You found 4667 newsreels for query "fire extinguisher"

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"fire extinguisher" newsreels and historical clips

Fire and people 1980

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:17, published: 4/9/2018


On the danger of fires and the work of the fire service.

Reel №1

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Manager of fire protection receives a call about a fire in the apartment.

Fire truck rushes to the call.

Burning objects, the work of fire brigades.

Extinguishing tankers on the water.

Burning oil storage, oil well.

Exhibition of new fire equipment, protection equipment of firefighters.

The entrance ...

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... entrance of the apartment building.

Interviews with residents about fire extinguishers and telephone number of fire protection.

Personnel news.

The fire in the village.

All stewed with snow.

The work of the fire.

Ambulance rides in the national burn centre.

Lucky victims.

The center of the doctor talks about ...



fire, fire protection

Reel №2

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... of firefighting equipment.

Layouts fire trucks.

Visitors view the exhibits.

Demonstration of fire alarm systems.

Layouts of structures and buildings.

Fire tower examines the forest, using binoculars.

Job Manager is the Central point of contact.

The call for the fire.

Interview with center Manager.

Group ...

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... Group photo of veterans of the fire service.

A man sings a song about the fire to the accompaniment of a guitar.

Footage of fighting fires.

Sculptor working on the monument fire.


fire brigade

Lower Povolzhie № 28 1969

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:13, black-white, published: 7/11/2018

Reel №1


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... youth volunteer fire brigades in Saratov, firefighters extinguish the fire, face the audience.

The faces of young firefighters.

The fire brigade in the ranks.

Extinguish the fire using the fire extinguisher.

Young firefighters wear equipment.

The obstacle course with the deployment of fire hose.

Judges ...

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Judges record and discuss the results.

Demonstration of multi-installation for extinguishing fire.

Transportation of pipes for gas pipeline Central Asia - Center.

The driver drinks water from the canister.

Connecting and joining of pipes.

A welder at work.

Tsarev crane operator controls the crane, lifting ...


Your safety 1968

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:11, published: 11/10/2015

Reel №2


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... material.

The assistant's face.

Actions of the locomotive crew in the event of a fire.

extinguishing the fire with an air-foam unit.

Burning wiring.

Extinguishing burning equipment with a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher.

The assistant's face.

View of the railway track.

The driver stops the train.

Forced ...


Soviet Karelia № 8 1965

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:10, published: 12/16/2017


excavations near the village Saynavolok on the shore of lake Onega.

Tourist cruise ship "Ladoga" in the White sea.


I all-Union championship in fire-applied sport.

Reel №1


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... draws.


I All-Union championship in fire-applied sport.

Dynamo Stadium.

Athletes run, overcome obstacles.

Athletes climb with a ladder to the 4th floor.

The athlete climbs on the window.

Athletes extinguish the fire with fire extinguishers.

Spectators in the stands.

Presentation of the ...


penosilikatnymi plate, housewarming, new building, TV, recreation, forage, camera, fire hydrant, competitions,

water tourism, historical monuments, sports,

The first days of the Great Patriotic War 1941

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:36, published: 3/18/2015

Scene №1 The first days of the Great Patriotic War


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... out of the doors of the building.

Members of the sanitary squads receive sanitary bags, stretchers.

Woman gives equipment.

A woman picks up a fire extinguisher.

Woman with medical bag out of the doors of the building.

Medical orderly go to the gathering place.

Members of the squad get medical bag.

A woman ...

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... of the door of the warehouse.

Druzhinnitsy built in the yard and go.

The commander of the fire boat "Chapaevets" an alarm using the ship's bell.

Hand with stopwatch.

The ship's bell, an alarm is triggered.

Fire brigade boat runs out onto the deck.

Firefighters wearing gas masks and helmets.

The boat ...

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... shore.

From the window of the room on a barge is thick smoke.

The jets of water from the board of fire boats.

Burning barge watered.

Extinguish the fire on board the boats.

Firefighters extinguish a fire, standing at the side of the boat.

The boat passes by burning barge spraying it with water.

The boat ...

An Unexpected Accident. 1977

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:50, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


Film about fires and the dedicated work of the Moscow fire brigade.

