You found 15733 newsreels for query "Women in traditional Altai clothes are a circle in a forest clearing around a young musician with the national Altai tool"

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"Women in traditional Altai clothes are a circle in a forest clearing around a young musician with the national Altai tool" newsreels and historical clips

Attention, encephalitis! 1971

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:18, published: 2/26/2017


The film tells about a dangerous infectious disease - tick-borne encephalitis.

Reel №1

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Forest, panorama of trees.

Tree trunks in the water.

Large - web.

The edge of the forest.

The footage shows people who have suffered encephalitis and become disabled.

On the face and body of people - characteristic signs of the disease.

Chronicle of the 1930s - in the laboratory, Professor E. N. Pavlovsky ...

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... Pavlovsky with an assistant, is engaged in research of encephalitic ticks.

Large - ticks under the microscope.

The female tick is shown hungry and the female tick is saturated with blood.

The process of laying eggs in a female tick.

The process of hatching ticks from eggs.

Various rodents and ticks on their ...

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... their body are shown.

A chipmunk in the grass.

Large - owl.

Squirrel on a tree.

Photos - moose, roe deer.

Cows graze.

A tick on a grass stalk.

Large - a tick on the skin.

Laboratory, an employee on a special device studies the tick feeding process (macro-shooting of the tick feeding process).

The scheme ...

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... scheme is how a person gets infected with encephalitis from a tick.

Special rehabilitation classes with people who have suffered encephalitis and become disabled.

Forest, birch trunks in the water.

Large - birch trunk.

Panorama of the forest.

A tick on a grass stalk.

Large - tick.

Train station, railway platform ...

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... there are trains, people are walking.

Large - rails, train wheels.

Traffic on the highway.

There is a minibus in the clearing, people have come to relax in nature.

Photos with people in nature - tents, a campfire, a company with a guitar, a group of people in the mountains, in the forest, on the shore ...

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... reservoirs, etc.

People are walking in the woods.

A man in an overgrown clearing, with bushes, in the shade begins to lay out a tent.

The man cleans the tent.

Panorama of a sunny open meadow.

Setting up a tent.

Large - hands take the ball.

A man is playing ball with a child.

A woman brings a bouquet of wild ...

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... flowers, a man examines it and gives it to a child.

Mushroom pickers with baskets in the forest, cut mushrooms, put them in baskets.

In rural areas, a bus goes, stops, people get out.

Light women's clothing, unacceptable for wearing in the forest, is thrown on the grass.

A girl gets off the bus, dressed ...

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... correctly - in trousers, rubber boots, a kerchief.

Large - various repellent preparations to protect against insects.

The tick's reaction to repellent drugs is shown.

A group of pioneers is going on a hike.

Large - counselor.

The counselor asks the children to examine each other in order to detect a tick.

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... monkeys are looking for insects from each other.

Children check clothes, shake out jackets, etc.

One boy is found to have a tick behind his ear.

A passenger car drives off.

There are bottles of encephalitis vaccine on the conveyor.

The process of vaccine production in the laboratory.

Large - a bell on ...

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... on the cow's neck.


There is a herd of cows and goats on the road.

Cows and goats return home after grazing.

Large - the goat is combed with a special brush.


A woman milks a goat.

Large - hands pass a glass of milk to a child.

Large - boiling milk.

Milk is poured into a glass.

The child ...

Tales and were Yugorski ball 1990

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:39, published: 4/24/2023


The film tells about folk art, life and the main occupations of the northern native people Mansi - reindeer herding, fishing and hunting.

Reel №1 Tales and were Yugorski ball

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... Types of taiga and the Ob river with many tributaries.

Villages in Saranpaul, Sosva, Kimkyasue, Schekure, Tags, native village, where they live Mansi.

Houseware Mansi people in an ethnographic museum.

Wooden idols in the taiga.

Mansi sacred stone; gifts at its foot.

Old folk festival on the sacred mountain ...

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... mountain Mansi: women make about pagan rites stuffed bear, ritual dances and games, dancing shaman folk masters are made of birch bark boxes, jewelry, embroidery, performance musicians playing traditional folk instruments.

G. Raishev artworks that reflect the world of folk legends. G. Rayshev talks about his ...

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... hunters.

Bard LM Konkova gatherer Mansi folklore tells of ancient legends Mansi (behind the scenes).

