You found 5733 newsreels for query "temple square"

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"temple square" newsreels and historical clips

Monasteries and temples 1975-1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:07:33, published: 7/15/2019

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Temples of Moscow 2003-2006

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:48:47, published: 12/13/2017

Scene №1 Temples of Moscow

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Scene №4 Temple complex near the hotel "Russia" near the Red Square

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District Zaryadye.

Temples near the hotel "Russia".

Hotel "Russia" (facade of the building).


Basil's Cathedral.

Stone staircase of the temple (panorama through the green branches of trees).

English courtyard.

Parked cars.


Scene №6 St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square (St. Basil's Cathedral)

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The facade of the Pokrovsky Cathedral (St.

Basil's Cathedral) from Red Square.

(Evening shooting, cloudy).

The interior of the cathedral.

Icons, wall paintings of the temple.

The President of Germany Walter Sheel in the USSR. 1975

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:17, published: 11/14/2012


Cancer Center, the Museum-Estate of Leo Tolstoy in Khamovniki, ballet performance "Giselle" at the Bolshoi Theater (synchronously).

Walking through Red Square.

A president of Germany in Uzbekistan: a visit to Tashkent, Tashkent factory of agricultural machines, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Karakul

Reel №2

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... the center.

Kalinin Avenue.

The museum-estate of L.N. Tolstoy in Khamovniki.

Interiors of the house.

Evening Red Square.

Walk around the square.


Basil's Cathedral.

Interiors of the temple.

Distinguished guests in the central box of the Bolshoi Theater.

Fragment of the ballet "Giselle".

On stage in ...


India 1975

Footage, 8 footages, duration: 0:44:39, published: 11/3/2022

Scene №1 India

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... the mosque.

Catholic Cathedral of St.

Thomas in Chennai.

A Hindu temple.

Lakshmi-Narayana Temple in New Delhi.

Men wash their faces in the courtyard of the mosque.

The Taj Mahal.


Red Fort.

Water lilies.


People pray in the temple.

Monument to the founders of the Theosophical Society E. Blavatsky ...

Scene №2

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... point.

A Hindu temple.


Lakshmi-Narayan Temple.

Hawa Mahal(Jaipur).

The Taj Mahal.

Shiva Temple in Ellora (cave temple).

Indian elders.


Boats near the water.

Indian Krishnas.

In a Hindu temple.

Prayer on the river bank.

Ablution in the waters.

The elder is a Hindu.

The temple is Buddhist ...

Scene №3 Delhi

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Gurdwara Sikh Temple.

People climb the stairs to the temple.

Cars on the street.

Lakshmi Narayana Temple.

The Gates of India.

Monument in memory of Indian soldiers who died in the Anglo-Afghan wars and during the First World War.

A column of people with flags is coming to the Gates of India.

Cars, rickshaws ...

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... rickshaws and cyclists on the street.

The square in front of the Gate of India.

A cow on the street.

Red Fort.

Busy traffic on the street.


Women carry the groen in baskets on their heads.

Jewelry store.

Evening shopping street.

People walk past the shops.

Materials on the film "the Gift vain, gift casual..." 1987

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:22, published: 7/15/2019

Scene №1

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The Holy Metropolitan of Moscow Filaret (drawings).


Mosaic with the image of Filaret on the wall of the temple.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Forest landscape.

Memorial apartment Pushkin on the Arbat.

Photos and drawings (A. S. Pushkin, N. N. Goncharova).

Manuscripts with drawings of the poet.

Portraits ...

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... Portraits Of A. S. Pushkin.

Portrait of VA Zhukovsky in his youth.

The monument to A. S. Pushkin on Pushkin square in Moscow.

Church of the ascension at Nikitsky gate.

Film-travel almanac № 16 1966

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:59, published: 8/11/2016

Reel №1

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... Manuscripts.

Basalt slab with evidence of the foundation of the city.

Mountain peaks.

The ruins of the temple of Garni.

Details of ornaments and parts of stone figures that decorated the temple.

Geghard Cave Monastery.

Features of stone architecture of the XIII century.

Buildings built in the XX ...

