You found 3533 newsreels for query "Landing"

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"Landing" newsreels and historical clips

In Charge of the Earth. 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:18, published: 2/8/2017


The film tells about the problems of land-use reveals the drawbacks of land reclamation, promoting biological farming.

Reel №1


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... harvest.

Panorama of the collective farm, the cows in the paddock.

The head of the enterprise says about the mandatory use of organic fertilizers in land use, establishment of organic fertilizer factory (synchronously).

The cows in the paddock.

The export of manure with a bulldozer.

Ears of ripening wheat ...


Short summer in Moksha 1985

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:53, published: 7/20/2019


The film tells about the problems of land reclamation and irrigation of agricultural land in the Mordovian ASSR.

Reel №1


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... canal.

The entrance to the building of the Mordovian Republican Association of land reclamation, a sign at the entrance.

Duty and dispatch Department answering calls.

Laying irrigation pipe.

Types of one of settlements of land reclamation.

Are the pupils of the local school.

The head of the Association ...


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... displays achievements of the farm, faces of the guests.

The car rides on a country road, a panorama of the field.

Arrival Poeluev in the Association for land reclamation.

Poeluev climbs the stairs, goes through the corridors.

Poeluev is considering plans for a new irrigation system.

Reel №2


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... rain.

Types of snow-covered fields.

The entrance is on the Board of the sovkhoz "Iskra".

Director of state farm Poeluev the head of the Association of land reclamation Averkin talking about the importance of the creation of the State agricultural Committee to improve the work of collective and state farms ...


Industrial technology of cultivation of lentils 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:46, published: 8/27/2015

Reel №1

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A field with lentil sprouts.

Lentils close-up.

Harvesting lentils by combine harvester.

Lentils grow well even on unproductive lands, are resistant to frost and drought.

Central Scientific Agricultural Library.

Scientists are working at the tables.


Old books that describe lentils.

The miniature ...


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... of soil fertility and the planned yield.

Early winter plowing to a depth of 27-30cm.

An agronomist with tractor drivers checks the quality of arable land.

Flat fields are chosen for planting lentils, which is very important for low-growing lentils.

Conducting operations to delay snow in the fields.

Snowshoes ...



Preparation of land and seeds for sowing.

Landing Troops to the Roof of the World 1968

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:49, published: 7/12/2018


paratroopers in the Pamirs.



Camp expedition.

Members of the expedition in training in the aircraft, the air.

The grave of the dead during landing parachutists (V. Mekaeva, Yu Yumatova, V. Glagolev, S. Tomarovicha).

Historical note

In the summer of 1968 at one of the highest peaks of our country, Lenin Peak was dropped parachutists landing athletes.

On the complexity of this jump is unparalleled in the history of the world of parachuting.

Reel №1


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... hung upside down and broke his leg - MS., LS.

Commandos in full gear coming in to land the plane, board the plane - MS., CU.

Airplane up in the air - CU., LS.

Pamir Mountains - LS. PNRM. (The plane).

At the landing area at the bottom, waiting for troopers climbers - LS.

Rotating propeller aircraft ...


Reel №2


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... MS., LS. (The plane).

Aircraft door closes - CU.

Wind, shortly before the release of the landing, climb to the top of Lenin Peak (up to 20 meters per second.) Takes ten colored canopy over rocky ridge landing area - LS.

B / W slides taken climbers on the snow lie the bodies of dead Marines, the place ...

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... Tomarovicha Fame, one of the country's best test engineers, paratroopers - MS.

Skydiver ignites a smoke bomb in the snow - LS.

Paratroopers in the air and land - LS. PNRM., MS.

Paratrooper removes oxygen mask - MS.

The other is on the back of the container, sinking deep into the snow - LS.

Paratrooper signal ...


How it was 02.20.1999 1999

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:36:56, published: 2/20/2018


Landing of passenger aircraft TU-124 on the water of the river.

The Neva River in Leningrad in 1963.

Reel №1

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... the words "Do not smoke!"

The program is dedicated to the event that has become part of aviation history.

The Soviet plane safely made an emergency landing on the water, within the boundaries of a multi-million city - Leningrad (now St.


On August 21, 1963, a TU-124 aircraft took off from ...


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... permissible to fly and land with such a malfunction, since similar precedents, by that time, already happened.

Emergency landing was appointed in Leningrad at the Shosseynaya airfield (now Pulkovo).

Vladislav Kochetov talks about the preparedness of the airfield for emergency landing, about special measures ...