The film includes newsreels showing the environmental problems in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug: deforestation, forest fires, landfills, oil fields.


Small peoples of the North

Reel №2

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Khanty-Mansiysk National District.

Views of the taiga and the Ob River with numerous tributaries.

Settlements in Saranpaul, Sosva, Kimkyasu, Shchekurye, Tegah, native villages where Mansi live.

Household items of the Mansi people in the ethnographic museum.

Wooden idols in the taiga.

The sacred stone of ...

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... festival on the sacred mount Mansi: women perform pagan rituals near a stuffed bear, ritual dances and games, shaman dance, folk craftswomen make birch bark boxes, jewelry, embroider, musicians playing national musical instruments.

A.M.Konkova (synchronously).

An owl on a branch.

Toadstools in the swamp. ...

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An empty house.

Desolation in the cemetery.

Felling of the forest.

Oil torch on the tower (shooting from a helicopter).

Forest fire.

The evil swamp spirit Campolen (drawing).

Paintings by the artist G. Raishev, which reflect the world of folk legends and legends.

The artist G. Raishev talks about his ...

Reel №3

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... at the exhibition of G.Raishev.

A herd of deer (shooting from a helicopter).

A man catches a deer.

Reindeer herders' camp.

Several people around the campfire (winter).

Mansi drive deer.


Women in the national dress of Mansi.

A man puts on skis and goes into the forest to hunt.

A hunter in the ...

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... the forest.

Women are engaged in needlework.

A.Konkova (synchronously).

A woman is rocking a cradle with a baby suspended from a tree.

A village taken from a helicopter.

Winter Swimming 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:24:05, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Winter Swimming

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People around the hole.

People are clearing up the stairs.

A woman bathes in the hole, out of the water.

A man goes down and floats in the hole.

Bathing girl.

Women with children at the hole.

Bathed the boy.


Bathing woman.

A pregnant woman is bathed in the hole.

Crows in the snow.

Interview ...

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... Interview with women in "winter swimming".

Infant dipped into the hole.

Foreign newsreels № 7298 1986

News, 1 part, published: 2/9/2016

Reel №1

Poland-Novotkiv Mechanical Plant in Warsaw.

Factory workshops.

Production of engines for export.

Packaging of products in boxes.

Shipping to different countries.

Poland-Deblin Aviation Lyceum

Training of future pilots and technicians.

Training on simulators.

Life in the Lyceum.

Poland, France-Special ...

... France-Special story "40 years ago" - Newsreel - The first years after the war.

In France - in the Bois de Olon, French fashion designers present new models of clothing.

In Poland-destroyed towns and villages.

Return of refugees

Economic recovery.

Fight against gangs.


Relocation of people to empty ...

... Reconstruction of the port of Gdansk and the shipyard.

The referendum.

Political discussions.

The vote.

Poland-Forest area in the Suwalki area.

Forest landscapes.

Creation of gold mines in the Sobolevo district, near the Vigri National Park. "Destruction" of the environment in other parts of Poland ...

... Soviet song in Zelenaya Gura. "Golden samovar" is awarded to the group "Studio 23" from Opole, bronze-to Valdemar Kasperovich from Zagan, silver-to Tatyana Kauzor from Tomashov.

Poland - Working holidays for young people.

Taken: Memorial Day.

Laying flowers on the graves of the fallen.

In the city of ...

... Zamoch, young people take part in the construction of residential buildings and the restoration of ancient monuments and buildings.

Youth Camp

In Gdynia-Boy Scout camp, classes at the Baltic Sea Seamen Training Center

Poland-Biological problems.

Taken: Stunted forest landings in the area of the Boleslav ...

... enterprise in Olkum.

Smoking chimneys.

Study of nature conservation issues at the Silesian University Biofactory.

Ecology of areas where industry is developed.

The laboratory develops tools to combat harmful effects on nature.

Poland-At the Polish Academy of Sciences, the development of the Agat device ...

... device for the international Vega program (within the framework of the Intercosmos). - for processing data on Halley's comet.

Creating a remote control for "Agat".

Tree-planting machine LMD-81. 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:04:54, published: 12/12/2015


The principle of operation of the machine afforestation.

Reel №1

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A branch of spruce with young shoots at the ends.

Summer forest, the glare of the sun on the undergrowth.

Forest lake, fishermen fishing.

Old spruce.

Log house.

A large wall of logs.