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Artists draw.

The source is in the pedestal of the monument to David of Sasun.

Full view of the monument.

Sayat-Nova, a monument in the Komitas Square.

Urban sculpture.


A girl drinks from a street fountain, men are standing next to her.

Drinking fountain in the niche.

The child goes ...

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... fountain and drinks.

A woman draws water into a pitcher.

The women carry away the pitchers.

Bas-relief near the spring.

Fountain in front of the temple.

2. High in the mountains of Khevsureti.

The riders ride along the road among the hills.

Mountain river.

Riders climb the mountain.

River rifts ...


Reel №2


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... tied to a post.


Addis Ababa, lion statue in Adua Square.

Tiaras of the rulers of Ethiopia in the treasury.

A man with a metal-studded staff.

People light candles.

Crosses carved in stone.

A man sets candles.

Details of the temple decorations (fragments of ornaments, sculptures in stone ...

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... frescoes).

Narrow windows-loopholes.

Exit to the street.

Frescoes and stars above the entrance to the temple.

General view of the temple across the square.

Flowering trees near the temple.

The bell tower.

A row of palm trees between the church and the road.

A car passes by on the road.

Metropolitan ...


Fragments of the film "Three songs about Lenin" 1934

Footage, 8 footages, duration: 0:01:29, published: 7/20/2020

Scene №3

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Red square

Evening light

Scene №4

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Red square

Scene №14 Ascension church on the Pereyomil heights

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Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region.

Rural Temple.

Memorial stele on the Peremilovsk heights Heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Ascension church.


Icons of the temple.

Interview with veteran Alexander Balabeev - participant in military events (during the Great Patriotic War), which took place ...

Scene №15 We stood by faith: Schemonahina Alexandra

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The nun Alexander is walking along the inner courtyard of the temple square.

Mother in the refectory.

The Church of Peter and Paul in Lefortovo - the address plan.


Above the altar is the inscription "Christ is Risen".

Interview with nun Alexandra.

Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War (1941-0945): ...

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... military Moscow: barrage balloons above the city, a monument to Alexander Pushkin.

Service in the temple of various years: 1950-70 ..

Contemporary photography: Procession; lighting cakes, turn to the temple.

Scene №16 We held out with faith: Archpriest Vasily Brylev

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... Panorama from the field to the general plan of the village church of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Father Vasily enters the temple, is attached to the icons.

The interior of the Temple.

Interview with Father Basil.

Military awards and orders of Father Basil.

Chronicle of military events of the Great Patriotic ...

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... Machine-gun fire.

Hand grenade launcher.

Soldiers in the train car go to the front.

A detachment of Red Army soldiers is walking along the road.

On Red Square laying the banners of the German-fascist army to the walls of the Kremlin.

Return from the front.

Meeting soldiers

Service in the Moscow church on ...

Manezh Square MIFF XXIV 2002

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:52, published: 7/14/2015

Scene №1 Manezhnaya size is MIFF XXIV

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... man polishes the trunk of the car Mercedes.

A road sign with the word arena.

Logo International Film Festival XXIV. Brownie sign "Manezhnaya Square".

Manezh Square view of the Alexander Garden, Moscow hotel.


Manezh Square


Volga lights № 1 Bell ringing 1991

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:31, black-white, published: 7/12/2018

Reel №1

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... destroyed temple.

Steps of the stairs in the temple leading up.

The bell ringer rings the bells, the operator conducts video shooting.

View of the area in front of the Trinity Cathedral (top).

The bell ringer performs the melody with the help of bells.

Icon Of The Mother Of God.

Panorama of the square in front ...

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... face of one of the contest organizers.

The shape of a bell.

Panorama of the Cathedral building.

Paintings depicting the Cathedral and the fair in the square.

The concert participants ring the bells.

Performance of bell music by one of the bell ringers.

Rural summer landscapes.

A concert participant performs ...


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... villages of the Saratov region and an Orthodox Church.

Views of abandoned buildings of Orthodox churches, an internal view of the dome of one of the temples.

View of the destroyed bell tower.

Icon Of The Mother Of God.

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