You found 4665 newsreels for query "fire extinguisher"

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"fire extinguisher" newsreels and historical clips

Know how to use fire extinguishers 1982

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:33, published: 7/20/2019

Reel №1

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... building.

Fire extinguishers are taken out of the car, shooting equipment is taken out of the other.

The trading floor of the store.

Toy department.

The customer examines the crystal dishes.

Women are considering a dress.

There is smoke in the room.

Everyone rushes to the exit in a panic.

Fire in the trading ...

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... the stairs.

Someone grabs a fire extinguisher, tries to use it, but eventually throws it and runs.

Production of fire extinguishers of various types.

Manual foam fire extinguishers.

Fire extinguisher device (animation).

Workshop of an automobile plant.

Fire extinguishers in the shop.

Checking the correct ...

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... correct storage of fire extinguishers at enterprises.

Charging of fire extinguishers at special charging stations.

Proper use of different types of fire extinguishers.

Mobile air-foam fire extinguisher.

Use of a mobile fire extinguisher.

Classes on the use of fire extinguishers.

Reel №2

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... mobile carbon dioxide fire extinguisher (animation).

Extinguishing a fire in the shop.


File cabinet.

Extinguishing a fire in the library.

Streets of Moscow.

Passers-by survey ("Do you know how to use a fire extinguisher?").

The girl is trying to extinguish a conditional fire source.

A passerby ...

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... he knows how to use a fire extinguisher.

Passers-by on the streets.

People on the train station platform.


A firefighter extinguishes a fire.

Extinguishing a fire with a powder fire extinguisher.

Extinguishing a car fire.

A burning car falls off a cliff and explodes.

A fire in a department store ...

Foreign news footages № 10 1988

News, 53 parts, duration: 0:43:25, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №44 Fire Aviation

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Aircraft - fire extinguishers.

Reel №45 Aircraft - fire extinguishers.

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Aircraft - fire extinguishers.

Reel №47 Fire Aviation

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Aircraft - fire extinguishers.

Basic firefighting 1990

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:37, published: 10/4/2016


The use of improvised means and the simplest means of fire extinguishing, fire extinguishers, etc., in the elimination of fires of various types.

Reel №1

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On the telephone, they dial the firefighters' call number 01.

A fire truck is in a hurry to answer the call.

The paper is burning.

The paper is filled with water.

Cartoon explaining the gorenje process and gorenje termination possibilities.

Isolation of the burning object from the air.

A burning ...

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... burning candle is covered with a jar.

The fire went out.

The paper is burning, you need to remove everything that can burn and pour water.

Most fires are extinguished with water.

The water lowers the temperature necessary for gorenje.

Water vapor limits the supply of air necessary for gorenje.

If there is ...

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... extinguishes a fire with water from a hose.

A person draws water into a bucket from a column.

Fire reservoir.

Extinguishing a fire at the landfill.

All houses above 9 floors have fire cranes.

If a fire is detected, it is necessary to call firefighters.

Then take the fire hose, connect it to the fire crane and ...

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... and extinguish the fire.

A fire related to electricity cannot be extinguished immediately with water.

First you need to turn off the electricity to avoid an electric shock.

A fire extinguisher and a bucket of sand should be ready in the school chemical laboratory.

A chemical fire is extinguished with ...

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... with sand or a foam fire extinguisher.

Blankets and burlap are suitable for extinguishing in everyday life, and wet ones are better.

There should always be fire extinguishers in public places.

You need to remember their location.

You need to familiarize yourself with the content and the terms of use.

For ...

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... For example, it is impossible to extinguish a fire with a foam composition on electric devices under current.

Extinguishing a fire with a foam fire extinguisher at the landfill.

Foam cools the burning substance, forms a separation layer between the combustible material and air.

Foam bubbles are filled ...

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... powder fire extinguisher, a powder film is formed that isolates the burning object from oxygen.

A fire extinguisher that uses carbon dioxide to extinguish.

Carbon dioxide snow reduces the gorenje temperature, because its temperature is minus 70 degrees.

Carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers can extinguish ...

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... voltage.

Fire shield.

