You found 8473 newsreels for query "brick plant"

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"brick plant" newsreels and historical clips

The 50th anniversary of the first work day 1969

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:06, published: 2/21/2020

Scene №1

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... subbotnik, people with rakes and brooms in the streets of Moscow.

A solemn meeting.

Work on the construction site, people pass each other bricks along the chain, put the bricks in a pile.

Cleaning up the lawn.

The Assembly of trucks.

Work at the wagon factory.

Motors, made in the day of the anniversary.

Coming ...


Our region № 18 1970

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:13, published: 9/22/2017

Reel №1


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... smokehouse.

Women put the fish in boxes.

Boxes of fish.

Barrels of fish.

Workers pick berries at a vegetable drying plant.

Glass jars with canned fruit and berries.

Banks with the products of the plant.

Students in the corridor of the school.

School Gallery of Military Glory.

Portrait of Air Marshal P. F. Zhigarev ...


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... I. - the permanent Deputy of the village Council Aginskogo-on the street with children.

Woodworking plant in Vesyegonsk.

Products of the plant.

Sorting of wood.

Cutting wood.

A bricklayer lays bricks.

Street Vesiegonsk.

Portrait of Lieutenant General Todorsky (photo).

Lower Povolzhie № 8 1976

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:18, black-white, published: 3/27/2018

Reel №1


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... buildings of the Volgograd plant of silicate building materials.

Internal view of one of the plant's workshops.

Automated process of making silicate bricks.

Cameraman A. Petrysheva at work.

Petrysheva monitors the work of automatic machines for the production of bricks, bypasses his site.

Production ...

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Production leader, operator N. Lyubakin at work.

Automated transportation of finished bricks.

Bricks in the finished goods warehouse.

Panorama of the construction of a residential quarter.

View of a part of a new residential block.

Honor guard company in the ranks.

Members of foreign party delegations ...

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... the Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad Defense Museum, listen to the explanations of the guide.

Foreign delegates visited the workshops of the Volgograd Tractor Plant.

View of the presidium of the city meeting of the party activists, members of the presidium applaud.

From the rostrum, the representative of the Dominican ...


Lower Povolzhie № 10 1974

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:15, black-white, published: 3/27/2018

Reel №1

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... Volgograd.

Unloading bricks from the truck body using a special device, the face of the Builder.

Production process in one of the workshops of the silicate plant.

Prescovia Golubeva, Lopatina and Shevchenko at work.

The process of pressing silicate bricks on an automatic line.

Loading bricks into truck bodies ...

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... Arrival of a truck with bricks on the construction site.

The driver gets out of the cab.

The foreman of the masons, I. Danchenko and members of his team at work.

Panorama of residential buildings under construction.

Types of one of the shops of the Astrakhan glass fiber plant, the production process ...


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... of the frame of a new greenhouse, the face of the foreman.

Installation of greenhouse frame parts.

Panorama of the erected frames of the greenhouse plant of the state farm.

Delegates of the 17th Komsomol Congress.

Delegates of the Congress of the Komsomol of Kalmykia in the lobby during a break in the ...

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... of Kalmykia, elected delegates to the 17th Congress of the Komsomol-grinder A. Gaivoronsky.

Gaivoronsky at work in the shop of an automobile repair plant.

The process of processing parts on the machine, the face of Gaivoronsky.

The face of Schoolgirls of the senior classes of Faith in Muchkaev.

Muchkayeva ...


Visit Nikita Khrushchev, the exhibition of building materials and machinery 1950

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:07:52, published: 9/29/2015

Scene №1

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Exhibitors inventor containers brick Maltsev, the designer of the transportation container I. Shirokov give explanations.

Among those present at the exhibition Khrushchev.

On the wide Volga № 31 1975

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:42, published: 6/7/2016

Reel №1


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... PNRM.

Crane delivers bricks.

Masons at work.


NDP. "Brigade".

Working with his hand raised.


NDP. "Brigade Safiullin."

Bricklayers laid bricks.

Bricklayers laid bricks.

Mason in the helmet.

Woman delivers a solution, a mason lays brick.


In the hands of a mason brick.


Bricklayers ...

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Bricklayers laid bricks.


PNRM. on buildings in ZTM. Man speaks into the microphone.


Instrument. men see drawing.


NDP. "Scouts".

Man watching the tape.

Men treated tape.

Men talk.

Oil workers at work.

Go two men.

Oilman at work.


Oilers talk.


Transportation vehicles ...


Cosmonautics. Voronezh: motors for space 2016

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:55, published: 10/20/2022

Scene №1 Cosmonautics. Voronezh: motors for space

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... combustion chambers of engines that have no analogues are created at the Voronezh Mechanical Plant.

The technologies are unique, the whole procedure is almost completely automated.

The employees of the plant were filmed in the plot: chief technologist Sergey Yukhnevich, chief engineer Alexander Grebenshchikov ...


Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Technologist of the Voronezh Mechanical Plant (branch of the Khrunichev State Scientific Research Center).

Koptev I.T. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of the Voronezh Mechanical Plant (branch of the Khrunichev State Scientific Research Center).

Soviet Ural Mountains № 46 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:35, published: 6/2/2014

Reel №1


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... manipulator.

Products of the association "Flight": radios, turntables.

3. Students go to the district center.

Educational and production plant.

Schoolchildren learn to lay bricks.

The girl behind the cash register.

The boys are studying the device of the car.

Students in the classroom.

Chemistry lesson.

4. Landscapes ...


The consequences of the raid on Moscow on the night of April 6 1942

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:01:34, published: 4/6/2021

Scene №2

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People dismantle the blockage, throw bricks into the truck.

Shooting the destroyed building inside and outside.

Traffic on the streets.

Panoramas of Red Square and the Kremlin.

Science and technology № 3 1992

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:07:05, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1


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Visitors at the exhibits, where samples of tiles and bricks from refractory materials.

Tile production on NGOs "Technology".

Panorama of the shelves with refractory bricks for NGOs "Technology".

Lab is testing the strength of the brick.

Third plot.

Sherlock Holmes?

No, Nartotest.

The ...


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