You found 7793 newsreels for query "red table cloth"

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"red table cloth" newsreels and historical clips

Cosmonautics. Starting table: on land and at sea 2013

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:57, published: 8/30/2022

Scene №1 Cosmonautics. Starting table: on land and at sea

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Hughes Aleshkovsky, presentation of the CD 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:50, published: 2/21/2016

Scene №1 Hughes Aleshkovsky, presentation of the CD

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... accompanies Andrei Kravchuk.

Makarevich says Hughes Aleshkovskii songs.

Alexander Abdulov talks about Uzes Aleshkovsky.

Banquet table.

The CD cover.

Hughes Aleshkovsky cuts red tape.

Hughes says Aleshkovsky their fundamentals songs.

Events at the White House in Moscow 1993

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:07, published: 1/19/2015

Scene №1 Events at the White House in Moscow

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... with a red flag on the pavement of the bridge inscription: "Yeltsin Judas!".

People with red flags on the White House lawn.

People hold red flags, the woman speaks in a megaphone.

General view of the meeting at the White House.

General view of the White House and the rally in front of him.

Red flags in ...


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... one of the rooms of the White House.

An employee of one of the sorts of archives documents, classifies them on the table.

Archivists parses the document.

Folders with documents on the table.

Archivists view documents, talk to each other.

A man looks at a folder with documents.

Archivists dismantled and ...


Red Army man was a hero 2000

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:59, published: 3/12/2018

Reel №1

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There are photos on the table.


The title "The Red Army man was a hero".

Title "The city of Balashov.

January 2000".

The Cathedral in honor of Archangel Michael.

Monument to the internationalist soldiers.


The title is "Pavel Fedorovich Lebedev".

View from the window.

Lebedev is ...

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... standing near a bookcase with books.

The spread of the book "So we went to victory".

Books on the table.

PNRM. on manuscripts and books.

Boxes of books.

Lebedev says.

Bed, sofa, table.

Newspapers on the table.


The arch of the house.

The veterans are sitting.

Veterans dance.

Lebedev communicates ...


Want to know everything № 196 1990

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:59, published: 2/21/2014

Reel №1

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... clearing.

The man covers his face with a red handkerchief.

He ties it on his head.

Men put helmets on their heads.

A man in white and black greet each other with a bow.

A man in the tall grass with a sword.

Two men stand in front of a tree on which hangs a black cloth with an inscription in hieroglyphs.

Large ...


World of Quietness and Freedom. 1991

Documentary, 2 films, duration: 0:17:43, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №2

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... Museum - MS., PNRM., LS., Hitting.

Continuation of the story IA Rybakov indoors (synchronously) - MS., Departure.

A room in the manor - LS., PNRM.

Table cloth signed by Chaliapin, Vrubel, Repin and other figures of Russian culture - LS., CU., PNRM.

Portrait of the daughter of Vera Mamontov - MS., Hitting ...


Ostland Woche № 20814 1943

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:16, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... patterns embroidered slippers.

Girls wearing national costumes, in front of the mirror trying on hats.

Woman helping girl to cheat on the skirt of Cloth Belt.

Red Partisan 1968

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:01, published: 3/11/2021

Scene №1 Red Partisan

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Red Petrograd 1918-1920

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:15, published: 5/11/2016

Scene №1 Red Petrograd


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... festively decorated cars.

Internationalist procession of children.

Students are holding a banner with the slogan, there are a number small children with red flags in their hands.

On Palace Square passing truck fotokinokomiteta District.

Removing the stone parts of the monument with a crane.

Red Army 1919-1927

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:02, published: 5/11/2016

Scene №1 Red Army

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... train, sit on platforms Red Army.

Break the shell on the ground.

Used in ammunition wagon.

The texts of campaign posters.

Parts of the OGPU troops in the Kremlin during the parade, the military of the floor.

Parts of the OGPU troops on parade, with a podium is a military, Red Army soldiers listen to ...

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... to the speaker.

The conductor of a military band signals.

Red Army parade opens.

Pipes bugler.

Pass of the OGPU troops.

It takes part of the machine-gun.

There is a small unit, buglers blow.

Spectators welcome passing troops.

War with the girl in his arms.

Passes cavalry unit.

View Arc de Triomphe at the ...

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... party leaders.

The maneuvers of the cavalry in the Khodynka field.

Cavalry units in service.

A car pulls up.

A speaker from the balcony in front of the Red Army, there are a number KE Voroshilov and SM Budyonny

It performs one of the military.

Participants of the meeting welcomed the troops standing on the ...


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