You found 1094 newsreels for query "Indian Prince"

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"Indian Prince" newsreels and historical clips

Gates To The Future 1989

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:36, published: 4/16/2014

Reel №1


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Along the street are Indians in national and European clothes.

A man in a turban on a motorcycle.

Apartment Indian journalist: woman at the window, the other in the kitchen girl in a bunk bed playing with a doll.

Family with children in the room.

Man talking on the phone.

Indian journalist said on a ...

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... a number of his wife and child.

Closing the festival of India in Moscow (July): Indian girls - participants of the final concert - sneaked bowls with candles.

Soviet artists in national costumes presented flowers Indian artists; artists of the two countries, holding hands, take the stage, applauding ...

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Dome of the temple in New Delhi.

People in the park, on the street.

Artist of the ensemble "Birch" talks about the Indians.

Runs with her husband on the Square.

Flowers in the park.

Indian woman playing with the children in the yard.

Running girl.

Street at the Presidential Palace.

Equestrian escort accompanies ...

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... arrived at the closing ceremony of the USSR in India, out of the car and greets with Indian leaders.

Flag of India.

Flag of the Soviet Union.

MS Gorbachev and Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi signed the official Soviet-Indian documents, shake hands.

Portrait of Indira Gandhi on the stage.

The ceremony of ...

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... of awarding MS Gorbachev Indira Gandhi Prize present applauded.

Remove cameramen.

Indian flag on the wall of the Red Fort.

Towers of Red Fort.

MS Gorbachev and his entourage enter the territory of the Red Fort.

The walls of the fort.

Sculptures of elephants at the gate of the Red Fort.

Buildings in the ...

Reel №2

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Horseman rides in national costume.

Street vendor with customers.

Indian archaeologist says about the Soviet and Indian culture.

Buddha head in the window of the museum.

Indians in the museum exhibits.

Russian icon of the museum.

Photos in the museum (girl astronauts).

Report on the streets of Delhi ...


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... ensemble "Ballet on Ice" grimiruyutsya before the performance.

Indian participants of the final concert of the festival in the dressing room.

Indian participants of the concert held in the hall, dance.

The audience applauded.

Persons of Indian dancing girls.

At the close of the festival is the President ...

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... the festival of India in the USSR: Indian actors float on a barge on the Moscow River.

Indian dancers perform in the square Peter and Paul Fortress in Leningrad.

Indians - participants of the festival - held on the Registan Square in Samarkand.


Indian guests visiting the city.

Zagorsk is ...

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... of the USSR in India.

Participants listen, applaud.

Flags on flagpoles (at sunset).

Delhi area during sunset.

Evening streets of Delhi.

Soviet and Indian flags on flagpoles.

The song "Russia - Motherland" performed by artists of the ensemble "Ballet on Ice".

Number "Mardi Gras" and others.

Reel №3

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... Performing artists of the Soviet circus on ice with trained bears (bears dancing, playing the balalaika).

Looking Indian girl.

Says the chairman of the organizing committee of the Indian festival.

Ballet performances on the ice (clowns, etc.).

People's Artist of the USSR sings Sofia Rotaru, bows.

Flash ...

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... monument to AS Pushkin in Delhi: the veil falls, applauded the official representatives of the USSR and India.

Indian schoolgirl look.

Monument AS Pushkin.

Said the deputy chairman of the Indian Organizing Committee (woman).

Artists of the Soviet circus on ice comply room with trained pigeons.

Member of ...

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... of the Soviet dance ensemble "Ballet on Ice".

Applaud the Soviet participants of the final concert.

Indian dancing girl.

Pass and waving Soviet and Indian participants of the final concert.

Fireworks in the sky.

Film-travel almanac № 148 1979

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:36, published: 2/27/2015


1. "The capital of the virgin land."

2. "On the river Omolon".

3. "Treasures of Ancient Colchis."

4. "On the Indians' land."

Reel №2


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The gardens on the slopes.

4. On Indian land.

Indian totem pole.

Natural scenery of Canada.

Totem pole.

Motorway in the mountains.



People are on the suspension bridge.

Indian hit the tambourine.

Alternation: tourists on excursions in the Indian settlement, a wooden sculpture from ...

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... from the lodges.

The car in the parking lot.


Indians working at the fair for the tourists.

Pictures of Indian artists.

Woman photographed at the lodge.

Male fish fry.

Tourists on the street.

On the wall of the house lit a lantern.

Man beats a tambourine.

The wooden mask on a pole.

Mountain views ...

Eclair № 28 1920

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:07:55, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... General Weygand, Prince Gaul bypass the guard of honor.

Presentation of one of the officials of a speech.

