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"aircraft factory" newsreels and historical clips

Eclair № 31321 1939

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:11:27, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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The League of nations.

Speech Briand in the League of Nations.

Flies aircraft.

Waiting at the airport.

They're coming by car.

Newsboys selling newspapers.

Map of Poland.

Running Polish soldiers.

Polish soldiers in the mass of the world.

The French government encourages reservists. ...


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... gun.


The war in Poland.


The announcement of the mobilization.

Go French soldiers.

Children sent from Paris

Aircraft Factory.

Assembling aircraft.

Several of Hitler's speeches that he will respect the Treaty of Versailles - German troops occupy the Rhineland, that there is no ...

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... the radio about the beginning of the war against Germany.

French, listen to his speech.

Go French troops.

Maginot Line.

Shoot the ship's guns.

Aircraft, tanks, colonial troops.

High relief Rude "La Marseillaise" in the Arc de Triomphe

The enthusiasm of 30 - ies. 1930-1939

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:30, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 The enthusiasm of 30 - ies.

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Assembling aircraft at an aviation factory.

Flying aircraft at the air parade.

Pass fliers.

Standing pilots.

Aviator sits on the plane.

Planes in the sky.

Airplane in the sky, skydivers jumping from an airplane wing.

Applauding audience.

People with the Soviet and American flags at the airport.

People ...

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... People are fleeing to the airfield.

Standing pilots, they give flowers.

O. Schmidt.

V. Chkalov the aircraft.

Chkalov rides in the car on the street.

Flying leaflets.

From the mine goes A. Stakhanov, people greet him.

Blacksmith A. Gagarin in the shop.

Steelworker M. Mazaev at work.

Rides train driver A. ...

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Tupolev hangar watching assembling aircraft "Maxim Gorky". Aircraft roll out of the hangar.

Tupolev smiles.

Aircraft "Maxim Gorky" in the sky.

Designers are on the design bureau, staffed to the drawing board (Kuhlmann).

Plane at the airport, people around the aircraft.


Chkalov VA - pilot

AN Tupolev - Aircraft

Schmidt, O. - A scientist, researcher

Stakhanov A. - miner

Busigin A. - blacksmith

Mazaev AM - steelmaker

Vinogradov - weavers

Kryvonos A. - engineer


First Five-Year Plan


Aircraft "Maxim Gorky"

Flights to America

Who's who 1940-1949

Footage, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:47, black-white, published: 10/31/2016


film is about the development of aviation.

An airplane on the field.

Chronicle of the early twentieth century - the rise aerplana.

British pilots. Aircraft Group of 1914-1918. first flights.


Flying above the clouds.

Meeting with President Wilson's pilots.

Drop bombs on the ship.

Explosions inModel 1934. Rise of light machine apdenie airplane.

The aircraft with a propeller. aircraft with a rocket engine.


A fall.

Human with "wings" is trying to take off. having run up the hill.

The first helicopters.

Sikorsky Aircraft Model '41 inventors with small models. flying model.


Reel №2

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... Bombers.


Marine troops.

Aircraft bombed the ship.


Destroyed buildings. parachutists.

Work in the lab to build airplanes.

American pilots in the airplane factory.

Assembling aircraft.

General Pershing on the test field.

Assembling aircraft. itpy different planes.

The US Air ...


aviation, US paratroopers landing, factory, bombing

Encyclopedia of designers.Kuznetsov Nikolay 2016

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:06:57, published: 12/6/2021

Reel №1

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Chronicle of the 1930s:


Photo of Kuznetsov with his comrades.

Students in the classroom.

Workers at the factory.

Students of the Zhukovsky Air Force Academy.

Photo of Kuznetsov.

Chronicle of the war years:

Traffic controller with a flag in his hand, planes take off.

A front-line picture of ...

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... standing nearby.

Streets of Ufa.

Work at the aircraft factory.

Plant director Nikolay Kuznetsov.

Workers at machine tools, aircraft parts.

Streets of Kuibyshev (Samara).

Aviation Plant No. 2, the creation of turboprop engines for aircraft.

Tu-95 aircraft on the ground and in the air, the pilot at the ...

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... the helm.

Khrushchev is flying a Tu-114, various types of aircraft.

Scientists are working on creating a supersonic passenger aircraft.

The Tu-144 supersonic airliner on the ground and in flight.

Council of Chief Designers.

Working with the H1-L3 rocket.

Valentin Glushko at the meeting.

Sergey Korolev ...


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... engines are in stock.

Kuznetsov at the meeting.

Various models of aircraft for which Kuznetsov developed engines: IL-62, Tu-154, Il-86, Orlyonok and Lun ekranoplanes.

Photo of Kuznetsov next to the NK-33 engine.

Moscow, VDNH, exhibition "Aircraft Engine building-90".

Kuznetsov's meeting with domestic and foreign ...

Tupolev aircraft. 1983

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:14:09, published: 12/25/2016


The film tells about the history of the design office of Tupolev, the process of creating modern aircraft, the operation of Tupolev aircraft by foreign airlines.

Reel №1

1h. -Role aircraft Tupolev Design Bureau in flight across the Arctic in the 30's, the city and the history of Soviet aviation.

2h. - Stages of planes: design, assembly.

Soviet aircraft companies, aircraft sales service: delivery of parts and repairs.


Export aircraft in Hungary and other countries ...

Reel №2

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... the aircraft factory, assembly of passenger aircraft "Tu".

Specialists monitor the operation of diagnostic equipment.

Installation of aircraft systems and assemblies.

The process of interior decoration of the aircraft.

Installation of the flight control system in the cockpit.

Ready-made aircraft are ...

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... are taken out of the hangar.

The pilots are in the cockpit.

Aircraft during factory flight tests.

