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"light building" newsreels and historical clips

On the seas and oceans № 62 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:43, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1


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... Soviet ship "Captain Izhmyakov."

2nd story.

Inhibitors against corrosion.

Production processes in the assembly shop Kiliya shipyard where they build lighter; production processes in the chemical laboratory of the plant,  where new technology is being developed inhibition; workers prepare appliances for ...


Moscow № 6 Moscow - a city of art 1973

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:45, published: 3/25/2014

Reel №1

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The sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Girl" against the setting sun - CU.

High-rise building on the backdrop of the setting sun - LS.

Bridges at sunset - LS.

Passing motor cars - MS.

Art School Diploma 1905 Alexander Pankov draws on the waterfront - MS.

The bridge over the Moscow River, traffic on ...

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... streets of Moscow, the decorative panels on the building of modern architecture, flowering trees - LS., MS.

Monument AS Pushkin on Pushkin Square, the flowers at the monument - MS.

It takes a young man with a musical instrument among the passers - MS.

The building of the Great Hall of the Conservatory - LS ...

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... LS.

The Museum of Fine Arts.

Pushkin - MS.

The building of the Bolshoi Theater, past his people - MS.

Sculpture "Quadriga of Apollo" on the building of the Bolshoi Theater - CU.

Bolshoi ballerina engaged in the class - CU., LS.

Engaged E. Maximova - MS., CU.

PNRM. with hands on face by Viktor Ivanovich ...


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The people at the building with lighted windows - MS.

The Conservatory - MS. (Evening)

The orchestra plays the 15th Symphony by Shostakovich (synchronous) - LS.

Conductor Maxim Shostakovich - CU.

The audience in the hall - MS ..


The building of the Bolshoi Theater - MS. (Evening)

Lit chandelier in the ...

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... (Evening)

Cinema «Russia» - MS. (Evening)

Lighted fountains - CU.

Sings Folk Artist of the RSFSR Lyudmila Zykina (synchronous) - LS., MS.

Person listening in the hall - CU.

Illuminated Kalinin Prospect (Novy Arbat), luminous PDP "USSR" on buildings - MS. (Evening)

Lit cinema advertising "Metropol» - MS.

Illuminated ...

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... Illuminated streets of Moscow, lit NDP "Glory to the CPSU," etc., passing cars - LS., MS.

Illuminated Kremlin, it is reflected in the Moscow River - LS.

Leave in Order to Come Back. 1987

Documentary, 4 parts, duration: 0:38:12, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1


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... interview.

Panorama of the square at the station, a car is being driven off.

A.G. Safonov is speaking in the car.

A mirror in the car.

The city.

The building of the Regional Committee of the Communist Party.

A.G. Safonov is talking to the Chairman of the City Executive Committee G.S. Makhalov.

Hands. ...


Reel №4


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... car is going along the street.

Panorama of the “Aeroflot” [“Air Fleet”, Soviet air carrier] vehicles refueling.

Safonov is going by car.

Traffic lights.



Panorama of the film crew, Safonov and Bakhramov at the airport , speaking.

Airport, indicator board, panorama of a dog.

People are ...


In everything and always. 1982

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:57, published: 9/17/2015

Reel №1

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... winter. V.B.Nosik returns home.

The hallway lights light.

A man walks around the room, including electrical appliances, singing, talking to himself.

A man enters the bathroom includes water, talking to a mirror, comes out at the same time turning on the light in the kitchen. V.B.Nosik includes electrical ...

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... refrigerator, consider the light.

The actor puts the bottle down the sink, includes hot water, removes his hat and goes out into the hallway. V.B.Nosik sits on the couch, turn on the heater, watch TV.

On the TV footage from the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring": Shtirlits lights fireplace. V.B.Nosik gets ...

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... actor gets up and leaves the frame.

In the kitchen, a man sits at a table and reading a newspaper.

Novella first.

View of the roof of high-rise buildings.

Open windows.

On the balcony overlooking woman hangs laundry.

Working on devices CHP sets heating mode.

Log in to the control room ECD-21. Manager ...


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... workers on the rig.

People are trying to get a bulldozer out of the pit with water.

Bulldozer, stuck in the field.

Novella second.

Lighted windows of apartment buildings in the late evening.

Alternation: street Vyborg, equipment and instrument readings to the waterworks.

The street passing bus.

Past ...


Reel №2


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... and station equipment.


Sampling water outlet.

On the way, the bus rides, rides towards the truck.

Zelenograd residents walk past the building department.

The queue for the cabbage on the street.

It powered fountain.

Operators of automated control system for water supply.

Alternating: the ...

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... tells K.A.Gluhovsky Commission about the system faces.

People sit on a low stone wall.

Runs city fountain.

People on the streets of the city.

The building department.

Operators station.


View on the street from under the trees.

Alternation: kindergarten children play about with water, change ...

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... change clothes, brush their teeth.

The girl in the locker hangs clothes and ran into the bedroom.

The girl in the bed.

Mentor extinguishes the light.

Sleeping baby.

From the tap water flows.

The girl runs out of the room, the teacher looks after.

The girl returned, close the valve.

Novella third.

Chronicle ...


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... console and includes a light.

The porch light is turned on, the people in the corridor.

Fluorescent lights on the ceiling.

Lighted windows of staircases (exterior view).

In the hallway lights on.

Manager gets up from the remote controls and night lighting.

At the entrance of the light goes out.

Lighted windows ...


Highway Patrol Release from 04/22/01 2001

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:12:27, published: 7/28/2016

Reel №1


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... hit a pedestrian.

Inspection inspectors DPS accident site.

A car with a broken windshield.

Said driver Zhiguli.

Fire in Pechatnikov lane.

Lights attic in a building.

They say residents of the house.

Firefighters liquidate fire.

Statistics UGPS. An accident on the Warsaw highway.

The car crashed into a ...


Soviet polar explorers 1950-1959

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:17:25, published: 6/6/2014

Scene №1 Soviet polar explorers


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... plane.

Night, the plane takes off with the lights switched on.

Night, things explorers in the snow, the wind blows top, polar station, people walk.

Cracked ice floe, polar ice cut, bulldozer, moving structures are lit with flashing lights

Ships, people build wood and repair work is carried out.

Aircraft ...


Construction and architecture № 5 1976

Newsreel, 1 part, published: 9/20/2016


1. "Decisions of the Party in life." light. "On the research of building structures at the early stage of designing by the method of photoelasticity.

4. "The hall changes its appearance".

About the architectural ensemble of the concert hall Russia.

Scene №1

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1. Tells the light.

Polarization-optical studies on a plastic model.

Deformation of the part under load.

Hydroelectric dam.

Experiment in the laboratory.

A model of a part of the dam made of special plastic is placed in a thermostat.


Construction site.

Hydroelectric dam.

2. The hall changes ...

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... The foyer of the concert hall.

Transformation of the hall.

Installation of chairs for the concert.

The control panel.

Rehearsal on stage.

Change of lighting.

Kazan Motor-building Production Association 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:55, published: 4/22/2021

Scene №1 Kazan Motor-building Production Association

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The building materials industry 1975-1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:56, published: 6/22/2019

Scene №1

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Cement and brick factories.

View of the port, port cranes.

Factory buildings.

Building a new hotel 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:09:44, published: 5/23/2013

Scene №1 Building a new hotel

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