Opening of the monument


Stay Sultan of Morocco in Marseille.

The arrival of the vessel.

Sultan on the deck.

Sultan down the ladder


Car race in the Parc des Princes.

The arrival ...

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... the riders.

The winner-Mademoiselle Albaran.

Another winner-man


Reception French president Doumer Japanese Prince Takamatsu.

Champs Palace.

The President and the Prince


Summer models House models.

Dupont Manten.

The models in the park.

Large hats firm Leon


The artist ...


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... General Weygand and Prince Gallic guard of honor.

Presentation of one of the officials of a speech.

Opening pamtyanika


STAY Sultan of Morocco in Marseille.

The arrival of the vessel.

Sultan Al deck.

Sultan down the ladder


Car race in the Parc des Prince.

The arrival of the ...

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... the riders.

Winner-Mademoiselle Albaran.

Another winner-man


Reception President Dumrom Japanese Prince Takamatsu.

Elysee Palace.

The President and the Prince


Summer house model models Dupont Magnin.

Mexicans in the park


Large schlyapy Leon


The artist sketched ...


United News № 33 1943

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:17, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... reinforcements.

Advancing troops on the highway.

Tanks in camouflaged in the jungle.

Fire at korble

American Indians helped the front.

The Indians bring products.

Indian Hut.

Indian youths voluntarily enlist in the army

The aircraft giant.


Steel Plant.

Steel output for warships

Competitions ...



World War 2, military leaders, celebrities, military equipment, fire, Navy

US Indians

Air Force Test

military industry

troops, sports

Africa, World War 2, artillery, naval

USA, China, gos.akt

US President PEOPLE, gos.deyateli

Beautiful far 2000

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:22, published: 4/6/2023


The film - a dramatic story of a young girl who fell in love and married to a foreigner - Indian.

For her India is a country of children's dreams.

But leaving home with her husband, giving birth to his daughter, suddenly she became enslaved...

Reel №1

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... of girls performs an Indian dance.

A frame from an Indian movie.

A little girl is sitting on the sofa and leafing through a book.


The girl sells in a tent.

Sculpture "I don't see anything, I don't hear anything, I won't tell anyone anything."

A woman on the balcony.

Indian figurines.

A fragment ...

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... fragment of an Indian film.

Woman (synchronously).

A wasp floundering in a jar of honey.

Indian goods store.

Reel №2

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... a little girl.

Panorama of the girl's photos.

Photo of a young Indian.

A girl on the balcony in a wedding dress (photo).

Photos from the family album.

Photo of a young woman with an Indian husband and daughter.

A fragment from an Indian film.

The yard is a well.

The entrance courtyard through the arches ...

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... arches.

Children's playground.

Clothing market.

The girl is sitting on the couch and watching an Indian movie on TV.

A girl is swinging on a swing.

The face of a young woman.

A woman and a girl are walking along the path to the house.

The capital of Ukraine is the city of Kiev. 2007

Footage, 9 footages, duration: 0:40:30, published: 6/18/2018

Scene №1 The capital of Ukraine is the city of Kiev.

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City center.

Children in the park.

Girls with a toy car on a string.

Travel through the streets of Kiev.

Monument to Prince Vladimir on Princes' Hill.

Journey through the streets of Kiev (shooting from the car).

Scene №2 Sights of Kiev

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Shooting from the car: driving through the streets of the city.

The embankment of the Dnieper.

Monument to Prince Vladimir on Princes' Hill.

Transport navigation: Dnepr, boats on the river.

The center of Kiev.


Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery.

Monument to Princess Olga.

Children in the park.

Scene №8 The ancient temple on Princes Hill

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The foundation of the ancient temple on the Princes Hill of the Kiev mountain.

Adventures of the Newsreel Cameraman № 21359 1930

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:22, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... rulers.

London, King George receives ambassadors.

Speech by Prince of Wales.

India, Mahatma Gandhi's speech.

Acceleration demonstration in Calcutta.

Kemal Pasha at the agricultural exhibition in Angora.

King Carol of Romania and Prince Michael.

King of Siam holds parade of troops.

Dancing in honor ...

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... Spanish King Alfonso.

Belgian King Albert in Paris.

Parade of troops.

Former President Doumergue.

Shah El Farih.

King Fouad of Egypt and India, Prince Aga Hnan.

Norwegian King Hakon.

Dutch Queen Wilhelmina.

The Swedish king Gustav plays tennis.

Japanese Emperor Hirohito.

German Kaiser Wilhelm ...


Going Places № 21360 1936

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:09, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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The mountains.

Types of mountains, cliffs, canyons.

