You found 743 newsreels for query "mysterious sunset"

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"mysterious sunset" newsreels and historical clips

Turkey 1986-1987

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:11, published: 5/25/2016

Scene №1

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Istanbul Bosphorus views, promenade.


Narrows Bridge.

The ancient city of Ephesus.

Sunset on the sea.

Albania 2005-2008

Footage, 27 footages, duration: 2:02:30, published: 3/30/2019

Scene №14 Promenade Of Durres

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The city's waterfront.

Of the Adriatic sea.

Sails - a ship.

Strong wind and waves.

A picturesque sunset.

George E. Mironov interview 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:00, published: 2/21/2016

Scene №1 George E. Mironov interview

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Cover of the book "Red Sunset".

Georgy Mironov met with readers.

Writer George Mironov speaks about his book.

Monasteries and temples 1975-1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:07:33, published: 7/15/2019

Scene №1


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... of bricks.

The monks load the table into the cart.

The gate is slightly open.

Sunset over the river.

Kalyazinskaya bell tower.

Rostov Kremlin, churches and bell towers.

Men in folk costumes ring the bells.

Sunset over the Kremlin and Lake Nero.

Materials on the film "Where the war ended" 1989

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:13:08, published: 10/23/2015

Scene №2

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City squares and streets, traffic and pedestrians, people walking in parks.

Seashore, shooting from a car.

Winter sunsets over the river.

Moscow Attractions 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:37, published: 7/16/2019

Scene №1

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Views of the Moscow Kremlin (tower, St.

Basil's Cathedral, Ivan the Great bell tower).

Novodevichy convent.

Church bells.

Dome at sunset.

Bethlehem 2009

Footage, 11 footages, duration: 0:39:02, published: 5/25/2021

Scene №11 Bethlehem.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

City streets, city transport.

Armed military in Bethlehem.

Wire in the border zone of autonomy.

The hour of sunset.

The evening twilight.

India 1950-1980

Footage, 13 footages, duration: 1:24:53, published: 7/19/2019

Scene №8

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Village life.

The boat.


Life on the coast.

The sunset over the mountains.


The city on the Bay (twilight, night).

Mysteries of the oceans 1978

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:09, published: 4/6/2023


The film tells about the many secrets that the seas and oceans hold, about mysterious stone structures at the depth of the sea, which may once have been cities.

Movie №1

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Sea, waves.

Research vessel "Academician Vernadsky" - a panorama of the ship, the sea, the setting sun.

The ship sails into the sea, evening, sunset.

Night shooting, the deck of the ship, the lantern is lit.

The captain of the ship, a member of the crew.

Large - scale navigation map, calculations are ...


Materials on the film "Birch lights" 1985

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:17:53, published: 3/30/2020

Scene №1


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... fields.

Summer landscapes of Central (field, country road, river, bent over the water the trees).

Blooming lilacs.

Apple orchard.

Sunset over the river.

Man climbs the hill at sunset.

The poet Vladimir Mikhalev and journalist N. In.

Ryapolov near the campfire next to the shelter.

V. Mikhalev is sitting under ...

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