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"aircraft factory" newsreels and historical clips

Aircraft factory 1940-1949

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:01:17, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 Aircraft factory

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The assembly of aircraft in the shop of the plant

Scene №2 Aircraft factory

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Photo: Women at work at the plant.

Assembling the aircraft in the shop aircraft plant.

Pilots with a map of the aircraft (winter).

Assembling the aircraft in the shop.

Soviet aircraft on the airfield.

Shop for Aircraft Factory.

Stand ready aircraft.


Aircraft factory


On air routes № 2 1985

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:53, published: 2/8/2015


1. "Memory".

2. "The commander A.S.Kaledin."

3. "The fuel savings - the first task."

4. "New products Aircraft Factory."

Reel №1


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... goes by aircraft. A.S.Kaledin takes visitors. A.S.Kaledin at the Parliament.

The crew is on the airfield.

"Fuel savings - the first task."

Interview with Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation I.E.Mashkivskim.

Aircraft on the airfield.

IL-86 takes off.

Designers discuss the scheme of the aircraft.

Airfield ...

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... truck.

From the aircraft leaves the crew.


The pilot in the cockpit.

Night work on the airfield.

Interview with Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation I.E.Mashkivskim.

Managers working for the panel.

Cleaning the aircraft.

Refueling aircraft.

A mechanic checks the engine.

Towing aircraft.

Interview with ...

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... with Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation I.E.Mashkivskim.

"New products Aircraft Factory."


Centre co-pilot training, technical and supervisory staff of Civil Aviation of the CMEA countries.

Dispatch simulator "Entry-A."

Designer Kiev experienced aviation plant N.T.Lavrinenko. E.M.Kochegura, Yu ...


The Door opened into the Sky 1973

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:21, published: 11/14/2012


Production processes at the Voronezh aircraft factory.

TU-144. Flight tests of the Tu-144. The first flight with passengers.

Among the passengers on the plane Forest aircraft AATupolev.

Interview AA Tupolev (synchronously). Aircraft AATupolev with a group of French aircraft manufacturers in the shops of thethe Voronezh aircraft factory.

The film features shots Chronicle, which captures the young designer AATupolev, test flights of the Tu-104.


About a new supersound passenger aircraft TU-144 and the Design Bureau of A.A.Tupolev.

Reel №1

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Roll out of the factory gates aircraft "TU-144".

Newsreel of the early twentieth century:

Footage of man's first flight: a man with wings - MS.; Jumping from stone - MS.; Glider up into the air and falls - LS.; First aircraft launch and flight of the aircraft.

The aircraft "TU-144» - MS.

Voronezh ...

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... Voronezh aircraft factory, where master batch production aircraft "TU-144".

Plans for workers in plant shops - CU., MS.

Software control of the machine - CU., PNRM.

Assembly shop: assembling aircraft "TU-144» - LS., PNRM., MS., LS.

Newsreel of the 20's:

Assembly of one of the first aircraft - LS., CU. ...

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Woman holding a spar - CU.; Assembles aircraft - MS.

Part of modern spar designed for supersonic wing - CU.

The test of the delta wing aircraft in the shop of the plant.

Nose - MS., CU., PNRM.

Workers on the assembly of aircraft - CU., MS.

Installation of equipment and devices, a total weight ...

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... power, created by the famous Soviet designer of Hero of Socialist Labor Nikolai Dmitrievich Kuznetsov - MS., CU.

Cabin - MS., Departure.

Ready aircraft factory in the shop - MS., Departure.

Photo 1909: AN Tupolev glider, which he designed as a student at the Moscow Higher Technical School.

Newsreel ...

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... Podgorny presents Elder Soviet aircraft manufacturers, Academician AN Tupolev award - the third star of the Hero of Socialist Labor.

Newsreel 30's.:

Young AN Tupolev - MS., LS., CU.

Aircraft assembly - MS.; Individual parts of aircraft, created AN Tupolev.

Aircraft in the air - CU.

Meeting the crew ...

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The aircraft "TU-104", released on the first regular passenger routes, up in the air - LS.

AN Tupolev at work - MS., CU.

Model airplane - CU.

AN Tupolev Design Bureau in - CU., Leaving a group of designers.

Newsreel 1968:

AN Tupolev at the airport during a test flight "TU-144".

The aircraft "TU-144" ...

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... "TU-144" before takeoff - LS.

Ground crew debriefing "TU-144" - different.

Aircraft at the airport - LS., Hit a logo.

Pilots climb the ladder - LS.

Cabin "TU-144", a flight attendant puts headrests.

Reel №2

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... designer Professor

AN Tupolev, climb the ladder and into the cabin.

The aircraft "TU-144» - LS.

Cabin crew: pilot Yelyan talking to the control station (synchronous) - MS., CU.

The co-pilot and flight engineer - CU.

The aircraft "TU-144" takes off in the air - different.

Cabin, Agronovsky other journalists ...

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... (synchronous) - CU.

Hand writing - CU.

The aircraft "TU-144" in the air - LS.; Individual aircraft parts - different.

A delegation of French aircraft manufacturers, led by the President of the company, "Aerospatiale" Henri Ziegler at the Voronezh aircraft factory; AN Tupolev in the shop of the plant with ...

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... lands "TU-144» - MS.

Chassis - CU., MS., PNRM.

Take-off, flight and landing "TU-144" in the night.

Instruments on the aircraft - CU., PNRM.

Roll out of the factory gates aircraft - MS., CU.

Fragments of the d/f " Moscow today" 1944

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:17, published: 3/26/2021

Scene №1 Fragments of the d/f " Moscow today"

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A trolleybus is going through the city.

New aircraft factory, workers in the shops.

British Movietone News № 21846 1940

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:06:40, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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Aircraft factory.

Training of workers.

Education of young pilots.

Aircraft on a combat mission

English men, women occupy a place in the military plants

Women in the Air Force mechanics. aircraft assembly

British Movietone News № 21586 1939

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:41, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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Meeting in Europe over the Soviet-Finnish conflict


Teachings of the US Army.

Aircraft, tanks, artillery fire


The Queen of England visited an orphanage

USA. Aircraft Factory, aircraft assembly


King George inspects troops from the French military.

Soldier's lunch

Rome ...


British Paramount News № 20854 1940

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:11:37, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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... the balloons.

Air barrier.

Female aircraft auxiliary corps the classroom.

Classes on the radio location.

British planes in the air.

Check aviapost.

Message received on the approximation of German planes.

Signal AAAs.

Teams rush to the guns

Aircraft factories.

King George VI, the Queen visiting ...

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... visiting the plant.

Assembling aircraft.

Installation of aircraft engines.

Aircraft in flight.

Flyers see enemy ships and planes.

Transmission of information on the ground.

Air battle.

Wounded British pilots

Foreign newsreels № 5678 1978

News, 3 footages, duration: 0:09:10, published: 6/8/2014

Scene №3

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... O'Neill and US Vice-President Mondale.

The city of Washington.

City of Los Angeles - streets, squares.

The delegation is visited by the aircraft factory.

Assembling the aircraft DC-10.

Cities of Chicago, New York

British Paramount News № 23763 1940

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:12:59, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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Aircraft factory, women working on the assembly line, a visit to the king and the military departments

The royal couple is visiting warship docked in Cardiff

Aircraft "Kharrik" in the assembly process in the hangar

Arrival statesmen in Belgrade

The British royal couple at the parade Navy ...


Foreign newsreels № 1425 1967

News, 12 footages, duration: 0:16:47, published: 9/10/2013

Scene №7

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Construction of the aircraft at the factory.


Aircraft industry

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