Reel №1


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... Moscow River - Various.

Attendant on the fire department receives a call (synchronous), an alarm is triggered - MS., CU.

Dress Fire Alarm, get in the car, go fire trucks out of the garage - different.

Fire (burning wooden house) - CU., PNRM.

The street fire truck rides - MS.

At the doctor's office ...

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House is on fire, firefighters carry hoses, ladder, fire fighting.

Burnt house, firefighters are - different., PNRM.

Items are on the table: the burnt kettle, iron, motor - CU.

Photo: Burned room, burned house.

Hall of the Moscow permanent fire safety exhibition - LS., PNRM.

Layouts fire tower and ...

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... and fire the last century - CU.

Newsreel 1910.:

Firefighters in a cart in a hurry to the fire.

Burning building small theater, firefighters extinguish a fire - LS., MS.

Arts Theater building on Tverskoy Boulevard - LS.

Special fire suppression system, as shown in the layout of the building on Tverskoy ...

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... and fire control equipment duty telephone operators receive and transmit calls (synchronous) - MS., CU.

The man in the center of the fire control equipment passes the call (synchronous) - MS.

Move out of the garage fire engines, firefighters sitting in the car - MS., CU.

Extinguishing a fire (burning ...


Reel №2

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Firefighter said on the radio.

Firefighters extinguish a fire (burning the last floor of an apartment house): climb the stairs, pull the hose, the fire in the window - different., PNRM.

Photo: Firefighters extinguish a fire - LS., MS.

Burning building - MS.

Lit store building - different.

At the ...

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... building as smoke, fire directed into the basement foam fire extinguisher - different.

Various photos of fires, burn victims.

Burning building.

Firefighters climb the stairs, dragging hoses.

Water jet.

Tractor on fire.

Burning ship.

Burning taiga - LS., Above.

People put out a forest fire - different ...

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... different., Panorama.

Passing fire trucks.

On air routes № 4 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:56, published: 1/24/2014

Reel №1 Airways number 4


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... International Exhibition "The use of aviation in the national economy."

Exposure - Soviet models MI-26 Aeroflot.

The Finnish firm "Lauer" is for fire extinguishers and helicopter design for heating aircraft and helicopters in the field.

Finnish company «AJOKKI OY» exhibits a special car for clearing ice ...


Achilles' heel 1968

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:20:18, black-white, published: 3/5/2018

Reel №2


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Supply of fire alarm.

Team dredge begins to extinguish the fire on the deck.

Work opens the faucet a fire hose, the water breaks through the cracks in the hose.

Empty fire shield with missing fire extinguishers.

The lack of fire buckets and sand fire box.

Smoke bomb on the deck of the dredger.

Fire fighting ...

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... fighting equipment on Board.

Fire buckets in place of the shield.

Water comes out of holes in the rusted polovogo.

The workers go to the dredger to prepare for the repair of the pipe and pontoon, one of them falls into the water.

The water shoots out of the hole.

Workers climb the ladder and go to the dredger ...




International competitions 30th Baltic regatta.

3. FIFA World Cup volleyball women's teams.

4. Competition teams of socialist countries in fire sport.

Reel №1


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... Riga.

Orchestra plays the Voluntary Fire Society.

The stadium are participating teams competition in fire sport.

Athletes before the competition; sit Cuban athletes.

Launch competition - are running athletes with ladders, climb on the roofs of houses layouts.

Fire Relay - Athletes with hoses running ...

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... along the log, connect the hose, passed the baton, run with a fire extinguisher, extinguish the flame.

Athlete finishes.

Attack Attack of the tower - the athletes climb the stairs to the tower.

Viewing audience.

Combat deployment of fire hoses.

On the podium the team of the USSR, Cuba and Czechoslovakia ...


Safety of construction work at height 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:48, published: 5/17/2018

Reel №1


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... the worker slips.

The fence is made 3-element and must withstand a lateral load of at least 70 kg.

The steps of the stairs.

Fire-fighting equipment - sand and fire extinguishers on the scaffolding site.

If the work is carried out at a height of more than 6 meters, a second flooring is made - protective ...


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