Interior view of the passenger cabin of the aircraft.

Tu-154 aircraft of the Hungarian airline at the airport.

Crew in the cockpit before takeoff.

Servicing of passengers during the flight, the faces of stewardesses ...

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... qualities of the aircraft "Tu-154" (synchronously).

Soviet specialists conduct diagnostics of the engines of one of the aircraft "Tu" during the after-sales service.

Internal view of the automated warehouse complex "Aviaexport".

Registration of foreign buyers' requests for spare parts for aircraft using automated ...

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... the aircraft and the diagnostics of its units and units using special equipment.

Soviet specialists with Hungarian colleagues at the mock-up of the aviation hangar.

Specialists of the Malev airline operate on Soviet instruments and control equipment.

Carrying out routine maintenance of aircraft, the ...

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... the process of engine diagnostics.

The aircraft in the hangar during maintenance.

Reel №3

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... reliability of Soviet aircraft of the brand "Tu" (synchronously).

Internal view of a part of the aircraft factory workshop.

Aircraft of the brand "Tu" during the overhaul.

Panorama of the control complex for checking the quality of repairs, checking the units and assemblies of the aircraft to be repaired by ...

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... by specialists.

Test aircraft after overhaul.

Aircraft in flight.

Theoretical and practical training in the training center for the training of flight personnel and ground personnel.

View of the buildings of the training center "Aviaexport" in the capital of Bulgaria Sofia.

Theoretical lesson on flight ...

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... flight attendants.

The faces of flight attendants meeting passengers.

Passengers climb the ladder on board the aircraft.

The plane "Tu" of the airline "Balkan" at the airport of Sofia.

Aircraft of "Tu" in flight.

Science and technology № 14 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:49, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1


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... various parts.

Measurement of coating.

Type deposited metals, carbides, oxides, metal-ceramic compounds.

Internal workshop on one of the aircraft factories.

Production processes in the shop.

The plane takes off from an airfield.

Third plot.

Way up.

Types of Old Riga, Bridge across the River ...


Encyclopedia of astronauts.Myasishchev 2016

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:34, published: 12/6/2021


Soviet aircraft designer, major General of the aviation service, the creator of a strategic supersonic bomber with an intercontinental flight range and a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft capable of making long flights at an altitude of more than 20 kilometers, as well as many other aircraft for military

Reel №1


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... Photos of the ANT-41 aircraft.

Gennady Amiryants talks about Myasishchev.

The plane is rolled out of the hangar.

USA, Manhattan, Statue of Liberty.

There is a steamer along the shore.

American aircraft "Douglas DC-3".

Soviet Li-2 aircraft.

Photos and documents of the DVB-102 aircraft.

Comments by Valery ...

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... Valery Lazarev.

Photo of Sergei Korolev.

Aircraft assembly at the aircraft factory.

Photos and surveys of Pe-2 series aircraft.

Moscow, MAI building.

Students in the classroom; the leading specialist of TsAGI Viktor Gorov remembers Myasishchev, a teacher.

Politburo meeting.

Engineers are working on the drawings ...

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... designer of OKB-23.

OKB building.

Engineers at work.

Drawings of aircraft.

Valery Lazarev talks about bomber planes.

3M series aircraft.

The leading design engineer of TsAGI Vyacheslav Zaitsev talks about the 3M and M-4.

Drawings of aircraft.

Engineers discuss the drawings.

Instrument readings.

The plane ...

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... Zaitsev's comments on the differences between the American and Soviet in-flight refueling systems, photos.

Scientists at the drawing board.

The M-50 aircraft.

1961, M-50 at the aviation parade in Tushino.

Engineers work with drawings.

People enter the building of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) ...

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... plant in Zhukovsky, Myasishchev and colleagues.

A model of an airplane with a variable wing geometry.

Specialists are working on the drawings.

Atlant aircraft, transportation of Buran.

Maria Myasishcheva remembers her father's funeral.

Myasishchev at the award ceremony.

Photo of Myasishchev.


-- Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Tupolev A.N. -- Soviet aircraft designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Colonel-General-engineer, Honored Worker of Science and Technology

Britain and France at the beginning of the Second World War 1939

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:04:15, published: 3/18/2016

Scene №2


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... operations.

Warships in the campaign.

Production and sorting of ammunition at a military factory.

Construction of a warship.

The production process in the shop of one of the aircraft factories.

Training in factory new aircraft hangar to be sent to the army.

Map of the German assault routes to the coast of Norway ...


Foreign newsreels № 3096 1972

News, 16 footages, duration: 0:24:22, published: 9/2/2015


large supersonic transport aircraft ("GE")

USA - Demonstration of experimental models of cars and engines of the company "General Motors."

USA - Draft supersonic aircraft company "Boeing", submitted to the government.

USA - On the 50th anniversary of the aircraft factories "Boeing" in Seattle.

USAcoming off the production line ("Boeing" 747).

U.S. - Construction of the aircraft "Boeing" -747 delayed due to the large additional costs because of the shortcomings of aircraft.

U.S. - Construction of a supersonic transport aircraft is in full swing after its approval by the House of Representatives ofof the project.

USA - Work on the new supersonic passenger aircraft company "Boeing" - rival "Condor".

U.S. and South Vietnam - An American scientist says about the effects on the human body chemicals used to kill foliage in Vietnam.

Spraying chemicals in Vietnam.

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Foreign newsreels № 3185 1972

News, 11 footages, duration: 0:11:26, published: 6/18/2013



England Conference British Commonwealth countries.

Romania - N. Ceausescu visits the Institute of the automotive industry and the aircraft factory.

Romania - N. Ceausescu and I. G. Maurer attended the government economic delegation of the DPRK.

Romania - N. Ceausescu receives a delegation

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