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"leaf" newsreels and historical clips

Artist fairytale wonderland. 1979

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:28, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №2

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Country house.

Yellowing leaves on the trees in front of the house.

Goats plucked branch.

Village resident shares memories.

Figures E.V.Chestnyakova.

House-Museum in E.V.Chestnyakova Shabrova.

Says the head of the museum.

Vintage ad fragment pattern.

Small sculptures from clay, made E.V.Chestnyakovym ...

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... Chestnyakova.

People on the tour at the museum have paintings E.V.Chestnyakova.

Fragments of paintings.

Autumn scenery.

As the water flows trough.

Fallen leaves and yellowed branches along the banks of the creek.

Annie Girardot MIFF 2005 2005

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:00:56, published: 10/5/2015

Scene №1 Annie Girardot MIFF 2005

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Annie Girardot talks about his personal life, cinema and assistance actress Juliette Binoche.

Annie Girardot leaves his signature on the glass.

Lollobrigida Gina in Moscow, MIFF XXV 2003

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:10:05, published: 8/10/2022

Scene №1 Lollobrigida Gina in Moscow, MIFF XXV

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Lollobrigida Gina in a red dress leaves the building, gets into the car and drives away.

Scene №2 Fragments of Lollobrigida Gina's stay in Moscow, MIFF XXV

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Fragments of Lollobrigida Gina's stay in Moscow.

Lollobrigida Gina, signs autographs on the street, communicates with journalists, gets in the car, leaves.

Stills from films featuring Lollobrigida Gina.

Herald Matyushin presents his book 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:10, published: 2/21/2016

Scene №1 Herald Matyushin presents his book

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Pages of the book with illustrations.

Herald Matyushin in the office leafing through the book "Archaeological dictionary".

Matyushin Herald says about science.

Jeanne Moreau MIFF 2005 2005

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:01:12, published: 10/5/2015

Scene №2 Jeanne Moreau photoshoot MIFF 2005

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Hall press MIFF.

Correspondents photographed Jeanne Moreau.

There is a translator and film critic Cyril Razlogov.

Jeanne Moreau gets up and leaves.

Moscow park 2004

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:09:16, published: 3/31/2018

Scene №1 Moscow park

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City park in the fall.

Parents are walking with their children.

Women with strollers.





Autumn leaves.

Rainy, cloudy weather.

Autumn Moscow 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:13, published: 9/19/2018

Scene №1 Autumn Moscow

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Traffic on the streets of Moscow.

Park, the falling leaves in the alleys.

The mall are a man and a woman.

Institute building.

Raifa Bogoroditsky Monastery in the Republic of Tatarstan 2003

Footage, 8 footages, duration: 0:49:16, published: 1/23/2018

Scene №1 Raifa Desert

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General view of the Raifa Bogoroditsky Monastery from the forest plantations.

Shoot through the green leaves.

View of the monastery: domes, bell tower.


Foreign newsreels № 2972 1972

News, 16 footages, duration: 0:24:19, published: 11/9/2020

Scene №9

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England (Northern Ireland) - Soldiers detonate a bomb on a Belfast street.

Bernadette Devlin goes to court; leaves court after being released from the courtroom.

Alyona Babenko, interview with MIFF XXVII 2005

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:01:22, published: 8/10/2022

Scene №2 Alyona Babenko and Evgeny Mironov , MIFF XXVII

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The second floor is the foyer of the Pushkin Cinema.

Babenko kisses Alyona Mironov Evgeny and leaves.

The viewer is photographed with Alena Babenko.

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