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"Cat" newsreels and historical clips

Panorama № 13 1989

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:45, published: 1/19/2018

Reel №1

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... military-patriotic education "Ivanovets".

4. Yaroslavl.

Competitions of rockers, head of the public traffic police V. Shashkov.

5. Ivanovo.

Competition in domestic cats.

British Movietone News № 21607 1930

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:07:46, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... sorevnoavniya woodcutters


Hockey match between Detroit and New York on the ice ikusstvennom


Marofon cyclists

Exhibition of pedigree cats


Folk Festival.

costumed march

On a Visit to Birds and Animals 1955

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:17, published: 12/9/2015

Reel №1

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... Kids at the zoo.

Fish in the aquarium.





Bird "secretary."





Lion and a dog.

Cat and squirrel.

Panorama № 5 1992

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:19, published: 1/17/2018

Reel №1


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... can, an elderly woman pays at the cash register.

Customers in the bread department.

People come out of the building.

The corridor in the house.


Old people in the house.

Employees of the service for identifying the needy talk to the elderly in the house.

A kettle on the stove, a kitchen table ...


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... Selimguzhinova.

Rural house.

An old woman, a cat, a dog.

Photos on the walls.

Selimguzhinova Z. S. talks to an elderly woman.

Grandma counts the money.

Selimguzhinova Z. S. carries firewood to the stove.

Cat and dog on the road.

The window of the house.

Cat on the fence.

Selimguzhinova Z. S. carries ...

Our region № 21 1991

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:02, published: 4/15/2017

Reel №1

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... aliens.

A white cat runs around the yard.

Rural landscape.

Panorama of the courtyard.

E.N. continues to tell his story to the representative of the Astral Society.

A representative of the society with "Astral" and E.N. are sitting on a bench near the river.

Landscape with trees.

Dark cat in the house.


Mamanty-papanty. Shaggy show. 1991

Documentary, 7 parts, duration: 1:05:59, published: 2/26/2014

Reel №1

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Goat in glasses and tie.

The chimp carries the baby in the pram.

The stroller tips over.

Chimpanzee tinkering with toys.

Circus goats.

A cat carries kittens in a stroller.


Bears with a stroller.

The flowering tree.

Because of the trees leaves clown on roller skates.

Excerpt the circus (clowning) ...


Reel №3

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... screen recording the birth of a Dolphin.

Performance with trained dolphins.

Swimming with the dolphins.

A garland of balloons, cats on the rings.

The alternation of the cat at the microphone, the life of aquarium fish.

Excerpt of submission yd Kuklachev.

Clowns on a unicycle.

Elephant at the zoo.

Animals ...



Kuklachev Yuri D. -- circus artist, clown, animal trainer, founder and Director of the theatre cats cat house, Honored artist of the RSFSR, people's artist of the RSFSR, honorary Professor of Moscow state University of culture.

Reel №7


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... lion playing with a ball.

Clowns Helen and Alice Alexeyev bow to the audience.

Trainer A. M. Askarian with monkeys on the hands.

Yd Kuklachev with a cat on his hands.

E. Alekseeva on the lounge.

Tomb of the Elder Aristocles at Danilovsky Cemetery in Moscow 2004

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:08:14, published: 3/31/2018

Scene №1 Tomb of the Elder Aristocles at Danilovsky Cemetery in Moscow

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... Moscow.

Grave of the Elder Aristocles.

People near the grave pray, they light candles.

Troparion, kontakion, reading of prayers.

Gravestones on graves.


A man is put to the cross on the grave of an old man, leaves a flower, takes the ground.

Who says thou shalt not kill? 1989

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:43:27, published: 5/30/2023


behind barbed wire.

Synchronized spinning on the responsibility and irresponsibility. L.Razgon - synchronous (of conscience).

School - a teacher with a cat (on throwing with 4 floors).

Children's responses.

Part 2 - electrocution in the U.S. (Chronicle) synchronously with the passers-by on the street.


Reel №5

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... by electric chair.

People on the street of the city.

V. Petrovsky (synchronously).

A class of schoolchildren.

Children who want to make sure that the cat falls on 4 paws leave the classroom.

A session of mass hypnosis.


Night city.

Holy Trinity Stefano-Mahrishche Stavropegic Convent of the Vladimir Region 2005

Footage, 12 footages, duration: 1:06:20, published: 8/12/2018

Scene №7 Concert of pupils of the shelter "Ark" at the Holy Trinity Stefano Mahrishche monastery

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... pipe.

Notes on music stand (large).

Piano ensemble: for the instrument, two pianists play the piano in four hands.

Dance numbers of younger groups.

Cat in the assembly hall.

Scene №9 Life of the monastery cloister

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... monastery.

Prioress of the monastery with a nun.

Facades of buildings under reconstruction.



A nun caring for a cow.


The cat on the street - "bathes" in the construction sand.

Weekdays border 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:33:22, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Weekdays border


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... building guards, barbed wire, CAT, dining room, the guard with a dog, an alarm, the guard on duty, tower.

CAT Mamonovo: checking vehicles on the Russian-Polish border.

Should the guard.

They come with a flashing light vehicles.

Pass the committee members, visiting the CAT.

Duty free shop at the border ...


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