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"water lilies" newsreels and historical clips

Film-travel almanac № 14 1965

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:49, published: 8/11/2016


1. "Water and life".

2. "Off the coast of Urup".

3. "Solovetsky Islands".

4. "With the artist in new York".

Reel №1

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1. Water and life.


A snake crawls across the sand.

An elderly man prays, a donkey walks next to him.

Turtles climb the dune.

A monitor lizard passes by.

Turtle on a rock.

Varan looks at the camera.

A turtle falls off a rock.

The turtle is lying on its back.

Monitor Lizards.

The fight ...

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... fight of the monitor lizards.

The face of a praying person.


The eyes of a man.

The turtle is lying on its back.

Shells of dead turtles.

A man with a donkey walks through the desert.

Mountain waterfall.

Seething water.

People cross the river on a suspension bridge.

Mountains, a man climbs ...

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... climbs the slope.

View of the settlement.

Mountain huts.

The men throw hay into the air to remove the sand.

A smiling child.

Alternation: water flows over the stones, people throw hay with a pitchfork.

A little boy.

A camel chews grass.

View of the river, in the foreground grass stalks.

The confluence ...


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... back, the driver looks back from the open door.

Stones fall into the water.

A worker with a cigarette.

Someone signs the documents and picks up the phone.

Excavator bucket.

The feet of running people.

Stones fall into the water.

A bird of prey.

Panorama of the construction site.

People stand on ...

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... on the bank of a swirling river.

People move the irrigation machine in the field.

A man drinks water on the go.

Water jets.

Workers drink water.

Drops on the girl's face.

Cotton picking.

A camel drinks from the river.

Aquatic plants.

The man washes his face.

River, mountain view in the distance ...

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... slides off the bank into the water.

Sea otters frolic in the water.

The boat docks, a man with a movie camera in the bow.

Sea otters dive.

Sea otters under water.

Starfish and hedgehogs on the rocks.


Alternation: the sea otter searches for food under water and emerges into the air.

Scuba ...

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... Scuba divers watch the animals.

Alternation: sea otters dive and swim under water, come up and eat prey on the surface.

Reel №2

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3. Solovetsky Islands.

Water lily leaves on the water, sun glare.

Reflections of trees in the water.

Fallen trees over the pond.

Forest thickets.

The girl picks berries.

The girl runs to the shore.

The seashore.

Underwater rocks and plants, sunbeams on the water.

Coastal boulders.

A fisherman ...


Karelia. Fantasy - impromptu 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:33, published: 4/6/2023

Movie №1

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The night, the moon, on the water - a lunar path.

Reflection in the water - trees with yellow leaves.

View of the rocks.

Evening Karelian landscape (sunset).

Sunset sky, clouds, view of the wooden church.

Panorama of the lake.

The general plan (taken from above) is a lake, a small island, a boat is sailing ...

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... river, visible streaks on the water.

View of the river with streaks, rocky shores, forest.

Streams of water flow over the stones, a panorama of the river, grass and yellow flowers near the shore.

A group of two-person kayaks is sailing along the river.

Large - water lily leaves and flowers, panorama of ...

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... of the river, forest.

A rowing boat with rowers is sailing.

River, rocky shore (removed from the water, from traffic).

Coarse yellow moss on the rocks.

The village of Virma, the wooden Peter and Paul Church.

An old, withered tree in the forest, a panorama of roots sticking out of the ground.

Panorama ...

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... boats are sailing.

Kizhi, wooden chapel of the Sign of the Virgin (removed from the water, from the movement).

The village is a panorama of wooden houses, a chapel, children at a table by the shore, boats by the water.

Sailing boat is sailing.

In the window of the hut - an elderly woman.

Wooden chapel ...

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... on the water.

View of the complex of wooden churches and buildings in Kizhi (taken from the water, from traffic).

Sailing boats on the water.

View of the museum-reserve in Kizhi at sunset.

River, strong current, small rapids.

A fisherman with a fishing rod on the shore.

Seagulls over the water.

Panorama ...


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... collect things on the shore.

Large - buckets with cranberries and fish.

View of the boats and tourists collecting things.

Wooden boat on the water.

Raindrops on the water.

It's raining, a view of the lake, the shore, wooden huts in the thickets of trees.

Ducks are swimming on the lake.

A small island in the ...


XXIII Moscow International Film Festival - 2 2001

Footage, 16 footages, duration: 3:50:59, published: 4/15/2015

Scene №11 Concert of the band "Tiger Lilies" ("Tiger Lily")

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Arbat Business Center "Romanov Dvor", the street scene in the courtyard.

Youth Forum at the festival.

Concert London punk cabaret band "Tiger Lilies" ("Tiger Lily").

On the stage singer Martyn Jacques, drummer Adrian Hughes, bassist Adrian Stout.

The audience dancing and applauding.

Film-travel almanac № 256 1992

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:41, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1


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... valleys and hills.

On the slope of grazing horses.




The mountain river.

Grasses bend in the wind.


The grass near the water.