A logging truck takes out the forest after logging.

A mountain of logs.

Cuttings littered with sawmill waste.

Plantation ...

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... Plantation of young Christmas trees.

A logging machine is driving through the clearing.

Detailed survey of the planting machine.

A fang mounted on a welded frame.

The coulter group of devices.

The cabin and the rolling rollers.

The left roller has soil hooks and serves as a drive for the landing vehicle.

Two ...

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... people serve the car: a tractor driver and a planter.

Fang discards the felling remnants.

The coulter group forms a landing slot.

Filler rollers seal the soil, giving the seedlings a stable vertical position.

The planter lays seedlings between the rubber discs of the planting apparatus.

A bed with seedlings ...

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... seedlings.

Grown-up young Christmas trees.

Panorama of the river and the forest.



Sectors of the economy



Cutting down.

Planting the forest.


The Russians № 4 White arrows Burin-Haan 1993

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:59, published: 3/18/2015


The plot revolves around a Buddhist lama healer and activist M.R.Choybonov.

Reel №1

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A quote from the Buddha's teachings.

Types Borgoyskoy steppe.

Burning fire.

Buddhist monks around the campfire.

Monks bypass Buddhist shrine.

Street lamps.

Borgoyskaya steppe.

On a tree branch tied strips of cloth.

Prayer on the hill.

Monks among the trees. M.R.Choybonov in the woods at prayer, in the ...

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... Choybonov clothed in traditional Buddhist clothes.

Horseman galloping across the steppe.

A man looks into the distance out of hand.

Elderly woman. M.R.Choybonov with villagers.

The prayer at the graves of their ancestors.

A statuette of the Buddha on the rocks.

M.R.Choybonov completes the ritual.

A fragment ...

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... of an interview with M.R.Choybonovym.


Table of human anatomy. M.R.Choybonov receives patients in hospital, colleagues watching the work of a doctor.

The monks are on a slope.

The monks stopped at the stone.

The monk prays sitting on the grass.

A fragment of an interview with M.R.Choybonovym ...

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... Choybonovym.

Climb the stairs of a woman with children.

The woman with the child on reception at the doctor M.R.Choybonova.

Patients in the hallway.

The shelves of the bookcase. M.R.Choybonov reads and translates into Russian verses.

The strips of cloth on the branches of a tree.

Alternating prayers of Buddhist ...

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... Buddhist monks and local residents.

A quote from the Buddha's teachings.


MR Choybonov - Religious and social activist, professor and master of traditional medicine, Buddhist Lama, the abbot and Ivolginsky Sartuul-Gegetuyskogo datsan emchi Lama (the doctor of Tibetan medicine), poet, Colonel-General of Cossack troops.

Film-travel almanac № 176 1982

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:00, published: 3/3/2015


The plot №1 «Virgin Soil Old Woodlands"

The plot №2 «thrones Forest City"

The plot №3 «Gay, broad Polonyna! ..."

The plot №4 «Hot stones Amman"

Reel №1

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... Polesye.

Forest, view from above.

Off-road riding through the woods.

Western Dvina, the water runs out of the boat.


Ferry on the river on a raft trucks.

Marshland, herbs, dried trees.

Newsreel 1979: rain, puddles, coming from the coast of the river; flooded the Belarusian village; a man in a boat ...

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... boat floating on the river near the flooded houses.


Specialist fixes the water level.

Go work on reclamation, tractors and construction machinery in the field.

Dug furrows in the ground.

Ennobled by the river bank.

Irrigation system in the field.

Cleaning forage crops.

Cattle-breeding complex, cow ...

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... cow stalls, a walk.

The territory of the complex, the view from the car.

Poselkovaya street, a woman with a stroller and babies.

Stork in its nest feeding chicks.

Hydrological Reserve, experts examined the soil, gather data.

Flowers in a meadow, on a swamp, lily of the valley.

The trees, the waterfront ...

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... waterfront.

Plot №2 «Forest thrones the city."

Moscow region, Pushchino outlines, forest plantations.

Wooded bank of the Oka.

Types Pushchino, people, transport.

The Scientific Center of Biological Research of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

The territory of the center of the building.

Pushchino Radio Astronomy ...

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... buildings, a lot of greens, people walk.

Green areas in the vicinity of Pushchino.

The reserve, river otters in the river.

Trees, grass, flowers, chicks in the nest.

Flowers on the balconies of houses.

