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"Indian Prince" newsreels and historical clips

Tonwoche № 408 1938

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:21, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... national motifs.

Elegant long dress, long velvet dress.

Dresses brides.


Wedding Indian Prince is one of the richest and most beautiful celebrations in the world.

Solemn procession with elephants, the Prince sits in the canopy on an elephant, comes down with it on the ladder.

Evening procession ...


Fox Toenende Wochenschau № 48 1936

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:11:13, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... the coffin with the body of the king.

On the pier priest and senior officials.

The men carry the coffin.

King George Greek and heir to the throne Prince Paul.

The funeral procession moves down the street

An explosion at a gunpowder factory.

Southern France.

Territory Samashan gunpowder factory. ...


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... welcomed their compatriots.

Roosevelt in front of the camera

The parade of troops to the Indian Viceroy.

Decorated column: festivities on the occasion of joining the majority of the significant Indian prince

Pioner cinema. 70th anniversary Oscar Mester.

His student Carl Froehlich congratulates him ...


Montage of fragments No. 5151 1910-1919

Footage, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:43, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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... bison in the park of Prince Pless in Silesia.

Grazing in a meadow covered with snow, animals


Children at the skating rink.

Children ride in a sleigh.

Mass skiing.

Ski Jumping

SShA.Uschele in Arizona.

Horsemen in the costumes of the road.

Indian group.

Indians performed the national ...



Germany, hunters, animals, kings, personalities

Germany, children, entertainment

US Indians, tourism, entertainment

Germany, animals

Germany, bird

Germany, insects

British Movietone News № 40 1939

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:03:57, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... The marriage of the Duke of Windsor.

His bride


Launching of the new warship "Prince Philip".

Present Princess Josephine

Hikers in the mountains of the United States

Military exercises in France

Indian students in England are recorded in the militia

Scottish troops in national costumes


Sight 12.04.1999 1999

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:43:23, published: 2/27/2017

Reel №1

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... Xenia Alferov says about the conflict in Serbia.

Father Dionysius tells of a meeting with Russian pilots being in an Indian jail.

Karina Moskalenko - lawyer pilots who are in Indian jails says about the state of affairs.

The plot of the plant director Sergei Buhdrukere Chelyabinsk to listen to the ...


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... journalist Ivan Tasovets talk about the military situation in Belgrade and Serbia.

Kinchev says Konstantin and religion.

Eugene Meshchersky descendant of princes Meshchersky restores the estate of his ancestors in a village near Moscow Alabino.

Locals say about Eugene Meshersky.

The USSR-India: Holidays and Weekdays. 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:09, published: 4/15/2014


Trading in the stores in Moscow Indian goods.

The restaurant "Delhi" in Moscow.

Preparation of Indian national dishes at the restaurant.

Gandhi monument in Moscow.

Learning the language "Hindi" in the cultural heart of the Embassy of India (synchronous), yoga, study of Indian national dances.

EducationUniversity of Friendship of Peoples.

Patrice Lumumba.

Filming "Black Prince" - working together Indian and Soviet filmmakers.

Types of Tashkent.

Construction of 14-storey hotel in the town square, carried Indian firm.

The work of Indian scientists in the laboratories of the Institute of Catalysis of the

Reel №1


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... anniversary of the Soviet-Indian treaty: the Presidency, are the Soviet and Indian speakers, participants listen, applaud.

Newsreel, 1971: Delhi.

The visiting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR AA Gromyko down the plane, greeted with occurring, together with the Indian representative to sign the ...


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... Gandhi takes part in the Soviet-Indian talks.

Map of India.

Metallurgical Plant in India: look and shop.

Dam power plant (all built with Soviet assistance).

Memorial plaque with the inscription in English and Hindi.

Installation works on oil.

Talk, Soviet and Indian workers.

Moscow: building, sign ...

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... Krasnaya Presnya in Moscow.

Exhibition samples of Indian products in the Center; Indian representatives say.

Conveyor shoe factory "Paris Commune".

Shop factory.

Work at work.

Woman packs shoes.

Shop "Ganga": plate, Showcases.

Shopping Facilities: Indian goods (statuettes and other) on the shelves.

Buyers ...

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... Buyers and sellers in the store.

The first joint Soviet-Indian venture - a restaurant "Delhi" (appearance).

Indian chef at work.

Hands wrapped pancakes.