Flowering mountain herbs.

Rolls mountain river.

Portrait of Mikhail Lermontov.

Rock (Pechorin place match and Grushnitsky in the novel "A Hero of Our ...


Reel №2

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... (Sizopola).

Kamchia River, views of the water and the shore with the boat nose.

Fishermen fish for fish from the shore.

Along the coastal boats tied houses.

Above the water, the trees lean.

Fallen tree.

In the mud turtle crawls.

Turtle on a tree trunk.

Snags in the water.

Waterlogged land.

Ropotamo river, ...

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... thickets of reeds.

Blooming water lilies.

View from the water on a sand bar in the air a flock of seagulls.

Sand Lily.

Bay View.

People swim in the boat.

Isle of flowering cactus.

Meadow grass.

Tidal bore.

Weathered stones at the bottom of the former sea.

View of the resort area, on the way people go ...


China Today. 1972

Documentary, 9 parts, duration: 1:30:29, black-white, published: 8/1/2016

Reel №1


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... Forbidden City in Beijing, water lilies and lilies on the water.

Types of pagodas.

One of the buildings of the Imperial palace complex.

The bell on the cornice.

View of a part of the garden (from above).

View of the pagoda.

Wooden bridge over the pond.

Lilies blooming on the water.

An altar with a statue ...


Reel №4


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... rockers on their shoulders.

Rural landscape (panorama).

Peasants carry baskets on rockers.

Two children are sitting on a bridge over an irrigation canal.

Water flows from the pipe of the irrigation system.

Peasants work in a rice field.

Planting rice shoots in a flood field.

The work of one of the sections ...


From Hangai to the Gobi Desert (Travel Notes) 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:34, published: 4/6/2023

Movie №1


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... in Hangai.

A local resident walks down the steep bank of the Orkhon River.

View of a part of the river (from above).

A local resident takes mineral water from a spring into a bowl, drinks it.

View of the waterfall.

Panorama of the steppe in the foothills, a flock of sheep grazing.

Shepherds are riding ...


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... Gobi territories covered with small stone.

View of one of the reservoirs at the well in Gobi.

A woman weeds seedlings.

The horses are coming from the watering hole.

Panorama of a part of the desert.

View of the flooded area after prolonged rains.

Sheep move across the pond formed as a result of heavy rains ...

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... passes through a flooded area.

Views of a fresh lake in the Gobi desert.

Flora and fauna in the vicinity of Lake Hara-Usnur.

Water lilies on the water (panorama).

Swans on the water.

Flocks of birds over the lake.

Lake landscapes.

View of the sandy shore of the lake, a motor boat sails past the dunes.

Lake ...


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... finishes.

The face of the girl who won the race.

The winner's horse.

One of the race participants finishes with the help of his parents.

The boy drinks water from a can.

Cleaning the winning horse.

Giving valuable gifts to parents.

Landing parachutist.

One of the participants of the holiday is watching a ...


I became a gardener. 1988

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:28, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1


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... Reflection of trees in water.

Man mowing grass.

Gardener dreams.

The owner is sitting at a table in a garden with a dog on his lap and drinking tea.

Flower beds near the house.

The owner of the balcony on the second floor with a telescope.

Cock walking on the grass.

Overgrown pond lilies.

The owner goes fishing ...


Reel №2


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... Flowers on beds.

People bypassed the garden along the path. A.Ushakov talking to a gardener ID Novikov.

Blossoming strawberries.

Men try grapes.

Woman watering cucumbers.

The host shows guests garden.

Tree branches.

People talking on the bench in the garden.

Flowers on the alpine hill.

Garden tree.

The bridge ...

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... for future landings.

People work in the garden (top view).

Fertilizer land.

Sowing seeds.

Fertilizing plants.

Watering flower garden.

Planting potatoes.

Aerial view of the site. A.Ushakov watering the flower bed.

The first shoots.


Ripe strawberries.

The owner collects berries. A.Ushakov goes on ...

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... on the site D.H.Tokareva.

The host and guest talk on the shore of the pond.

Blooming water lilies and water lilies.

Fir branches.

Swings and benches under the trees.

The trunks of the birch trees.

View of the water from the shore.

Grass growing on the edge of the drainage ditch.

People go to the garden ...


Reel №3

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... to cover them for the winter.

Blooming peonies.

Cat in the grass.

The host tells about preserving winter peonies.

Flowering begonias. D.H.Tokarev watering the gladioli.

The bees on the flowers of chamomile.

Men stand near vertical beds, the gardener told the guest about the strawberries.

A.Ushakov otsazhivayut ...


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... is a woman. A.Ushakov Tokarevs and wife talk at the dinner table.

D.H.Tokarev tells guests about the grapes, clusters of grapes on branches.

Girl watering flowers.

Family Ushakov working in the garden (top view).

Potato tubers.

The owner collects cucumbers in the greenhouse.

The father comes out of the ...


Film-travel almanac № 38 1968

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:24, published: 8/8/2016

Reel №1

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... The buoy bobs on the water.

