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"new bell" newsreels and historical clips

Sviyazhsk Island in Tatarstan 2003-2005

Footage, 12 footages, duration: 0:47:38, published: 1/23/2018

Scene №4 Temples of St. John the Baptist Monastery

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Monastery gates, cell building, bell tower, Sergieviy temple.

Passage of the hieromonk.

The abbot of the monastery greets him.

The corps of the governor of the monastery, the Assumption Cathedral, the ruins of the fraternal corps.

Bell tower.

Bell Chime

Territory of the monastery.

Entrance to the Assumption ...

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... monastery before the revolution.

Interior of the premises in the fraternal building.

View of the fraternal building from the bell tower.

The bell ringer at the bell tower.

Bells ringing.

Monastic refectory.

Brothers at the table.

Separate frescoes of the Assumption Cathedral.

The iconostasis of the cathedral ...


St. Petersburg time 1992

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:27:44, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №2

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The clock mechanism of the Peter and Paul Fortress clock.

Clock bells.

Panorama of St.

Petersburg from the bell tower of the Peter and Paul Cathedral.

Admiralty watch.

Watch "Casimir" - the face on this watch is getting old.

Clockwork movement.

Monument to Peter the Great in the Peter and Paul Fortress ...


Reel №3

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... are sitting on a bench.

Clocks on the houses.

Bells on the Peter and Paul Fortress.

A swinging pendulum.

People on the street.

The clock on the bell tower of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

View of the buildings of the Peter and Paul Fortress from the bell tower.

Cannon in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Hands ...

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... Hands put a shell in the gun.

The salvo of the cannon of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

A porch with Atlanteans in front of the entrance to the New Hermitage.

The reflection of the house in the water.

Peter's Palace in the Summer Garden.

Our region № 28 1967

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:04, published: 11/2/2016

Reel №1

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... peat machines, the opening of the obelisk to fallen comrades. 3. Village Konchanskoe-Suvorov, Alexander Suvorov Museum. 4. Rybinsk.

New hotel. 5. Rostov Kremlin, Bell., 6. Vologda.

Spa resort, Professor Lebedev, the history of the resort in the photos. 7. Kaliningrad.

Exhibition Hall of the House ...


The scenery on the Oka, Kalyazin bell tower etc. 1975-1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:45, published: 7/5/2019

Scene №1

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... ship "Musa Gareev".

Kalyazin bell tower.

Temples on the banks of the Oka.

View of the dilapidated temple.

Sunset over the river.

Flowing into the eye of the stream.

Coastal landscapes.

Panorama of Oka in late autumn, on the banks of the snow.

The ruins of the temple.

New chapel at the foot of the old ...


Evening Moscow 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:07:43, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Evening Moscow

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... Ivan the Great Bell, the towers of the Kremlin.

Big Stone Bridge, St.

Basil's Cathedral - hitting.

Panorama from St.

Basil's Cathedral in the Kremlin wall.

Traffic along the waterfront.

Kremlin - a general view, a panorama.

Big Stone Bridge, St.

Basil's Cathedral.

Directions to the New Arbat Street.

Directions ...

"Private Museum of a Painting" in Yaroslavl 2003

News, 3 footages, duration: 0:12:05, published: 12/13/2017

Scene №1 "Private Museum of a Painting" in Yaroslavl

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The plot of the private museum of Russian antiquities John Mostoslavsky: a collection of wall clocks, bells, musical instruments, harmonium, icons.

Interview with Mostoslavsky.

Construction of a new museum building.

The custom of "hanging" for the newlyweds.


Scene №3 "Private Museum of a Painting" in Yaroslavl

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In the exposition of the museum: icons; a collection of wall clocks, bells, a lamp.

Musical keyboard instruments.

Computer tale. 1993

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:53, published: 5/29/2014

Reel №1 Computer tale.

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New Year's Moscow

Golf Club in Moscow 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:22:35, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Golf Club in Moscow

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A new sport


Assyrian New Year 1997

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:50, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Assyrian New Year


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Palace of Youth.

People in the audience applauded.

Synchron Juna, president of the International

Assyrian Association "Laros."

Speaks of the Assyrian New Year - on the night of March 31 to April 1.

Speaks of the Assyrians.

Represents their friends and guests.


The guests drink and a snack.

Dance ...


Assyrians, the New Year

Sergey Bondarchuk. 1982

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:58:54, published: 11/14/2012


social activity, fragments from movies Bondarchuk ( "Taras Shevchenko", "Fate of Man," "Waterloo", "Steppe", "They Fought for Their Country," "Red Bells").

Reel №1

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Time of filming the movie, "I saw the birth of the new world"

(The second film in the Novels "Red Bells").

Panorama from the actors on the film crew.

S. Bondarchuk on set instructs the actors.

Camera film V.Yusov have cameras - MS.

Soundman works, view the face of the tape on the reel - CU.

Makeup ...


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... Bondarchuk and F.Nero Italian actor - who plays writer John Reed

kinodilogii in "Red Bells» - CU.

V.Yusov operator is ready to shoot - MS.

F.Nero and American actress S.Roum rehearse a scene from the movie "I saw the birth of

new world. "

S. Bondarchuk at the cameras - CU.

F.Nero rehearses a scene from the ...

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... from the Mexican documentary

"Sergei Bondarchuk in Mexico": S. Bondarchuk during filming

"Mexico is on fire" (the first of kinodilogii film "Red Bells») - MS.

Fragment from the film "Mexico is on fire» - MS.

In the frame of the actor in the role of J. F.Nero


S. Bondarchuk in tonstudii during ...


Reel №2


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... Sculpture in the snow - CU.

S. Bondarchuk near her house takes on uzkoplenochnuyu camera.

Working time of filming the movie, "I saw the birth of a new world."

Panorama from S. Bondarchuk on the actors and F.Nero S.Roum, rehearse a scene.

S. Bondarchuk F.Nero talking to - MS.

Actress S.Roum - CU.


Reel №6


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... says (synchronously) on his work on the film.

S. Bondarchuk and editor working in the editing room.

Fragments from the film "I saw the birth of the new world": Lenin speaks to the revolutionary workers, the people at the Smolny Institute, the storming of the Winter Palace.

S. Bondarchuk in the country ...

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