You found 508 newsreels for query "hut"

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"hut" newsreels and historical clips

The younger brother of a beaver. 1987

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:21, published: 2/8/2017

Reel №1

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... Solovetsky Monastery.

Release of muskrats on the shore of Lake Nekrasovskoye.

The muskrat gets out of the box and goes down to the water.

Muskrat hut.

Muskrat in a hut.

Muskrat cubs.

An owl on a branch.

Muskrats in the water.

A ferret attacks a muskrat.

Muskrat washes.

Evening landscape.

The guerrillas 1942

Footage, 158 footages, duration: 1:03:32, published: 5/21/2020

Scene №139

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A burning hut.

The burning village.

Scene №144

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Printing leaflets in the hut.

Scene №93

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Burning huts.

Where the Motherland begins 1973

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:13:29, published: 3/1/2021

Reel №1


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... cart by the bridle.

Village hut.

Hitting a window with a carved platband.

A woman knits, a girl next to her looks attentively and listens.

A woman spins a thread.

A woman with Udmurt national ornaments is sitting in a hut. F. Gilmanov considers them.

The decoration of the hut.

a woman plays a national ...

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... national instrument and sings.

Pioneers with a counselor sing along.

Men are building a hut.

The boys are helping.

A few old ladies are sitting on a bench by the woodpile.

Schoolchildren enter the school, take off their shoes.

Exhibits of the school museum (archaeological finds, national clothes).

Women in national ...

Curtsey in Slavatinskii parish 1924-1925

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:00:57, published: 7/30/2020

Scene №1 Curtsey in Slavatinskii parish

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Eared field.

Chefs come out of the hut, sitting around the house.

Odya 2003

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:06, published: 4/6/2023

Movie №1

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... interior of the hut.

A bucket of water falls from a stool under the washbasin.

Children make a bonfire on the riverbank.

A woman comes out of a dilapidated hut and goes into the field.

A man on a boat is sailing along an overgrown bayou.

Feet stick out of a haystack.

A woman enters the hut.

A woman sits ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... the water.

A man drags a huge branch across the yard.

A woman draws water from a well.

Children climb the stairs to the porch.

Wooden hut.

Men are having lunch in the hut.

The man takes out a trap hidden in the branches, checks its work.

A man with a braided pestle behind his back is walking through the ...


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... boat with a woman and a goat floats on the river.

A man pulls a cone-shaped net out of the water.

A group of people performs some kind of ritual in the hut.

Women in the forest.

Close-up: hands scoop up the earth, wrap it in a cloth.

A man walks along the riverbank.

Two women are sailing in a boat.

Materials for the film " the Nativity of the most Holy Theotokos" 1992

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:22:56, published: 10/28/2020

Scene №3

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Novgorod Kremlin.

Different temples.

Open-air Museum of wooden architecture (mills, churches, huts, etc.).

Fragments of the d/f " Prosperous life" 1936

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:00:39, published: 11/24/2020

Scene №2

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An elderly woman sets the table in the hut.

Portrait of Stalin on the wall.

Leonid Kruglov and Oleg Aliev in New Guinea 2001-2002

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:02, published: 2/20/2018

Scene №1 Leonid Kruglov and Oleg Aliev in New Guinea


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... Rest on a halt.

Bonfire in the hut, Aborigines paint on children's faces.

People are dancing in the hut.

The men are sitting on the floor.

Children play a ritual game.

Movement along the river, types of banks.

Wooden flooring in the water.

A man is smoking near the hut.

Leonid Kruglov with a camera. ...


On the trail of Bigfoot. 1988

Documentary, 8 parts, duration: 1:12:06, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №7


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... settlement of African pygmies.


Squad goes into the jungle.

A man cuts the branches of bushes.

Woman builds a hut.

A man collects the water in the river.

Woman with child covers hut leaves.

Sleeping Cordylidae.

A man collects the chips and dust.

A woman with a baby.

Making fire.

Child sitting under ...

Africa 1975

Footage, 10 footages, duration: 0:31:32, published: 11/1/2022

Scene №1 Benin

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Driving along the road past the huts.

The center of the settlement.


Planting of palm trees.

Driving along the road past one-story and two-story buildings.

The Monoprix store.

The central square.

Scene №3

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Huts on stilts in the water,

Boats on the river.

The "water" village.

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