You found 8316 newsreels for query "military airport"

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"military airport" newsreels and historical clips

Airports in Moscow 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:22:41, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Airports in Moscow

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... Rudakova Interview - Director International airport "Domodedovo" - on the order of the airport, the transport carried out by the airport, a comparison with other Moscow airports.

Planes on the tarmac.

Plane takes off.

Interview with General Director of the airport "Bykovo" G.Sytnika.


Rudakov S.V. -- Director of the airport "Domodedovo"

Sitnik G. -- Director of the airport "Bykovo"

Customs 1990-1999

News, 1 footage, duration: 0:08:46, published: 5/16/2013

Scene №1 Customs

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Report on the work of customs services of the airport Sheremetyevo.

Antiquities were confiscated from smugglers by customs Moscow: blade, pattern, icons, carpets.

Interview Head of Customs Service (synchronously).

Customs work.

Confiscated lot of scarce medicines.

Customs officers inspect a man, find ...

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... representative of the State Customs Committee of Russia (synchronously).

The confiscated works of art: icons, coins, medals, etc.

The airport Sheremetyevo.

The passengers in the airport lounge.

The plane on the tarmac, unloading luggage.

Hotel "Novotel" in Sheremetyevo.

Customs officers confiscated a gun review ...

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Visit BN Yeltsin in China 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:28:12, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Visit BN Yeltsin in China

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... landscape (from the window).

Beijing Airport.

Should the aircraft.

Yuri Luzhkov at the plane.

Taxis the aircraft.

Descend the ladder, BN Yeltsin and N. Yeltsin.

Hello from occurring.

Yeltsin gives an interview to the correspondents.



Chinese military.

The airport building.

Government vehicles ...

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... vehicles.

Near the Chinese military machine.

The road to the traffic (from the motion of the car window).

Rides with the horses on the road.

The entrance to the city: buildings, people on the streets.

The mountain scenery.

Street Beijing market.

Buyers are foreign to the market.

The tourists on the streets ...


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... after the tour.

He was welcomed by local residents.

Down, Yuri Luzhkov.

The Russian delegation is seated on the machines.

The cortege departs.

Chinese military.

Great Wall of China.


Cars pass under the arch.

The road in the mountains and landscapes.

Transport 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:44:47, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Transport

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Washing of the subway cars, the test train.

The airport "Sheremetyevo-2".

People in the subway, on the platform, go into the cars, go to the escalator, the crowd in the subway.

The train pulls into the station, "Red Gate" to station "Komsomolskaya", people in cars, on a platform at the junction, signs ...


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... gasoline A-92.

The queue of cars at gas station.

Airport tarmac, the aircraft on the field, landing a plane, go through the military.

The airport of Ulyanovsk, empty halls airport.

Are the planes.

Technicians check the plane.

Lands plane of "Aeroflot".

The airport in Ulyanovsk.

The pilots in the cockpit.

Head ...

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... Head of the Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation School Aviation said the situation with financing college.

Airport staff said non-payment of wages.

Airport "Sheremetyevo": sign, aircraft on the field.

The aircraft of the United States in the field, leave the passengers.





Motor ship

The river port


Foreign newsreels № 3747 1974

News, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:58, published: 2/5/2016


Special Issue "eye witness", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the enemy blockade. 1947 - military ceremony at the airport in Germany, Defense Minister Leber.

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The airport "Domodedovo" 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:23:59, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 The airport "Domodedovo"

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Passengers at the airport "Domodedovo".

Cars in front of the airport.

Crow on a fence.

People at the airport.

Flight to Aktobe.

The view from the airport to the aircraft on the runway.

The Waiting Room.

Scoreboard airport.

A small child in the waiting room.

Passengers from Central Asia in the hall.

People ...

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... - Facilities.

Interview flown passengers at the airport.

IL-76 on the airfield.

The different planes on the tarmac.

Landing aircraft.

Airplanes of "Aeroflot".

The IL-62M at the airport.


S.V.Rudakova Interview - Director International airport "Domodedovo" - the reconstruction of the terminal ...


Rudakov S.V. -- Director of the airport "Domodedovo"

Airport "Pulkovo" 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:15:29, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Airport "Pulkovo"

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... building of the airport, the passengers are.

Should the aircraft is parked.

The airport "St.

Petersburg" ("Pulkovo").

Flight attendants in the cabin (without passengers).

Should the aircraft in the parking lot, drive up the ladder, go passengers, car rides for the suitcases.

Dispatchers airport.

Planes in ...

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... Tu-154.

Hall of the airport.

Said the head of the airport, Boris Demchenko: the organization of supply, the management of the airport, on the financing, the new scheduled flights.

The shop cooking food for airlines.

Packaging and Packing snacks and lunches.

VIP lounge of the airport.


Demchenko B.G. -- Director General of the airport "Pulkovo"

Military exercises 1998-2003

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:21:06, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Military exercises

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... column of tanks.

The tanks are moving over rough terrain.

The soldiers sitting on tanks.

Rocket Launcher.

Military aircraft at the airport, take off the aircraft.

Construction of the soldiers.

Military aircraft take off from an airfield.

The pilots sit in a plane.

Airplane in the sky performs aerobatics ...



The military unit


Military airfield

The arrival of Winston Churchill in Moscow 1942

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:08:57, published: 4/8/2016

Scene №1 The arrival of Winston Churchill in Moscow

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... Tymoshenko SK

American and British military attache at the airport.

Molotov greeted with British and American diplomats.

Faces of Soviet military and foreign diplomats.

Molotov talks to one of the diplomats.

Those diplomats.

Molotov's face.

Molotov and his entourage at the airport in anticipation of landing ...

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... the plane Churchill.

On the landing comes the American plane.

Molotov and foreign diplomats watching the landing aircraft.

US aircraft landed at the airport.

Type nose of the aircraft.

Over the airfield flying aircraft and landing, the landing of the aircraft.

Molotov and his party go to the plane, the ...

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... American plane.

American pilots in the aircraft.

Soviet military salute.

Molotov, Churchill and their accompanying persons during the national anthems of the USSR, the USA and the UK, individuals Churchill Harriman and Molotov.

Foreign military attaches salute.

Tymoshenko, Churchill Harriman, Molotov ...

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... Churchill at the airport says the welcome speech, standing next to Molotov.

Harriman says the welcome speech, Molotov listens to an interpreter.

Churchill and Molotov go to cars, Churchill shows two fingers the letter V.

Diplomats sit in cars.

Check out the motorcade from the airport.

Churchill's motorcade ...

Solovki (Solovki prison camp). 1927

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 1:19:15, published: 11/14/2012

Movie №1 Solovki (Solovki prison camp).

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... parade of athletes on Red Square, an honor guard at the tomb of rural correspondent Zakharova, the guard on duty, military aircraft at the airport, in the air, naval vessels at sea, a military parade on Red Square.


Lubyanka building of the OGPU. The train moves by rail (route "Moscow - Leningrad ...


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