A crowbar and a hook are needed to pull apart burning objects to bring down the flame.

Athletes in fire-applied sports perform.

Introductory lesson on firefighting at school.

Even if it was possible to extinguish the fire, it is necessary to call firefighters.

The fire may spread ...

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... spread again, because an inexperienced person may not notice it.

A fire truck is rushing to the rescue.



Fire extinguishing means.

Extinguishing techniques.

Foreign newsreels № 2003 1969

News, 6 footages, duration: 0:07:22, published: 9/21/2013


parade of NATO warships in Southampton.

Present royal family. (In the tie with the 20th anniversary of NATO).

England - Testing a new fire extinguisher (simulated fire at the airport).

OAR - Completion Tour Heyrdala papyrus boat "Ra".

Italy - Religious Feast of St.

Ubaldo in Gubbio.

England - Greatest

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Highway Patrol issue from 21/08-22/08 2000

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:10:14, published: 6/26/2023

Reel №1

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... shaft.

Affected cars.

An eyewitness (synchronously).

A police officer (synchronously).

A fire in the Central House of a tourist on Leninsky Prospekt.

Firefighters indoors.

Fire trucks near the building.

Fire extinguishers standing against the wall.

An employee of the department for combating Organized Crime ...

Rolling Stock - 71. 1971

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:14, published: 7/24/2014

Reel №1


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... of a Japanese company.

Compact diesel "FIAT".

Diesels of French companies.

Visitors at the exhibition.

Shock absorbers of the English company.

Fire extinguishers in action.

English diesel locomotive.

The interior of an international carriage.

Oxide and carbon dioxide 1978

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:58, published: 3/24/2023

Reel №2


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... Boiling metal.

Properties and application of carbon dioxide.


Production of carbon dioxide in the Kipp apparatus.

Extinguishing a fire with a fire extinguisher.

Bottles of sparkling water on the conveyor.

Dry ice.


The scheme of soda production by the ammonia-chloride method (animation).

Mountain ...


Highway Patrol Release from 31/07/98 1998

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:08:51, published: 8/13/2016

Reel №1


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... container.

Special forces reveals the truck.

Counterfeit tax stamps.

Trolley caught fire at the Ryazan Avenue.

Burning rod current collector trolley.

The trolley bus driver extinguishes the flame from a fire extinguisher.

Said an employee of SKM.

A grenade and a gas gun.

Work on the restoration of the ...

I squads of young firefighters 1988

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:43, published: 7/24/2014

Reel №1

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The headmaster number '51 Sverdlovsk NM Voronin (synchronously).

Area fire safety fire extinguishers in the classroom.

Pioneers at their desks.

There is a lesson in fire safety.

Fire trucks models on the table.


Pioneers lights go down the dark basement.

Pioneer with a camera.

Pile of newspaper ...

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... newspaper of young firefighters.

Children carved fire models in a circle young technology.

Young firefighters are a lesson in the first class.

First-grade students to answer their questions (synchronously).

Young firefighters talk about putting out a fire in a kindergarten (synchronously).

Children playing ...

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... playing on the court.

In the school gym competition of young firefighters.

Sverdlovsk fire-technical school.

Welcome reception children in the squad of young firefighters.

Veteran fire protection (synchronously).

Children watch the training of the students of the school.

Children driving simulator.

Excursion ...

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... Excursion children in the college.

Firefighter outfit mans machine equipment.

Commander of the guard fire service (synchronously).

A Special Frontier. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:57, published: 11/10/2012


Shevkolovich, BR Filippov in the study.

Says Philip.

The city of Vyborg.

The customs hall.

Says Shevkolovich.

From being inspected by border guards extinguisher emptied hours.

A vehicle with a hiding place.

Contraband magazines.

The apparatus for authentication of documents.

Cadets in the classroom.

Reel №2

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... vehicle, including the rear lights, where he was hiding place.

The border guard with a camera.

The border guard inspects luggage tourist; opens fire extinguisher, he poured out his watch.

Contraband literature (books, magazines).

Foreign tourists.

A car with a hiding place.

Border guards talking to a tourist ...


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