Swallows' nests under the roof.

Hedgehog in the grass, Wildlife Photography with the camera in the forest ...

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... playground, a woman rolls the children.

People go to the cinema.

Activities Children's Environmental station in the forest.

Children with teacher study an anthill.

Wooden sculptures in the forest amateur.

Horse-racing club "Mustang".

The boys cleaned the horse, a pony ride through the woods.

Boys in a clearing ...

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... clearing perebintovyvayut dog paw.

Haystacks in the green, high-rise buildings.

Adults with young children on the riverbank.

Types of Pushchino.


Russian cities and regions

Geography and Nature



Towns and countries

Geography and Nature

Sectors of the economy

Reel №2

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The plot №3 «gay, broad Polonyna! ...".

Ukraine, Carpathian Mountains, the city of Rachel.

Mountains, forest, river.

The musicians in national costumes played trembitas.

The ancient festival "Seeing flocks to the meadow."

Festivities, hutsuly play musical instruments, dance.

Parade through the streets ...

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... of the city, the shepherds on horseback.

Alpine pastures, shepherds chase a flock of sheep.

Shepherds milking goats cheese cook on a fire in the boiler.

Cheese head hung to dry gauze.

Hanging dyed yarn.

Hutsul women sew, spin in the garden.

A woman hanging on a clothesline national carpets in the garden ...

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... garden.

Women woven on looms on the street.

Carved wooden fairy figurines, folk paintings on wood.

The final celebration.

Men kindle a large fire on the meadow.

Shepherds in the mountains near the fire, Forest.

The plot №4 «Hot stones Amman."

Jordan capital Amman views.

Vehicles, pedestrians on the streets ...

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... 1961.

Jerash, the ancient Greco-Roman city.

Architectural monuments, columns, tourists.

Tourists walk around the amphitheater, sitting in the stands.

Bedouin rolled tourists on a camel.

The driver behind the wheel of the bus, the view from the window on the track.

Tourists riding in a narrow mountain ...

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... mountain gorge.

Petra, the ancient capital of the Nabataean kingdom.

The temple-mausoleum Al Khazneh, columns cut in the rock.

Tourists on the shore of the Dead Sea, Bedouin with camel guides.

Jerash, the Cardo Max (Street of the Pillars). 13-meter tower, the ruins, the view of the city.


Towns and countries

Folk Art

National culture


History of foreign countries

Geography and Nature

National culture

Culture and Arts


Soviet Ural Mountains № 32 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:25, published: 6/23/2014

Camera operators

M. Kuzjmich, A.

Krugovih, V. Maksimov, S. Pogorelov

Text authors




Krasnoufimsky - 250 years.

Tyumen - 400 years.

Well built. the Tyumen - Yamburg.

Farewell, pioneer summer!

Reel №1

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... landscape plan, forest, river.

Fishermen in a boat on the river fishing rods.

City Krasnoufimsk, streets, traffic, pedestrians.

Urban Station by architect Shchusev.

The participants of the student construction team with a guitar dance, sing.

Go pedestrians.

Women with children.

Street stands with photos about ...

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... about the construction in the city.

In a number of harvesters are a group of people around them.

Awarding of the foremost cities orders and medals.

Pedestrians on the street.

Young people see the flowers.

Tyumen city, streets, traffic, pedestrians.

Monument to the heroes of the revolution, rides the bus ...

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... bus.

Street with the top point.

Passing by the old-style buildings.

Port cranes.

A lot of people on the street.

Solemn meeting in honor of the 400th anniversary of the city of Tyumen.

Secretary of the CPSU Nikonov attaches to the flag of the city the Order of the Red Banner, the banner on the stage passed ...

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Celebratory speech in the town square, dancing, photographers.

The drive machine with placards are veterans with awards on his chest.

Fireworks in the night sky.

The plot of "The Northern option" View of the earth from Tyumen flying helicopter.

Helicopter pilots in the cockpit.

Man looks out the window.

Tractor ...

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... Truck clears the ground of the body.

Excavator loads the ground in the back of a truck.

Workers rolled along the ground roll of geotextile material.

Of the truck filled ground.

Two men bare-chested in the snow wash, watered from a bucket, wiping.

Woman indoors on the radio said.

The opening of the railway ...

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... compositions.

View of the railway and train with weights with the passage of the helicopter.

