sound of drums


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