Ascent into the mountains. "Happy" Indians.

Indian Reservation.

Catching salmon.

Cutting fish.

Cableway in the mountains


Indians, fishing, mountains, USA

Foreign newsreels № 1034 1965

News, 3 footages, duration: 0:09:40, published: 9/25/2014

Scene №1

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... ceremony.

Farewell to Winston Churchill in the Cathedral of Saint Paul.

At the ceremony, present British Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince of Edinburgh and Prince Charles.

Views of London.

The ceremony on the Thames.

Bleydon city cemetery near the church of St.

Martin, where family members are buried ...

The Delegation of the Parliament of India in the Soviet Union . 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:06, published: 11/18/2015


Visiting Indian delegation to Moscow, visiting Lenin's tomb, the Moscow City Council, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall.

Visiting Tashkent, familiarity with architectural monuments in Samarkand, a visit to Tashkent State University, the collective farm "Moscow".

Visit to LeningradLeningrad, visit the cruiser Aurora, Smolny Institute, Leningrad City Council, the Hermitage, Peterhof, Piskarevsky.

Soviet-Indian negotiations in Moscow.

Reel №1

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... Kremlin, Moscow.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR LN Tolkunov, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Akhmedov receive a delegation of the Indian Parliament, headed by Speaker of the People's Chamber of the Parliament Bal Ram Dzhakharom, members of the Council of States: Pyarelagom Khandelvalom ...

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... Darayya Sebastian, that is.


In conversation involved the Indian Ambassador to the Soviet Union Nurul Hasan.

Red Square.

Lenin's Mausoleum, all in the Mausoleum.

Soldiers lay the Mausoleum of VI Lenin wreath from the Indian delegation.



The building of the Moscow City Council ...

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... Luzhniki.

Moscow River; floats tow.

Wing aircraft.

The Delegation of India and the accompanying, among them fellow Akhmedov, in the cabin.


The Indian delegation down the ramp.

Greeters greet guests.

Children presented with flowers.


Passers-by on the street.

Little girl in a stroller.

It ...

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... Soviet of the USSR AU Salimov takes the Indian delegation; at the negotiating table.

Modern buildings.

Along the street are members of the Indian delegation.

Monument "Friendship of Peoples."

Indian parliamentarians visiting the monument.


House Indian statesman Lal Bahadur Shastri; plaque with ...

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... with a bas-relief faces LB Shastri at home.

Monument Lal Bahadur Shastri.

Flowers at the monument.

Members of the Indian delegation at the monument LB Shastri.

Students in front of the Tashkent State University.

VI Lenin.

Students in the classroom; in the instrument; face and hands of the student.

Foreign ...

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... Samarkand.

Painted Wall and minaret.

Carved wooden lattice; ancient building.

Indian delegation visits the architecture of the city of Samarkand.

The building of ancient architecture.

Woman on a city street.


Members of the Indian delegation to pass through the market; inspect souvenirs.

The girl's face ...

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... vines.

Flowering trees.


Members of the Indian delegation on the farm "Moscow".

Feast on fresh air.

Man plays a traditional Uzbek instruments.


BR Dzhakharu presented national Uzbek robe he wears it.

Uzbek dancing girls and members of the Indian delegation.

Reel №2

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... to Peter I. embankment of the Neva River, shot through the tackle of the ship. "Aurora".

Indian delegation to "Aurora."

The gun on the ship.

The building of the Winter Palace.

The building of the Smolny.

The Indian delegation with a guide on the square in front of the building.

Monument VI Lenin in front ...

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... the Indian Parliament, talking with them.


At the negotiating table; BR Dzhakhar, Comrade Hodyrev.

Embankment white night city.

Seagull on the parapet.

There is a girl.

Lovers on the waterfront.

Of the bridge.

The building of the Hermitage.

In the room consists of members of the Indian delegation; ...


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... and lay a wreath on the Indian delegation.

BR Dzhakhar correcting ribbon on the wreath.

The monument "Motherland".

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow.

Laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Indian delegation.

BR Dzhakhar correcting ribbon on the wreath.

Are members of the Indian delegation.

Eternal Flame ...

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... the Supreme Soviet of the USSR talks with members of the Indian delegation.

At the negotiating table.

Hands BR Dzhakhara.

BR Dzhakhar presents gifts LN Tolkunova.


Pedestal monument.

Behind the desk of Indian and Soviet specialists.

Indian and Soviet workers in the construction of an industrial ...

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... at ENEA. Photos of Soviet-Indian crew.

Visitors to the exhibition.

The building of the Supreme Council.

Candidate member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR VV Kuznetsov met with the Indian delegation in talks, which ...


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