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"The plane took off" newsreels and historical clips

Polar aviation USSR 1933-1934

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:05:53, published: 7/3/2015

Scene №1 Polar aviation USSR

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Hand radio operator transmitting a radio message.

Map Chelyuskinites camp.

The plane takes off from the ice to the part of the rescue Chelyuskinites.

The other people in the camp waving flies the aircraft.

Saved by the leader of the expedition Shmidt OJ in the chart room of the aircraft.

Arctic ice is ...

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... of the participants welcomed the plane.

Flying in the sky plane.

People rejoice stranded on an ice floe plane.

The plane was taxiing on the ice to the camp.

People come to the stranded aircraft.

Those wintering.

People waving flies the aircraft.

Flying in the sky plane.

Scene №2


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... the cockpit.

Arctic ice (above).

The sky in the fog.

The plane takes off from the ice airfield and goes in search.

Airplane pilot Chukhnovsky taxiing to the start.

Rotate aircraft engines.

People at the airport escorted the plane.

Plane takes off.

Arctic landscapes under the wing of the aircraft.

Icebreaker ...


Encyclopedia of astronauts.The violin 2014

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:03:02, published: 11/29/2021

Reel №1


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... handing flowers to cosmonauts, men are adjusting hats.

A matryoshka doll with a portrait of an astronaut.

A violin in the cockpit of an airplane.

The plane takes off.

Portrait of a Violinist in a spacesuit.

Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 549-2 Working material 1941

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:08:37, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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The attack of German military aviation.

A German plane.


General talks with pilots, shakes hands with them.

The pilots sit in their cars.

Sit some men in fur hats.

The plane takes off.

The pilot in the cockpit.

The plane in night flight.

Look at the clouds.

The pilot Breakfast ...

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... Norway.

Vessels at sea.

Pilots /pilot and Navigator in the cockpit.

The court in large numbers.

A German plane fires at the enemy convoy.

Fragments of a firefight.

The aircraft in flight.

Plane over a convoy of enemy ships.

The shelling and bombing of the convoy.


Sinking ships

Reel №2


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... the tank.

On the streets of the city.

Are German soldiers.

Riding technique, motorcyclists.

German planes in the air.

Sits down a German plane.


Loading bombs.

The planes take off.

They are above the British positions.

German vehicles and equipment in the desert.

A group of German ...


The development of civil aviation in the USSR 1923-1929

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:43, published: 6/27/2016

Scene №1 The development of civil aviation in the USSR

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... General view of the airfield, the plane is flying over it.

General view of a beginner run passenger aircraft, the people at the airport, the plane takes off.

The plane flies over the airfield and is landing.

Landed the plane taxiing finishes and stops.

People at the plane at the airport.

Type nose of the ...


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... walking on the train rails (top).

Landing at the airport floodlight illuminates the runway.

Passengers wake up in their chairs.

Passengers leave the plane.

A member of the Soviet institutions in Berlin received a letter, looking at the calendar, tearing the envelope.

Text of the letter.

A girl looks out ...

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... the flight from Tashkent to Kabul, the old man's face, looking at the sky.

Type caravan of camels walking on the desert (above), flying a passenger plane.

Movement of the body under the action of gravity. 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:50, published: 3/29/2023

Reel №2

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B.M. Orlov (synchronously).

Shooting at the target range.

A plane taking off.

The plane drops bombs.

The trajectory of the dropped bomb (graph).


Examples of ballistics in military practice.

Shooting from an airplane at a moving target.

Ballistics charts.

Shells, rockets.

Ballistic missiles. ...


Encyclopedia of astronauts.Romanenko Yuri 2016

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:04:58, published: 11/16/2021

Reel №1

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Portrait of Yuri Romanenko in a spacesuit.

The plane takes off.

Training flights and shooting.

The plane lands.

Romanenko and Grechko are preparing for the flight.

Baikonur, top view of the launch pad.

A bus with astronauts arrives.

Romanenko and Grechko get off the bus.

Cameraman with a movie camera.

Astronauts ...

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... Astronauts wave goodbye.

The launch of Soyuz-26.

Views of the Earth and the station, spacewalk, negotiations with the MCC.

Astronauts descend the plane ramp.

Report to the Chairman of the State Commission.

People give flowers to astronauts.

View of the Earth from space.

Salyut-6 station.

Yuri Romanenko ...


Sobriety in the home and at work 1986

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:02, published: 8/21/2015

Reel №1

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The plane takes off.

There is a group of pilots.

The car is near the entrance, the man gets out.

The man puts a cap on the girl's head.

The company gets into the car, leaves.

The queue outside the liquor store.

Large - street clock, shows the time of 2 pm.

The queue at the liquor store.

The correspondent ...

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... different shots.

Airfield, plane on the tarmac.

In the frame - various employees of the airfield, equipment, etc.

Employees repair, check aircraft engines, landing gear.

Employees, dispatchers in a special room, with devices, monitors, etc.

An elderly employee checks the plane.

Large - a document, signed ...

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... man takes out a hidden stash, drinks, snacks, leaves.

Large - a hand with a screwdriver, it is not immediately possible to tighten the part.

The man's tense face.

Sheets of the wall newspaper "Lightning" - it is written about drunk employees.

Drunk people are unloaded from the police car, taken to the ...


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... bottle of alcohol, cigarette butts.

An empty playground.

The queue at the liquor store.

A happy family is relaxing in nature, running on water.

The plane takes off.

Science and technology № 14 1964

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:32, published: 10/25/2017

Reel №1

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1. For a high work culture.

The plane lands at the airport.

The aircraft engine is disassembled for repair.

Workshops of the aircraft repair plant.

Checking engine parts.

Determination of metal wear.

The parts are treated with phosphor.

Compressor blades.

Tests of the rotor with restored blades.

Engine ...

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... Engine assembly.

Inspection of the aircraft body.

The plane takes off.

2.Says the neuron.

Take-off of a spaceship.

A scientist looks through an electron microscope.

The patient talks to the doctor.

MSU building.

MSU laboratory.

An experiment on animals.

The microelectrode is injected into the rabbit's brain ...


World of Dance 1972

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:58:49, published: 1/31/2014

Reel №2

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... Bessmertnaya, Vladimir Vasiliev, Mikhail Lavrovsky, Ekaterina Maksimova at rehearsals and a story about them by Fyodor Lopukhov (synchronously).

The plane takes off.


Notre Dame Cathedral in the night light.

A walk along the Seine with views of Paris at night.

April 1972.

Paris Opera Garnier.

The interiors ...


Encyclopedia of astronauts.Tokarev 2014

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:03:21, published: 11/25/2021

Reel №1

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... Tokarev.

Cadets of the flight school in physical training classes.

Technicians remove the cover from the aircraft.

The plane takes off, shooting from the cockpit.

Instrument readings.

The plane is on the runway.

Ejection mechanism (tutorial).

Photos of Tokarev in the Gagarin CPC.

USA, launch of the Discovery ...


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