The boat jumps on the waves.

Birch branches in the wind.

The boat is far away.

Birch trees.

Pleasure boat "Rocket".

The boat overtakes the sports yacht.

Yachtsmen hold the sail.

Fishermen on boats in a thicket of sedge.

Blooming water lilies.

Thickets of reeds. ...

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... several boats enter the lock.

Seething water.

People on boats.

Water fills the channel and lifts the ships.

People pull the boat to the shore.

Country forest.

A tent among the trees.

People have lunch at a table near the tent.

View of the tourist camp from the water.

Pine forest.

A woman among the ...


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... fisherman in a boat.

Birds fly over the water.

The shore of the reservoir.

The beach at sunset.

Sailing yachts.

Competitions in water skiing with ski jumping, slalom and performing complex figures.

Hang Glider with skis.

The athlete falls into the water.

The helmsman looks back.

Hang Glider behind ...


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... bas-reliefs on the walls.

The upper part of the temple.

View of the monastery from the garden of Mikhail Mamulashvili.

The owner of the garden is watering the flowers.

Flowers on stones, in pots and jars.

M. A. Mamulashvili talks about his flowers.

Svetitskhoveli Temple.

Zedazensky monastery.

The ...

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... dam, seething water.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Mamulashvili in the garden.

The gardener arranges a place for a new plant.

Garden decoration details.

Garden guests, a man with a movie camera.

Various varieties of tulips.

Calla lilies and roses.

M. A. Mamulashvili.

The gardener is watering the flower ...

Reel №2


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... "Troyanda".

Tasting, experts try the wine and make a description of it.

Trout fry in the pool.

A woman throws food into the water.

The river Tissa (Tisa).

Seething water.

The river flows through the town of Rakhov.

Children play on the playground.

City streets, passers-by.

A boy with his parents ...

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... phone.

People in the square.

Campsite, mountain view.

Tall pine trees.

The road to the campsite.

The forest is all around.

Glade of blooming lilies of the valley.

Alternation: people go skiing and sunbathe in the snow.

A roadside inn.

A lantern under the ceiling.

Grilled shish kebab.

Visitors ...


Underwater world, sea animals, algae 1975-1985

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:14:26, published: 6/27/2019

Scene №1

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... other underwater plants.

Small fish.


Thickets of grass under the water and above the water (the camera on the edge of the water).

Leaves of water lilies, stems of sedge and other herbs (removed from the movement of water).

Pitfalls, swimming fish.


Octopus curled up under the rocks.

Algae ...

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... the bottom.


Actinia (sea anemone).

Sea urchin.


Crab with prey.




Splashes on the surface of the water.

Dolphins under water.

The operator with the camera, shooting dolphins.

The trainer with the dolphins.

Operators at the box with a camera for underwater filming ...

Scene №3

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Frolicking in the water with dolphins.

Scene №4


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... barnacles on the rocks.


Algae and sea urchins among the rocks.

Sea anemones.


Fish on the bottom.


Sea urchins and sponges, water passes through the sunlight.

Small fish in the grass.


The Earth and a Man on It 1972

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:56, published: 11/14/2012


Type of garbage left by tourists in the forest.

General view of the Rybinsk Reservoir.

Floating laboratory of the Institute of inland waters.

Scientists study water for its pollution.

Professor of Conservation at the Kazan University Popov conducts classes with students.

Reel №1

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... the pavement - CU.

Meshchersky forest: ripe cranberries, mushrooms, spring - CU.

Hedgehog in the forest - CU.

Underwater: fish, algae - MS.

Water lilies on the water - CU.

Autumn Park at Yasnaya Polyana - MS., PNRM.

The rooms of the museum of Leo Tolstoy - MS., PNRM., Hitting the desk of the writer.

Spring ...


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... talking to the young people - MS.

Person listening - CU.

Open book - a portrait Paustovskogo - CU.

Morning landscape with the river, the mist over the water - LS.

Mowers in the meadow - MS., PNRM.


Go boy and girl holding hands - LS.

Spiderweb with dewdrops - MS.

Bonfire by the river, a kettle on ...


Reel №2


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... river - CU., LS., CU.

Rybinsk Reservoir - LS., PNRM.

Boat - a floating laboratory of the Institute of Internal water into the sea - LS.

Institute scientists investigate the Rybinsk Sea water: take a sample, examine the effect of pollution on organic life.

The staff at the premises of the floating lab ...

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... Algae in the banks with fresh water - CU.

Professor Viktor Popov, head of the Department of Environmental Protection at the Kazan University, conducts workshops with students at the river in the Kama Reserve - MS., CU.

Pioneers of the "Blue Patrol" take a sample of water from the "dead" river and lake ...

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... lake of pure, make measurements, MS.avnivayut clean water taken from different places - MS., CU.

Wild ducks fly - MS.

Cabbage field in the rain - different.

CU.ony birches, swaying in the wind - MS.

Boris Veprintsev in the woods with the help of special equipment and a microphone to record voice songbirds ...


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