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... Chronicle of landing aircraft of foreign airlines without front chassis.

In accordance with the rules of flight operation manual, TU-124 aircraft without front chassis are recommended to go with a fuel volume of not more than 800 kilograms, so the aircraft did not immediately land for landing.

Interview ...

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... destinations.

The TU-124 crew made about 16 laps around the city, generating fuel to the required volume.

The crew members tried to unleash the front landing gear on their own, but nothing happened.

Aleksandra Aleksandrova recalls had to redistribute forces to drag the goods from the trunk in the front ...


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... the passenger compartment.

The airplane, which, after a stop, began to be heated, was rescued by the tug that they almost collided with during the landing.

Yuri Porshin, the ship's ship manager, tells how he immediately swam to the plane.

By that time the crew had already smashed the windshield and took ...


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... shooting

Place of landing of the aircraft TU-124.

The only photograph of a towed aircraft on the Neva River in 1963.

The participants of the program sum up the results of this unprecedented event.

They speak about the revealed technical defects of TU-124.

Video chronicle:

Emergency landing of foreign airlines ...

Side by side 1941

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:29, black-white, published: 10/27/2016

Reel №1

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Athens, the ancient ruins.

The Acropolis.

Geographic map of the island of Crete.

German generals at the map.

The capture of Crete by landing an air landing was the brightest airborne operation in the 2nd world war.

This plan was proposed by the commander of German airborne troops by General Kurt ...



Germany, Greece, Island, World War 2, landing, Sea, Air, water transport, weapons, military commanders, paratroopers, army, personalities, destruction, medicine, wounded

Foreign news footages № 18 1989

News, 28 parts, duration: 0:43:38, black-white, published: 2/12/2013

Reel №2 Landing "Concord" in Australia, despite the problem. Interview passengers at the airport.

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Landing "Concord" in Australia, despite the problem.

Interview passengers at the airport.

Foreign news footages № 73 1987

News, 27 parts, duration: 0:44:13, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №5 Opening an emergency landing strip for the U.S. space shuttle in Chile.

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Opening an emergency landing strip for the U.S. space shuttle in Chile.

Leningrad chronicles № 32 1975

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:07, published: 12/29/2020


Special issue: "Frontiers of the Non-Chernozem region"

About land reclamation in the Leningrad region, state farms "Pashsky", "Minsk", pipelayers, sappers, excavators, drained parts of the swamp.

Workshop of meliorators.

Reel №1

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... Clearing a field for agricultural use.

A tractor driver working in such a field.

Fields where complex land reclamation is carried out.

Equipment for reclamation.

A mobile mechanized column carrying out land reclamation work.

Preparing tractors for work, refueling.

Pipes for reclamation.

The work is being ...


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... contract.

Meliorators plan areas, lime acidified areas, apply organic and mineral fertilizers.

Sowing of agricultural crops on the plots prepared by land reclamation.

Discussion of field reclamation works.

Regional seminar of meliorators.

Its participants exchange experience in carrying out reclamation ...


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... plant.

A herd of cows in a pasture.

A field with sunflower.

Harvesting by combine harvesters.

Northern Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation.

The engineer behind the kulman.

Scientists are discussing new developments.

Drawing of a new reclamation machine.

An experimental sample ...

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... workshops.

The milling machine is being tested.

With this machine, drainage pipes can be laid in winter.

Stone harvesting machine.

A unit for clearing the land from shrubs and small woodlands.

Institute of Lenhiprovodkhoz.

Employees of the Institute carry out topographic work.

The head of the Lenmelioration ...



Land reclamation.

Drainage tubes.

Mine clearance.

Irrigation systems.


Sinyavinsky marshes.

1 PMK.

Northern Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation.

Institute of Lenhiprovodkhoz.

Helicopter MI-17 1984

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:05, published: 11/14/2012


film was filming the following: flight of the helicopter Mi-17 over the mountain range, landing a helicopter at the landing site in the mountains, helicopter airfield, the crew in the cockpit of the helicopter, landing a helicopter at night, moving the patient on a stretcher in the cabin of the helicopter

Reel №1

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... loaded on the helicopter: a man puts a box enters passenger car - MS.

Helicopter cabin: seats for passengers - MS.

Men with torches illuminate the landing - MS., LS. (Filmed from a helicopter).

Ambulance costs - LS. (Filmed from a helicopter).

Carry a stretcher with a sick person, put in a helicopter ...


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