The plot of "children have to laugh" Teens bear leader length, set in a clearing vertically.

The children's carousel sitting guys and girls singing with a guitar.

Girl on a glade among birches lead dance.

The guy pulls trunks ...

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... withered.

On a cart driven by a piano.

Girls with a bow on her head rehearsing a dance on the grass.

A horse in a cart driven by a piano.

Pioneers amicably filled meadow.

Drummers playing in white shirts and ties pioneer.

PNRM. by pioneers, keep your hand in front of his head in salute.

A man plays the piano ...

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... piano.

On the wooden platform dancing younger students.

Spectators sit in the open air.

On stage with a guitar and an accordion sing two pioneers.

Applause in the hall in the open air.

Squirrel in a cage.

Children on vacation: football, swings, roundabout.

A large gazebo, children are engaged in it dances ...

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... dances.

In a clearing fire breaks out.

Lit the fire.

Dancing around the fire.

Faces of children.

Film-travel almanac № 111 1976

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:54, published: 2/16/2015


Zguridi A., Klyuchnikov A., Popov L., Semenov V.


Dik I., Zguridi A., Sklyut I.


1. "Almalyk copper."

2. "In the Altai Mountains."

3. "Tatra".

4. "On the river Victoria Nile."

Reel №1

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... Alternation: a panorama of mountains, on the road going trucks.

Ore mined in the mountains (blasting, construction equipment).

Metallurgical plant, workers in the smelting shop.

Alternation: pouring molten metal flowing mountain river.

Ladle over the fire.

Construction work in the quarry.

View of the city. ...

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... Almalyk.

People walk on the park alleys.

A man carries a cart on the road with flowers.

Women with children in their arms.

Small children.

Girl draws on the pavement near a puppy on a leash.

Flowering cherry.

Blooming tulips.

Natural scenery.

Explosions in the mountains.

The bars of the cast metal.

Flowering ...

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... field on the horizon moving freight train.

2. In the Altai Mountains.

Winter natural scenery in the mountains.

Non-freezing river.

On the river floats your boat.

River view from the hill.

Thickets of cedar.


As the snow is a camel.

A herd of camels to the pursuer.

In the forest runs a herd of deer ...

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... across the meadow.

View: drive up to the house of the sledge.

From the house comes a man.

People greet.

Hunters discuss the skins of animals.


A woman with a baby in her arms.

Man mounts a horse.

A woman driving a flock of sheep.

Felling, piling logs in a pile.

The man saws a log.

View of the river ...


Geography and Nature


Sectors of the economy

Reel №2

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Taking the road from a moving car.

View of the road above.

On the side of the road parked cars, people go.

The view from the forest in the parking lot.

On the road going horse carts, people go on foot.


Wooden house.

People go down to the lake.

Morskie Oko Lake.

People sit on the rocks near ...

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... near the water.

Tourists view the map and the mountains on the horizon.

People are floating down the river on rafts.

The castle on the rock.

The man in national costume runs a raft.

Tourist parking on the beach.

Crohn wood stork in the nest.

Rafts are moving on the river (shooting on the water).

Storks ...

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Storks in the nest.

River flows.

4. On the river Victoria Nile.

Murchison Promontory National Park Falls waterfalls Murchison Promontory (now Kabarega).

Alternation: crocodiles dive into the river, near the water and the birds fly over the water.

Hippopotamus in shallow water.

On the shore of a herd of buffalo ...

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... buffalo.

On the back of the buffalo bird flies.

Buffalo comes into the water.

Buffaloes walking along the shore.

African elephants.

Passengers boats, a man looking through binoculars.

The female hippopotamus with a baby.

A herd of hippos in the water.

Hippos are on the beach.

The river is the boat.

Common ...

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... Common waterbuck (females).

Crocodile in the water.

Herds of antelopes and hippos on the banks.

Baboons on the beach.

The monkeys in the trees.

View of the river from the forest.

Interview with the head of the circle of young tourists 1998

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:33, published: 2/20/2018

Scene №1 Interview with the head of the circle of young tourists

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The head of the circle of young tourists Elena Ivanovna speaks about the work of the tourist circle at the Ryazan Children's Creativity Center, about the participation of the members of the circle in Competitions, keeping them clean around the territory of the Ryazan Kremlin and on tourist bivouacs, ...

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... about the comprehensive development of children (synchronously).

View of part of the Ryazan Kremlin.

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