Ready meals in the kitchen.

The restaurant hall, visitors - Russian and Indians - at the tables.

Moscow River.

Monument to Mahatma Gandhi on the Lenin ...

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... building.

Lesson Hindi.

Yoga instructor demonstrates an exercise; girls gymnastics.


Indian dancing, learning Russian girls.

Dancing girl.

Soviet and Indian women are held in the park.

Soviet and Indian young man talking on the street.

Students at the University of Friendship of Patrice Lumumba ...

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... dancing Indian dance.

Pupil of the boarding school speak Hindi.

Film set at the studio.

Directed by Gennady Vasilyev and Shashi Kapoor (India), actor George Darchiashvili, Indian actors Avrik Puri hyun Sanam, Rishi Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan (star of Indian cinema) on the set of joint film "Black Prince".


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Report on the streets of Tashkent, and fountains.

The building of the Indian company "Tata Limited ..." Open the gates of the construction site of the company, drives a truck.

Construction site, where the company "Tata ..." builds hotel.

Builders of India for work.

The building of the Institute of ...

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... Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Akademgorodok.

Scientists are on the ladder.

Laboratory Institute.

Indian and Soviet scientists at work.

Moscow: Soviet and Indian youth passes through the park.

India 1910-1919

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:06:23, black-white, published: 10/31/2016

Reel №1

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View Indian city.

The building of the temple.




Street "Gardens"..

Exotic birds in zogorodke




Street vendors cooking utensils.

The mechanism for lifting water to the fields, driven by oxen.

Wheel mechanism.

Farmer of the pool has been washing ...

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... Traders and shoppers.

The religious ablutions.

Entrance to the temple.

Animals / sheep / intended victim.


Celebration in honor of the Prince of Gaul.

The procession of elephants

Bavaria Tonwoche № 43 1937

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:12:30, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... grain, svezhevspahannaya land.

This speaker that England has captured most of the German colonies.

Streets of London.

Mountains from the plane, the Indian market.

Egypt, scenes of street life.




India supplies essential raw materials, the sailors engaged in loading operations ...

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... occurred.

The British ships at sea.

Planes in the air.

Parade of the young Polish army.

Passes military vehicles and infantry in trucks.

Yugoslav Prince Regent Paul inspects the troops.

After the parade maneuvers.

Pass the black militia unit

Sino-Japanese War.

The wagons under fire

Our Crown Prince - Life Hussar 1910-1919

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:03:48, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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... 1910.

Crown Prince Wilhelm holds views Cavalry Division of the Guard field artillery regiment №1. The field passes the German horse artillery, cannon harnessing.

Accompanied by officers passing the Crown Prince Wilhelm.

The battery in position.

Gun calculations have guns.

Crown Prince Wilhelm, accompanied ...

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The artillery battery in position, the guns.

Crown Prince Wilhelm on horseback, accompanied by officers, wiping his face with a white handkerchief.

Crown Prince Wilhelm rides accompanied by officers.

Gun gun charges calculation.

Crown Prince Wilhelm, accompanied by officers watching through the ...

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... the periscope.

Gun gun charges calculation.

Crown Prince Wilhelm, accompanied by officers submits sign with his hand, watching with binoculars, talking to an officer.

Crown Prince Wilhelm, accompanied by officers standing in front of the board, on which are written the results of the shooting, the officer ...

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... explanations.

The officer points his finger to the board.


Crown Prince Wilhelm smokes, talks with officers.

Crown Prince Wilhelm, accompanied by officers inspect the boiler.

Crown Prince Wilhelm talks with officers.

Crown Prince William at the wheel of the car, put on gloves.

Foreign newsreels № 2028 1969

News, 8 footages, duration: 0:10:03, published: 2/14/2014


and his successor Heinemann.

Oath Heinemann.

Germany - A large reception at the Chancellor Kiesinger.

England - Ceremony assignment Crown Prince Charles Prince of Wales.

Germany - Finance Minister Strauss lays the Olympic complex in Munich.

OAR - The establishment of diplomatic relations with the

Scene №2

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Types of Wales.


Industrial enterprises.


Prince Charles visit to Wales.

Castle - removed from the aircraft.

The ceremony of conferring the title of Crown Prince Charles Prince of Wales.


Charljz -- Prince of Wales

Elizaveta II -- Queen of Great Britain

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